CFO-Type Designs in Phase I Clinical Trials

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Documentation for package ‘CFO’ version 1.3.1

Help Pages Determination of the dose level for next cohort in the accumulative calibration-free odds (aCFO) design Determination of the dose level for next cohort in the calibration-free odds (CFO) design
CFO.oc Generate operating characteristics of sigle-drug trials in multiple simulations
CFO.selectmtd Select the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) for the real single-drug trial
CFO.simu Conduct one simulation using the Calibration-free odds (CFO) or accumulative CFO (aCFO) design. Determinate the dose level for the next cohort in the two-dimensional calibration-free odds (2dCFO) design.
CFO2d.oc Generate operating characteristics of drug-combination trials in multiple simulations
CFO2d.selectmtd Select the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) for the real drug combination trial
CFO2d.simu Conduct one simulation using the two-dimensional calibration-free odds (2dCFO) design. Determination of the dose level for next cohort in the calibration-free odds type (CFO-type) design with late-onset toxicity
lateonset.simu Conduct one simulation using the calibration-free odds type (CFO-type) design with late-onset toxicity.
plot.cfo Plot the results by other functions
print.cfo Generate descriptive summary for objects returned by other functions
summary.cfo Generate descriptive summary for objects returned by other functions