screen.frames {FlowScreen}R Documentation

Plot one or more frames from the summary screening plot


This function plots one or more frames (i.e. time series plot) from any of the three plot.screening summary plots at a time. It can be used to create custom summary plots - see the example code.


screen.frames(metrics, type = "h", element = NULL, language = "English",
  StnInfo = NULL, mmar = c(3, 4, 0.5, 0.5), text = "d", multi = F,
  xaxis = T)



output from metrics.all


Character string indicating the set of metrics to plot. Options are "h" for high flow metrics, "l" for low flow metrics, or "b" for baseflow metrics.


Numeric index(es) (1-10) of the frame(s) to plot, see details of this function for the list of metrics for each category (high, low, baseflow). Each category has ten different metrics that can be plotted individually. Default is NULL, which creates individual plots for all ten metrics. A list of elements c(1, 5, 10) can be specified or a range c(1:5).


Language for plot labels. Choice of either "English" or "French". Default is "English".


Optional data.frame containing user-supplied station info for plot. data.frame must have 7 columns containing station info in the following order: Station ID, Station Name, Prov/State, Country, Latitude, Longitude, Catchment Area If any of the information is unavailabe, fill with NA. The Station ID column must match the Station ID in column 1 of the data.frame input from create.ts.


Numeric vector specifying plot margins. Default is c(3,4,0.5,0.5)


Character string containing text for margin. This can be set to NULL if no margin text is wanted, or set to "d" to use default text containing the station ID, station name, and the prov/state output from Set to NULL to use this function in a multi-plot layout.


Boolean indicating whether the function is being used to create one plot in a multi-plot layout. Default is F. If T, suppresses the reset of plot parameter settings. This plot function will only work for a multi-plot layout if text=F


Boolean indicating whether to plot an x-axis. Default = T.


High flow metrics include:

  1. Annual Maximum Series

  2. Annual Maximum Day of Year

  3. Peaks Over Threshold (Qmax)

  4. Inter-Event Duration

  5. Q80

  6. Q90

  7. Day of Year 25 percent Annual Flow

  8. Center of Volume

  9. Day of Year 75 percent Annual Flow

  10. Duration between 25 percent and 75 percent Annual Flow

Low flow metrics include:

  1. Q10

  2. Q25

  3. Drought Start

  4. Drought Center

  5. Drought End

  6. Drought Duration

  7. Drought Severity

  8. Annual Minimum Flow

  9. Mean Annual Minimum 7-day Flow

  10. Mean Annual Minimum 10-day Flow

Baseflow metrics include:

  1. Mean Daily Discharge

  2. Annual Baseflow Volume

  3. Annual Mean Baseflow

  4. Annual Maximum Baseflow

  5. Annual Minimum Baseflow

  6. Mean Annual Baseflow Index

  7. Day of Year 25 percent Baseflow Volume

  8. Center of Volume Baseflow

  9. Day of Year 75 percent Baseflow Volume

  10. Duration between 25 percent and 75 percent Baseflow Volume


Jennifer Dierauer and Paul Whitfield


# load results from metrics.all function for the Caniapiscau River
caniapiscau.ts <- caniapiscau.res$indata

# plot one frame from the baseflow screening plot
screen.frames(caniapiscau.res, type="b", element=1)

# plot three frames from the low flow screening plot
screen.frames(caniapiscau.res, type="l", element=c(1:3))

# create a custom summary plot
opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
layout(matrix(c(1,2,3,4), 2, 2, byrow=TRUE))
stninfo <-, Plot=TRUE)
screen.frames(caniapiscau.res, type="h", element=1, text=NULL, multi=TRUE)
screen.frames(caniapiscau.res, type="l", element=1, text=NULL, multi=TRUE)
screen.frames(caniapiscau.res, type="b", element=1, text=NULL, multi=TRUE)
mtext(paste("Station ID: ", caniapiscau.ts[1,1], ", Agency: WSC, Country: CA", sep=""),
side=3, line=1, outer=TRUE, cex=0.9)
par <- opar

# or plot everything!
opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
layout(matrix(c(1:30), 5, 6, byrow=TRUE))
screen.frames(caniapiscau.res, type="h", text=NULL, multi=TRUE)
screen.frames(caniapiscau.res, type="l", text=NULL, multi=TRUE)
screen.frames(caniapiscau.res, type="b", text=NULL, multi=TRUE)
par <- opar

[Package FlowScreen version 1.2.6 Index]