screen.metric {FlowScreen}R Documentation

Plot a metric with trend and change points


This function plots a time series of a streamflow metric with the prewhitened linear trend and any detected changepoints in mean and variance.


screen.metric(y, ylabel = "", text = NULL)



Numeric vector with "times" attribute


Character string for the y-axis label


optional character string for margin text, e.g. for station name, location, or other notes.


This function plots detected changepoints as a vertical dashed line. The means on either side of a changepoint are plotted as solid black lines. If the temporal trend is significant (p-value < 0.1), the trend is plotted as a blue or red line for an increasing or decreasing trend, respectively. The upper and lower 95 dotted red or blue lines. If a trend is not significant, it is not plotted.


Returns a list containing results from the trend and changepoint analysis. This list has the following elements:


Jennifer Dierauer

See Also

See screen.summary to create a summary screening plot of high flow, low flow, or baseflow metrics.

See metrics.all to calculate 30 different streamflow metrics at once. The screen.metric function could then be used to loop through the metrics and create an individual plot for each.



# calculate and plot the annual maximum series
res <- pk.max(cania.sub.ts)
res1 <- screen.metric(res, ylabel="Q (m3/s)", 
text="Caniapiscau River, Annual Maximum Series")

# calculate and plot the annual minimum series
res <- MAMn(cania.sub.ts, n=1)
res1 <- screen.metric(res, ylabel="Discharge (m3/s)", 
text="Caniapiscau River, Annual Minimum Series")

[Package FlowScreen version 1.2.6 Index]