bench.GNE |
Benchmark function |
bench.GNE.ceq |
Benchmark function |
bench.GNE.fpeq |
Benchmark function |
bench.GNE.minpb |
Benchmark function |
bench.GNE.nseq |
Benchmark function |
Constrained Equation Reformulation |
compl.par |
Complementarity functions |
complementarity |
Complementarity functions |
decrstep |
Step functions |
decrstep10 |
Step functions |
decrstep20 |
Step functions |
decrstep5 |
Step functions |
eqsolve |
Solving non linear equations |
fpNIR |
Nikaido Isoda Reformulation |
fpVIR |
Nikaido Isoda Reformulation |
funCER |
Constrained Equation Reformulation |
funSSR |
SemiSmooth Reformulation |
gapNIR |
Nikaido Isoda Reformulation |
gapVIR |
Nikaido Isoda Reformulation |
GNE package |
GNE.ceq |
Constrained equation reformulation of the GNE problem. |
GNE.fpeq |
Fixed point equation reformulation of the GNE problem. |
GNE.minpb |
Non smooth equation reformulation of the GNE problem. |
GNE.nseq |
Non smooth equation reformulation of the GNE problem. |
gradpotential.ce |
Potential reduction algorithm utility functions |
gradpsi.ce |
Potential reduction algorithm utility functions |
gradxgapNIR |
Nikaido Isoda Reformulation |
gradxgapVIR |
Nikaido Isoda Reformulation |
gradygapNIR |
Nikaido Isoda Reformulation |
gradygapVIR |
Nikaido Isoda Reformulation |
GrAphiFB |
Complementarity functions |
GrAphiKK |
Complementarity functions |
GrAphiLT |
Complementarity functions |
GrAphiMan |
Complementarity functions |
GrAphiMin |
Complementarity functions |
GrAphipFB |
Complementarity functions |
GrAphirFB |
Complementarity functions |
GrBphiFB |
Complementarity functions |
GrBphiKK |
Complementarity functions |
GrBphiLT |
Complementarity functions |
GrBphiMan |
Complementarity functions |
GrBphiMin |
Complementarity functions |
GrBphipFB |
Complementarity functions |
GrBphirFB |
Complementarity functions |
jacCER |
Constrained Equation Reformulation |
jacSSR |
SemiSmooth Reformulation |
phiFB |
Complementarity functions |
phiKK |
Complementarity functions |
phiLT |
Complementarity functions |
phiMan |
Complementarity functions |
phiMin |
Complementarity functions |
phipFB |
Complementarity functions |
phirFB |
Complementarity functions |
potential.ce |
Potential reduction algorithm utility functions |
print.compl.par |
Complementarity functions |
Projector |
Projection of a point on a set |
projector |
Projection of a point on a set |
psi.ce |
Potential reduction algorithm utility functions |
purestep |
Step functions |
rejection |
Rejection method for random generation. |
SemiSmooth Reformulation |
stepfunc |
Step functions |
summary.compl.par |
Complementarity functions |