Modular Breeding Program Simulator

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Documentation for package ‘MoBPS’ version 1.6.64

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-- A --

add.array Add a genotyping array
add.combi Add a trait as a linear combination of other traits
add.diag Add something to the diagonal
add.founder.kinship Add a relationship matrix for founder individuals
alpha_to_beta Moore-Penrose-Transfomration Analyze genomic values
analyze.population Analyze allele frequency of a single marker

-- B --

bit.snps Decoding of bitwise-storing in R
bit.storing Bitwise-storing in R
breeding.diploid Breeding function
breeding.intern Internal function to simulate one meiosis
bv.development Development of genetic/breeding value Development of genetic/breeding value using a boxplot
bv.standardization BV standardization

-- C -- Calculate breeding values
cattle_chip Cattle chip
check.parents Relatedness check between two individuals
chicken_chip chicken chip
clean.up Clean-up recombination points
codeOriginsR Origins-coding(R)
combine.traits Combine traits
compute.costs Compute costs of a breeding program
compute.costs.cohorts Compute costs of a breeding program by cohorts
compute.snps Compute genotype/haplotype
compute.snps_single Compute genotype/haplotype in gene editing application
creating.diploid Generation of the starting population
creating.phenotypic.transform Create a phenotypic transformation
creating.trait Generation of genomic traits

-- D --

decodeOriginsR Origins-Decoding(R)
demiraculix Remove miraculix-coding for genotypes
derive.loop.elements Derive loop elements
diag.mobps Add a genotyping array

-- E --

edges.fromto Detection of parental/child nodes
edit_animal Internal gene editing function
effect.estimate.add Estimation of marker effects
effective.size Estimate effective population size
epi Martini-Test function
ex_json ex_json
ex_pop ex_pop

-- F --

find.chromo Position detection (chromosome)
find.snpbefore Position detection (SNPs)
founder.simulation Founder simulation

-- G --

generation.individual Function to generate a new individual
get.admixture Admixture Plot
get.age.point Derive age point Export underlying true breeding values
get.bve Export estimated breeding values
get.class Derive class
get.cohorts Export Cohort-names
get.creating.type Derive creating type
get.cullingtime Derive time of culling
get.database gen/database/cohorts conversion
get.death.point Derive death point
get.dendrogram Dendrogram
get.dendrogram.heatmap Dendrogram Heatmap
get.dendrogram.trait Dendrogram
get.distance Calculate Nei distance between two or more population
get.effect.freq Compute marker frequency in QTL-markers
get.effective.size Estimate effective population size
get.geno Derive genotypes of selected individuals
get.genotyped Derive genotyping status
get.genotyped.snp Derive which markers are genotyped of selected individuals
get.haplo Derive haplotypes of selected individuals Derive ID on an individual
get.individual.loc Export location of individuals from the population list
get.infos Extract bv/pheno/geno of selected individuals Map generation
get.npheno Export underlying number of observations per phenotype
get.pca Principle components analysis
get.pedigree Derive pedigree
get.pedigree2 Derive pedigree including grandparents
get.pedigree3 Derive pedigree parents and grandparents
get.pedmap Generate plink-file (pedmap)
get.pheno Export underlying phenotypes Export underlying offspring phenotypes Export underlying number of used offspring for offspring phenotypes
get.phylogenetic.tree Phylogenetic Tree
get.qtl QTL extraction
get.qtl.effects QTL effect extraction
get.qtl.variance QTL effect variance extraction
get.recombi Derive genetic origins
get.reliabilities Export underlying reliabilities
get.selectionbve Export derived breeding values based on the selection index
get.selectionindex Export underlying last used selection index
get.time.point Derive time point
get.vcf Generate vcf-file
group.diff Function to exclude individuals from a database

-- I --

insert.bve Manually enter estimated breeding values

-- J --

json.simulation Simulation of a breeding program based on a JSON-file from MoBPSweb

-- K --

kinship.development Devolopment of genetic/breeding value
kinship.emp Empirical kinship Approximate empirical kinship
kinship.exp Derive expected kinship

-- L --

ld.decay Generate LD plot

-- M --

maize_chip maize chip
miesenberger.index Miesenberger Index
miraculix Add miraculix-coding for genotypes
mutation.intro Mutation intro

-- N --

new.base.generation Set new base generation

-- O --

OGC Optimal genetic contribution

-- P --

pedigree.simulation Simulation of a given pedigree Internal function to perform imputing/phasing
pig_chip pig chip
plot.population Plot Population

-- S --

set.class Export estimated breeding values
set.default Set defaults
sheep_chip sheep chip
sortd Apply sort and unique
ssGBLUP Single Step GBLUP
summary.population Summary Population

-- V --

vlist Generation of a sublist