BinaryOpNode | Binary operation AST node |
CNSIM1 | Simulated dataset CNSIM 1 |
CNSIM2 | Simulated dataset CNSIM 2 |
CNSIM3 | Simulated dataset CNSIM 3 |
DASIM1 | Simulated dataset DASIM 1 |
DASIM2 | Simulated dataset DASIM 2 |
DASIM3 | Simulated dataset DASIM 3 |
defaultDSConfiguration | Default DataSHIELD configuration |
DISCORDANT_STUDY1 | Simulated dataset DISCORDANT 1 |
DISCORDANT_STUDY2 | Simulated dataset DISCORDANT 2 |
DISCORDANT_STUDY3 | Simulated dataset DISCORDANT 3 |
dsAggregate-method | Aggregate data |
dsAssignExpr-method | Assign the result of an expression |
dsAssignResource-method | Assign a resource |
dsAssignTable-method | Assign a table |
dsConnect-method | Connect to a DSLite server |
dsDisconnect-method | Disconnect from a DSLite server |
dsFetch-method | Fetch the result |
dsGetInfo-method | Get result info |
dsHasResource-method | Verify DSLite server resource |
dsHasTable-method | Verify DSLite server dataset |
dsIsAsync-method | DSLite asynchronous support |
dsIsCompleted-method | Get whether the operation is completed |
dsKeepAlive-method | Keep connection with a DSLite server alive |
dsListMethods-method | List methods |
dsListPackages-method | List packages |
dsListProfiles-method | List profiles |
dsListResources-method | List DSLite server resources |
dsListSymbols-method | List R symbols |
dsListTables-method | List DSLite server datasets |
dsListWorkspaces-method | List workspaces |
DSLite | Create a DSLite driver |
DSLiteServer | Lightweight DataSHIELD server-side component |
dsRestoreWorkspace-method | Restore workspace |
dsRmSymbol-method | Remove a R symbol |
dsRmWorkspace-method | Remove a workspace |
dsSaveWorkspace-method | Save workspace |
FormulaNode | Formula AST node |
FunctionNode | Function AST node |
getDSLiteData | Get data value from DSLite connection(s) |
GroupNode | Group AST node |
logindata.dslite.cnsim | DataSHIELD login data for the CNSIM simulated datasets |
logindata.dslite.dasim | DataSHIELD login data for the DASIM simulated datasets |
logindata.dslite.discordant | DataSHIELD login data for the DISCORDANT simulated datasets |
logindata.dslite.survival.expand_with_missing | DataSHIELD login data for the simulated survival expand-with-missing datasets |
logindata.dslite.testing.dataset | DataSHIELD login data for the TESTING.DATASET simulated datasets |
newDSLiteServer | Create a new DSLite server |
Node | Simple AST node |
NumericNode | Numeric AST node |
ParameterNode | Parameter AST node |
RangeNode | Range AST node |
setupCNSIMTest | Setup a test environment based on the CNSIM simulated datasets |
setupDASIMTest | Setup a test environment based on the DASIM simulated datasets |
setupDATASETTest | Setup a test environment based on the TESTING.DATASET simulated datasets |
setupDISCORDANTTest | Setup a test environment based on the DISCORDANT simulated datasets |
setupDSLiteServer | Setup an environment based on named datasets and logindata |
setupSURVIVALTest | Setup a test environment based on the SURVIVAL (EXPAND_WITH_MISSING) simulated datasets |
StringNode | String AST node |
SURVIVAL.EXPAND_WITH_MISSING1 | Simulated survival expand-with-missing dataset 1 |
SURVIVAL.EXPAND_WITH_MISSING2 | Simulated survival expand-with-missing dataset 2 |
SURVIVAL.EXPAND_WITH_MISSING3 | Simulated survival expand-with-missing dataset 3 |
SymbolNode | Symbol AST node |
testParse | Parse an expression according to DataSHIELD syntax rules and returns an Abstract Syntaxic Tree (AST) node. |
UnaryOpNode | Unary operator AST node |