Meta-Analysis of Gene Expression Data

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Documentation for package ‘MetaIntegrator’ version 2.1.3

Help Pages

backwardSearch Backward Search Function
calcMetaPower Calculates the statistical power of a random effects meta-analysis
calculateROC Calculate ROC Curve Statistics
calculateScore Calculate a signature Z-score for a set of genes in a single dataset
checkDataObject Check for errors in objects used for analysis
classFunction Helper function to build the class vector
cleanUpPheno Automatic preprocessing of $pheno dataframe
coconutMetaIntegrator A wrapper function to run COCONUT on the MetaIntegrator objects.
ens_ensgID_table ENSEMBL gene id table cache
ens_entrez_table ENSEMBL entrez table cache
filterGenes Filter out significant genes from meta-analysis results
forestPlot Compare effect sizes of a gene across all datasets in meta-analysis
forwardSearch Forward Search Function
geneSymbolCorrection Correct/update gene symbols in a metaObject
getGEOData GEO download/processing through GEOquery
getMostRecentFilter Get name of most recent filter
getSampleLevelGeneData Extract gene-level data from a given data object
ggForestPlot Compare effect sizes of a gene across all datasets in meta-analysis
heatmapPlot Generates a heatmap with effect sizes for all genes which pass a filter in all measured diseases
immunoStatesDecov immunoStates deconvolution analysis on MetaIntegrator object(s)
immunoStatesGenePropCorr Correct gene expression using cell proportions from immunoStates
immunoStatesMatrix immunoStates basis matrix
immunoStatesMeta immunoStates deconvolution analysis on MetaIntegrator object(s)
imputeSex Imputes biological sex of each sample in a Dataset object
lincsBaitCorr Run Shane's LINCS bait-based correlation on MetaIntegrator
lincsCorrelate Run Shane's LINCS Correlate on MetaIntegrator
lincsTools Run Shane's LINCS Tools on MetaIntegrator
manhattanPlot Generates a Manhattan plot with effect size FDR as y-axis
MetaIntegrator MetaIntegrator package for meta-analysis of gene expression data
multiplePRCPlot Generate a plot with multiple PRC curves
multipleROCPlot Generate a plot with multiple ROC curves
pooledROCPlot Generate a plot with a pooled ROC curve
prcPlot Plot the PRC Curve for a Dataset
predvalPlot Plot positive and negative predictive values across different prevalences
regressionPlot Generate a plot which draws a regression line between the Meta Score and a continuous variable phenotype.
rocPlot Plot ROC Curve for a Dataset
runMetaAnalysis Run the meta-analysis algorithm
subsetOriginalData Subset samples for a particular dataset
summarizeFilterResults Summarize the filtered analysis results
summaryROCCalc Calculate the summaryROC statistics
summaryROCPlot Generate a plot with a summary ROC curve
tinyMetaObject A Tiny MetaObject
ucsc_genbank_table UCSC genbank table cache
ucsc_refseq_table UCSC refseq table cache
violinPlot Compare groups within a single dataset in a violin plot