Daily Streamflow Trend and Change Point Screening

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Documentation for package ‘FlowScreen’ version 1.2.6

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axis_doy.internal Create custom axis starting on hyrologic year start month
bf.seas Seasonal baseflow percentage
bf.stats Baseflow statistics
bf_boughton Boughton recursive digital filter
bf_eckhardt Eckhardt two parameter recursive digital filter
bf_oneparam One parameter recursive digital filter
cania.sub.ts Subset of the Caniapiscau River Daily Flows
caniapiscau Caniapiscau River Daily Flows
caniapiscau.res Screening results for the Caniapiscau River
create.ts Create a Time Series of daily streamflow observations
dr.events Partial Duration Series and Event Statistics for streamflow droughts
dr.pds Get the partial duration series for streamflow droughts
dr.seas Find the start, middle, end, and duration of seasonal droughts
FDC Flow Duration Curve
FlowScreen Screen Daily Discharge Time Series for Temporal Trends and Change Points
get.station.internal Get station information for USGS or WSC hydrometric stations
get.titles.internal Returns plot titles and labels based on plot type and language preference
hyear.internal Add hydrologic Year, month, and doy columns to a daily time series
MAMn Calculate mean annual minimum n-day flows
metrics.all Streamflow metrics
mqt Moving quantile threshold
NA.runs Missing data runs for daily time series.
NA.sum Sum missing data points from a daily time series
pk.bf.stats Calculate baseflow peak statistics
pk.cov Center of Volume
pk.max Annual maximum series
pk.max.doy Day of year for annual maximum series
pks Get the flow peaks over a threshold
pks.dur Calculate the inter-event duration
Qn Calculate flow quantiles
read.flows Read .csv or .Rdata file of streamflows
regime Plot flow regime
screen.cpts Change point time series plot
screen.frames Plot one or more frames from the summary screening plot
screen.frames.internal Internal wrapper for creating trend and change-point plots
screen.metric Plot a metric with trend and change points
screen.series Create a plot of the daily streamflow time series
screen.summary Create a screening plot
screen.summary.internal Internal wrapper for creating trend and change-point summary plots
station.info Retrieve Station Info
YMD.internal Add calendar year, month, and day of year columns