Computation of Generalized Nash Equilibria

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Documentation for package ‘GNE’ version 0.99-5

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bench.GNE Benchmark function
bench.GNE.ceq Benchmark function
bench.GNE.fpeq Benchmark function
bench.GNE.minpb Benchmark function
bench.GNE.nseq Benchmark function
CER Constrained Equation Reformulation
compl.par Complementarity functions
complementarity Complementarity functions
decrstep Step functions
decrstep10 Step functions
decrstep20 Step functions
decrstep5 Step functions
eqsolve Solving non linear equations
fpNIR Nikaido Isoda Reformulation
fpVIR Nikaido Isoda Reformulation
funCER Constrained Equation Reformulation
funSSR SemiSmooth Reformulation
gapNIR Nikaido Isoda Reformulation
gapVIR Nikaido Isoda Reformulation
GNE GNE package
GNE.ceq Constrained equation reformulation of the GNE problem.
GNE.fpeq Fixed point equation reformulation of the GNE problem.
GNE.minpb Non smooth equation reformulation of the GNE problem.
GNE.nseq Non smooth equation reformulation of the GNE problem.
gradpotential.ce Potential reduction algorithm utility functions
gradpsi.ce Potential reduction algorithm utility functions
gradxgapNIR Nikaido Isoda Reformulation
gradxgapVIR Nikaido Isoda Reformulation
gradygapNIR Nikaido Isoda Reformulation
gradygapVIR Nikaido Isoda Reformulation
GrAphiFB Complementarity functions
GrAphiKK Complementarity functions
GrAphiLT Complementarity functions
GrAphiMan Complementarity functions
GrAphiMin Complementarity functions
GrAphipFB Complementarity functions
GrAphirFB Complementarity functions
GrBphiFB Complementarity functions
GrBphiKK Complementarity functions
GrBphiLT Complementarity functions
GrBphiMan Complementarity functions
GrBphiMin Complementarity functions
GrBphipFB Complementarity functions
GrBphirFB Complementarity functions
jacCER Constrained Equation Reformulation
jacSSR SemiSmooth Reformulation
phiFB Complementarity functions
phiKK Complementarity functions
phiLT Complementarity functions
phiMan Complementarity functions
phiMin Complementarity functions
phipFB Complementarity functions
phirFB Complementarity functions
potential.ce Potential reduction algorithm utility functions
print.compl.par Complementarity functions
Projector Projection of a point on a set
projector Projection of a point on a set
psi.ce Potential reduction algorithm utility functions
purestep Step functions
rejection Rejection method for random generation.
SSR SemiSmooth Reformulation
stepfunc Step functions
summary.compl.par Complementarity functions