{CFO}R Documentation

Determination of the dose level for next cohort in the calibration-free odds type (CFO-type) design with late-onset toxicity


The function is used to determine the next dose level in the CFO-type design with late-onset toxicity, specifically, including time-to-event CFO (TITE-CFO) design, fractional CFO (fCFO) design, benchmark CFO design, time-to-event accumulative CFO (TITE-aCFO) design, fractional accumulative CFO (f-aCFO) design and benchmark aCFO design.

Usage, target, p.true, currdose, assess.window, enter.times, dlt.times, 
       current.t, doses, prior.para = list(alp.prior = target, bet.prior = 1 - target),
       cutoff.eli = 0.95, early.stop = 0.95)



option for selecting different designs, which can be set as 'TITE-CFO', 'TITE-aCFO', 'fCFO', 'f-aCFO', 'bCFO', and 'b-aCFO'. Specifically, 'bCFO' refers to the benchmark CFO design, and 'b-aCFO' denotes the benchmark aCFO design.


the target DLT rate.


the true DLT rates under the different dose levels.


the current dose level.


the maximal assessment window size.


the time that each participant enters the trial.


the time to DLT for each subject in the trial. If no DLT occurs for a subject, dlt.times is set to 0.


the current time.


the dose level for each subject in the trial.


the prior parameters for a beta distribution, where set as list(alp.prior = target, bet.prior = 1 - target) by default, alp.prior and bet.prior represent the parameters of the prior distribution for the true DLT rate at any dose level. This prior distribution is specified as Beta(alpha.prior, beta.prior).


the cutoff to eliminate overly toxic doses for safety. We recommend the default value of cutoff.eli = 0.95 for general use.


the threshold value for early stopping. The default value early.stop = 0.95 generally works well.


Late-onset outcomes commonly occur in phase I trials involving targeted agents or immunotherapies. The TITE framework and fractional framework serve as two imputation methods to handle pending data related to late-onset outcomes. This approach extends the CFO and aCFO designs to integrate time information for delayed outcomes, leading to the development of TITE-CFO, fCFO, TITE-aCFO, and f-aCFO designs.
In the TITE framework context, an assumption about the distribution of time to DLT must be pre-specified, whereas the fractional framework does not require justification for a specific distribution of the time to DLT. Consequently, fCFO and f-aCFO adapt to a more diverse range of scenarios.
The function also provides the option to execute the benchmark CFO and benchmark aCFO design. These two methods await complete observation of toxicity outcomes for the previous cohorts before determining the next dose assignment. This enhances precision but comes at the expense of a prolonged trial duration.


The function returns


Jialu Fang, Wenliang Wang, and Guosheng Yin


Jin H, Yin G (2022). CFO: Calibration-free odds design for phase I/II clinical trials. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 31(6), 1051-1066.
Jin H, Yin G (2023). Time‐to‐event calibration‐free odds design: A robust efficient design for phase I trials with late‐onset outcomes. Pharmaceutical Statistics, 22(5), 773–783.
Yin G, Zheng S, Xu J (2013). Fractional dose-finding methods with late-onset toxicity in phase I clinical trials. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 23(4), 856-870.
Fang J, Yin G (2024). Fractional accumulative calibration‐free odds (f‐aCFO) design for delayed toxicity in phase I clinical trials. Statistics in Medicine.


target <- 0.2; p.true <- c(0.01, 0.07, 0.20, 0.35, 0.50, 0.65, 0.80)
enter.times<- c(0, 0.266, 0.638, 1.54, 2.48, 3.14, 3.32, 4.01, 4.39, 5.38, 5.76,
               6.54, 6.66, 6.93, 7.32, 7.66, 8.14, 8.74)
dlt.times<- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.610, 0, 2.98, 0, 0, 1.95, 0, 0, 1.48)
current.t<- 9.41
doses<-c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4)
## determine the dose level for the next cohort using the TITE-CFO design
decision <- = 'TITE-CFO', target, p.true, currdose = 4, assess.window = 3,   
               enter.times, dlt.times, current.t, doses)
## determine the dose level for the next cohort using the TITE-aCFO design
decision <- = 'TITE-aCFO', target, p.true, currdose = 4, assess.window = 3,   
               enter.times, dlt.times, current.t, doses)
## determine the dose level for the next cohort using the f-CFO design
decision <- = 'fCFO', target, p.true, currdose = 4, assess.window = 3,  
               enter.times, dlt.times, current.t, doses)
## determine the dose level for the next cohort using the f-aCFO design
decision <- = 'f-aCFO', target, p.true, currdose = 4, assess.window = 3,   
               enter.times, dlt.times, current.t, doses)
## determine the dose level for the next cohort using the benchmark CFO design
decision <- = 'bCFO', target, p.true, currdose = 4, assess.window = 3,   
               enter.times, dlt.times, current.t, doses)
## determine the dose level for the next cohort using the benchmark aCFO design
decision <-'b-aCFO', target, p.true, currdose = 4, assess.window = 3,   
               enter.times, dlt.times, current.t, doses)

[Package CFO version 1.3.1 Index]