Multivariate Analysis Using Biplots in R

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Documentation for package ‘MultBiplotR’ version 23.11.0

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MultBiplotR-package Multivariate Analysis using Biplots

-- A --

AddBinVars2Biplot Add suplementary binary variables to a biplot
AddCluster2Biplot Add clusters to a biplot object
AddContVars2Biplot Adds supplementary continuous variables to a biplot object
AddOrdVars2Biplot Adds supplementary ordinal variables to an existing biplot objects.
AddSupVars2Biplot Adds supplementary variables to a biplot object
anova.RidgeBinaryLogistic Compares two binary logistic models

-- B --

Bartlett.Tests Bartlett tests
BasicDescription Basic descriptive sataistics
BinaryDistances Binary Distances
BinaryLogBiplotEM Binary logistic biplot with the EM algorithm.
BinaryLogBiplotGD Binary Logistic Biplot with Gradient Descent Estimation
BinaryLogBiplotGDRecursive Binary Logistic Biplot with Recursive Gradient Descent Estimation
BinaryLogBiplotJoint Binary logistic biplot with a gradient descent algorithm.
BinaryLogBiplotMirt Binary logistic biplot with Item Response Theory.
BinaryLogisticBiplot Binary Logistic Biplot
BinaryPLSFit Binary PLS Regression.
BinaryPLSR Partial Least Squares Regression with Binary Data
BinaryProximities Proximity Measures for Binary Data
Biplot.BinaryPLSR Biplot for a PLSR model with binary data
Biplot.PLSR Partial Least Squares Biplot
Biplot.PLSR1BIN Biplot for a PLSR model with a binary response
Biplot.PLSRBIN Biplot for a PLSR model with binary responses
BiplotFPCA External Biplot for functional data from a functional PCA object.
BootstrapDistance Bootstrap on the distance matrices used for Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA)
BootstrapScalar Bootstrap on the scalar product matrices used for Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA)
BootstrapSmacof Bootstrap on the distance matrices used for MDS with Smacof
BoxPlotPanel Panel of box plots

-- C --

CA Correspondence Analysis
Canonical.Variate.Analysis Biplot representation of a Canonical Variate Analysis or a Manova (Canonical-Biplot or MANOVA-Biplot)
CanonicalBiplot Biplot representation of a Canonical Variate Analysis or a Manova (Canonical-Biplot or MANOVA-Biplot)
CanonicalDistanceAnalysis MANOVA and Canonical Analysis of Distances
CanonicalStatisBiplot CANONICAL STATIS-ACT for multiple tables with common rows and its associated Biplot
CategoricalDistances Distances among individuals using nominal variables.
CategoricalProximities Proximities among individuals using nominal variables.
CCA Canonical Correspondence Analysis
CheckBinaryMatrix Checks if a data matrix is binary
CheckBinaryVector Checks if a vector is binary
Chemical Chemical data
Circle Draws a circle
Coinertia Coinertia Analysis.
ColContributionPlot Plots the contributios of a biplot
ConcEllipse Concentration ellipse for a se of two-dimensional points
ConfidenceInterval Confidence Interval for the mean
ConstrainedLogisticBiplot Constrained Binary Logistic Biplot
ConstrainedOrdinalLogisticBiplot Constrained Ordinal Logistic Biplot
ContinuousDistances Distances for Continuous Data
ContinuousProximities Proximities for Continuous Data
Convert2ThreeWay Three way array from a two way matrix
Convert3wArray2List Converts a three way array into a list
ConvertFactors2Integers Convert a factor to integer numbers
ConvertList23wArray Converts a list of matrices into a three way array
CorrelationCircle Circle of correlations
CrissCross Alternated Least Squares Biplot
CumSum Cummulative sums

-- D --

Dataframe2BinaryMatrix Converts a Data Frame into a Binary Data Matrix
DataFrame2Matrix4Regression Prepares a matrix for regression from a data frame
DensityBiplot Adds Non-parametric densities to a biplot. Separated densities are calculated for different clusters
Dhats Calculation of Disparities
diagonal Diagonal matrix from a vector
DimensionLabels Labels for the selected dimensions in a biplot
dlines Connects two sets of points by lines
Doctors Data set extracted from the Careers of doctorate holders survey carried out by Spanish Statistical Office in 2008.

-- E --

ErrorBarPlotPanel Plots a panel of error bars
EuclideanDistance Classical Euclidean Distance (Pythagorean Distance)
ExpandTable Expands a compressed table of patterns and frequencies
ExternalBinaryLogisticBiplot External Logistic Biplot for binary Data
ExtractTable Extracts unique patterns and its frequencies for a discrete data matrix (numeric)

-- F --

FA.Biplot Biplot for Factor Analysis.
Factor2Binary Converts a Factor into its indicator matrix
Fraction Selection of a fraction of the data

-- G --

Games_Howell Games-Howell post-hoc tests for Welch's one-way analysis
GD.Biplot Biplot for continuous data based on gradient descent methods
GeneralizedProcrustes Generalized Procrustes Analysis
GetBiplotScales Calculates the scales for the variables on a linear biplot
GetCCAScales Calculates scales for plotting the environmental variables in a Canonical Correspondence Analysis
ginv G inverse
GowerProximities Gower Dissimilarities for mixed types of data
GowerSimilarities Gower Dissimilarities for mixed types of data

-- H --

Hermquad Gauss-Hermite quadrature
HistogramPanel Panel of histograms
HJ.Biplot HJ Biplot with added features.

-- I --

InBox Checks if a point is inside a box.
InitialTransform Initial transformation of data
Integer2Binary Transforms an Integer Variable into a Binary Variable

-- K --

Kruskal.Wallis.Tests Kruskal Wallis Tests

-- L --

Levene.Tests Levene Tests
LogFrequencyBiplot Weighted Biplot for a table of frequencies
logit Logit function

-- M --

Matrix2Proximities Matrix to Proximities
matrixsqrt Matrix squared root
matrixsqrtinv Inverse of the Matrix squared root
MDS Multidimensional Scaling
MGC Mixture Gaussian Clustering
MonotoneRegression Weighted Isotonic Regression (Weighted Monotone Regression)
moth Moth data
MultBiplot Multivariate Analysis using Biplots
Multiquad Multidimensional Gauss-Hermite quadrature
MultiTableStatistics Statistics for multiple tables
MultiTableTransform Initial Transformation of a multi table object

-- N --

NiceNumber Nice numbers: simple decimal numbers
NIPALS.Biplot Biplot using the NIPALS algorithm
NominalDistances Distances among individuals with nominal variables
NormalityTests Normality tests
Numeric2Binary Converts a numeric variable into a binary one

-- O --

ones Matrix of ones
OrdinalLogisticFit Fits an ordinal logistic regression with ridge penalization
OrdLogBipEM Alternated EM algorithm for Ordinal Logistic Biplots
OrdVarBiplot Plots an ordinal variable on the biplot
OrdVarCoordinates Coordinates of an ordinal variable on the biplot.
OrthogonalizeScores Orthogonalize a set of Scores calculated by other procedure

-- P --

PCA.Analysis Classical PCA Biplot with added features.
PCA.Biplot Classical PCA Biplot with added features.
PCA.Bootstrap Principal Components Analysis with bootstrap confidence intervals.
plot.Binary.Logistic.Biplot Plots the results of a Binary Logistic Biplot
plot.CA.sol Plot the solution of a Coorespondence Analysis
plot.Canonical.Biplot Plots a Canonical Biplot
plot.CanonicalDistanceAnalysis Plots a Canonical Distance Analysis
plot.CCA.sol Plots the solution of a Canonical Correspondence Analysisis
plot.ContinuousBiplot Plots a biplot for continuous data.
plot.CVA Plot of a Canonical Variate Analysis
plot.ellipse Plot a concentration ellipse.
plot.External.Binary.Logistic.Biplot Plots an External Logistic Biplot for binary data
plot.fraction Plots a fraction of the data as a cluster
plot.MGC Plot the results of Model-Based Gaussian Clustering algorithms
plot.Ordinal.Logistic.Biplot Plots an ordinal Logistic Biplot
plot.PCA.Analysis Plots a Principal Component Analysis
plot.PCA.Bootstrap Plots the Bootstrap information for Principal Components Analysis (PCA)
plot.PCoABootstrap Plots an object of class PCoABootstrap
plot.Principal.Coordinates Plots an object of class Principal.Coordinates
plot.Procrustes Plots an object of class "Procrustes"
plot.StatisBiplot Plots a Statis Biplot Object
plot.TetraDualStatis Plots an object of class "tetraDualStatis".
plot.Unfolding Plots an Unfolding Representation
PlotBiplotClusters Plot clusters on a biplot.
PlotOrdinalResponses Plot the response functions along the directions of best fit.
PLSR Partial Least Squares Regression
PLSR1Bin Partial Least Squares Regression with Binary Response
PLSRBin Partial Least Squares Regression with several Binary Responses
PLSRBinFit PLS binary regression.
PLSRfit Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR)
PoliticalFigures Political Figures in the USA
PolyOrdinalLogBiplot Factor Analysis Biplot based on polychoric correlations
PrettyTicks Calculates loose axis ticks and labels using nice numbers
PrincipalCoordinates Principal Coordinates Analysis
print.MGC Prints the results of Model-Based Gaussian Clustering algorithms
print.RidgeBinaryLogistic prints an object of class RidgeBinaryLogistic
Protein Protein consumption data.

-- R --

RAPD Sugar Cane Data
RemoveRowsWithNaNs Remove rows that contains NaNs (missing data)
riano Ecological data from Riano (Spain)
RidgeBinaryLogistic Ridge Binary Logistic Regression for Binary data
RidgeBinaryLogisticFit Fits a binary logistic regression with ridge penalization
RidgeMultinomialLogisticFit Multinomial logistic regression with ridge penalization
RidgeMultinomialLogisticRegression Ridge Multinomial Logistic Regression
RidgeOrdinalLogistic Ordinal logistic regression with ridge penalization

-- S --

scores.CCA.sol Extract the scores of a CCA solution object
SeparateVarTypes Separation of different types of variables into a list
SimpleProcrustes Simple Procrustes Analysis
smoking Smoking habits
Sparse.NIPALSPCA Sparse version of the NIPALS algorithm for PCA.
spiders Hunting Spiders Data
SpidersEnv Hunting spiders environmental data.
SpidersSp Hunting Spiders Data
SSI Sustainability Society Index
SSI3w Sustainability Society Index (3w)
SSIEcon3w Sustainability Society Index
SSIEnvir3w Sustainability Society Index
SSIHuman3w Sustainability Society Index
StatisBiplot STATIS-ACT for multiple tables with common rows and its associated Biplot
summary.Canonical.Biplot Summary of the solution of a Canonical Biplot Analysis
summary.CCA.sol Summary of the solution of a CCA
summary.ContinuousBiplot Summary of the solution of a Biplot for Continuous Data
summary.CVA Summary of a Canonical Variate Analysis
summary.MGC Summary of Model-Based Gaussian Clustering results
summary.PCA.Analysis Summary of the results of a PCA.
summary.PCA.Bootstrap Summary of a PCA.Bootstrap object
summary.PLSR Summary of a PLSR object
summary.PLSR1Bin Summary of PLSR with a Binary Response
summary.Principal.Coordinates Summary of the results of a Principal Coordinates Analysis
summary.RidgeBinaryLogistic Summary of a Binary Logistic Regression with Ridge Penalization
summary.TetraDualStatis Summary of the results of TetraDualStatis

-- T --

t3pcovr Tucker 3 Principal Covariates Regression
TetraDualStatis Dual STATIS-ACT for binary data based on Tetrachoric Correlations
textsmart Labels of a Scatter
Three2TwoWay Converts a multitable list to a two way matrix
ThreeWay2FrontalSlices Three to two way data
TransformIni Initial transformation of a data matrix
Truncated.NIPALSPCA Truncated version of the NIPALS algorithm for PCA.

-- U --

Unfolding Multidimensional Unfolding

-- V --

VarBiplot Draws a variable on a biplot

-- W --

wa Extracts the weighted averages of a CCA solution
wcor Weighted correlations
weighted.quantile Weighted quantiles
WeightedPCoA Weighted Principal Coordinates Analysis
wine Wine data

-- Z --

zeros Matrix of zeros as in Matlab