metrics.all {FlowScreen}R Documentation

Streamflow metrics


Calculates 30 different flow metrics, 10 each for high flows, low flows, and baseflow.


metrics.all(TS, Qmax = 0.95, Dur = 5, Qdr = 0.2, WinSize = 30,
  Season = c(4:9), NAthresh = 0.5, language = "English")



output from create.ts containing a data.frame of flow time series


Numeric value for peaks over threshold quantile. Default is 0.95.


Numeric value for minimum number of days between flood peaks. Default is 5.


Numeric value for drought quantile. Default is 0.2, i.e. the 80th percentile of the flow duration curve.


Numeric value for moving window size (in days) for the moving window quantile drought threshold. See mqt. Default is 30.


Numeric vector of months during which droughts start. Default is c(4:9) for non-frost season droughts.


Numeric value indicating the threshold for missing data points in any one year. Default is 0.5, indicating that years with more than 50 percent missing data will be omitted from the metric calculations. This value should always be set to greater than 0.1, as years with fewer observations than approximately 1 month will cause errors.


Character string indicating the language to be used for naming the different plot metrics. These names are used in screen.summary to label individual plots. Options are "English" or "French". Default is "English".


This function calculates streamflow metrics and calculates the prewhitened trend using zyp.trend.vector and looks for changpoints in mean and variance using cpt.meanvar This function is intended for use as a data quality screening tool aimed at identifying streamflow records with anthropogenic impacts and should not be used to complete a temporal trend analysis, as the calculated metrics may not be appropriate for all catchments. See the functions linked in the following section for details on how each metric is calculated.


Returns a list with the following elements:

metricTS: a list containing a vector of each metric calculated. Each vector has a times attribute providing either the year for metrics with one observation per year or a date for metrics that may have more than one observation per year (e.g., Peaks Over Threshold). This list has the following elements:

tcpRes: this list contains the results of the trend and changepoint analysis for each of the metrics in the metricTS list described above. Each list element is a list containing the following elements:

inData: A data.frame of the original input daily streamflow time series.

OmitYrs: A data.frame containing the years and the number of observations for any years omitted from the analysis due to insufficient data. If no years were omitted, NA is returned.


Jennifer Dierauer

See Also

See the documentation for individual functions linked in the output description for a details on methods.

See screen.metric to create individual plots for each metric.


# load subset of daily streamflow time series for the Caniapiscau River

## Not run: 
# calculate low flow, high flow, and baseflow metrics
res <- metrics.all(cania.sub.ts)

## End(Not run)

[Package FlowScreen version 1.2.6 Index]