axis_doy.internal |
Create custom axis starting on hyrologic year start month |
bf.seas |
Seasonal baseflow percentage |
bf.stats |
Baseflow statistics |
bf_boughton |
Boughton recursive digital filter |
bf_eckhardt |
Eckhardt two parameter recursive digital filter |
bf_oneparam |
One parameter recursive digital filter |
cania.sub.ts |
Subset of the Caniapiscau River Daily Flows |
caniapiscau |
Caniapiscau River Daily Flows |
caniapiscau.res |
Screening results for the Caniapiscau River |
create.ts |
Create a Time Series of daily streamflow observations | |
Partial Duration Series and Event Statistics for streamflow droughts |
dr.pds |
Get the partial duration series for streamflow droughts |
dr.seas |
Find the start, middle, end, and duration of seasonal droughts |
Flow Duration Curve |
FlowScreen |
Screen Daily Discharge Time Series for Temporal Trends and Change Points |
get.station.internal |
Get station information for USGS or WSC hydrometric stations |
get.titles.internal |
Returns plot titles and labels based on plot type and language preference |
hyear.internal |
Add hydrologic Year, month, and doy columns to a daily time series |
MAMn |
Calculate mean annual minimum n-day flows |
metrics.all |
Streamflow metrics |
mqt |
Moving quantile threshold |
NA.runs |
Missing data runs for daily time series. |
NA.sum |
Sum missing data points from a daily time series | |
Calculate baseflow peak statistics |
pk.cov |
Center of Volume |
pk.max |
Annual maximum series |
pk.max.doy |
Day of year for annual maximum series |
pks |
Get the flow peaks over a threshold |
pks.dur |
Calculate the inter-event duration |
Qn |
Calculate flow quantiles |
read.flows |
Read .csv or .Rdata file of streamflows |
regime |
Plot flow regime |
screen.cpts |
Change point time series plot |
screen.frames |
Plot one or more frames from the summary screening plot |
screen.frames.internal |
Internal wrapper for creating trend and change-point plots |
screen.metric |
Plot a metric with trend and change points |
screen.series |
Create a plot of the daily streamflow time series |
screen.summary |
Create a screening plot |
screen.summary.internal |
Internal wrapper for creating trend and change-point summary plots | |
Retrieve Station Info |
YMD.internal |
Add calendar year, month, and day of year columns |