Generalized Pairwise Comparisons

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Documentation for package ‘BuyseTest’ version 3.0.4

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BuyseTest-package BuyseTest package: Generalized Pairwise Comparisons
.colCenter_cpp Substract a vector of values in each column
.colCumSum_cpp Column-wise cumulative sum
.colMultiply_cpp Multiply by a vector of values in each column
.colScale_cpp Divide by a vector of values in each column
.rowCenter_cpp Substract a vector of values in each row
.rowCumProd_cpp Apply cumprod in each row
.rowCumSum_cpp Row-wise cumulative sum
.rowMultiply_cpp Multiply by a vector of values in each row
.rowScale_cpp Dividy by a vector of values in each row
alloc-method Methods for the class "BuyseTest.options" Convert Performance Objet to data.table
auc Estimation of the Area Under the ROC Curve (EXPERIMENTAL)
autoplot.S3sensitivity Graphical Display for Sensitivity Analysis
autoplot.S4BuyseTest Graphical Display for GPC
brier Estimation of the Brier Score (EXPERIMENTAL)
BuyseMultComp Adjustment for Multiple Comparisons
BuyseTest Two-group GPC
BuyseTest.options Global options for BuyseTest package
BuyseTest.options-class Class "BuyseTest.options" (global setting for the BuyseTest package)
BuyseTest.options-methods Methods for the class "BuyseTest.options"
BuyseTTEM Time to Event Model
BuyseTTEM.BuyseTTEM Time to Event Model
BuyseTTEM.formula Time to Event Model
BuyseTTEM.prodlim Time to Event Model
BuyseTTEM.survreg Time to Event Model
CasinoTest Multi-group GPC (EXPERIMENTAL)
coef-method Extract Summary Statistics from GPC
coef.BuyseTestAuc Extract the AUC Value
coef.BuyseTestBrier Extract the Brier Score
confint-method Extract Confidence Interval from GPC
confint.BuyseTestAuc Extract the AUC value with its Confidence Interval
confint.BuyseTestBrier Extract the Brier Score with its Confidence Interval
constStrata Strata creation
getCount Extract the Number of Favorable, Unfavorable, Neutral, Uninformative pairs
getCount-method Extract the Number of Favorable, Unfavorable, Neutral, Uninformative pairs
getIid Extract the H-decomposition of the Estimator
getIid-method Extract the H-decomposition of the Estimator
getPairScore Extract the Score of Each Pair
getPairScore-method Extract the Score of Each Pair
getPseudovalue Extract the pseudovalues of the Estimator
getPseudovalue-method Extract the pseudovalues of the Estimator
getSurvival Extract the Survival and Survival Jumps
getSurvival-method Extract the Survival and Survival Jumps
iid.BuyseTestAuc Extract the idd Decomposition for the AUC
iid.BuyseTestBrier Extract the idd Decomposition for the Brier Score
iid.prodlim Extract i.i.d. decomposition from a prodlim model
model.tables-method Extract Summary for Class "S4BuysePower"
model.tables-method Extract Summary for Class "S4BuyseTest"
nobs-method Sample Size for Class "S4BuysePower"
nobs-method Sample Size for Class "S4BuyseTest"
performance Assess Performance of a Classifier
performanceResample Uncertainty About Performance of a Classifier (EXPERIMENTAL)
plot-method Graphical Display for GPC
plot.S3sensitivity Graphical Display for Sensitivity Analysis
powerBuyseTest Performing simulation studies with BuyseTest
predict.BuyseTTEM Prediction with Time to Event Model
print-method Print Method for Class "S4BuysePower"
print-method Print Method for Class "S4BuyseTest"
rbind.performance Combine Resampling Results For Performance Objects
S4BuysePower-class Class "S4BuysePower" (output of BuyseTest)
S4BuysePower-model.tables Extract Summary for Class "S4BuysePower"
S4BuysePower-nobs Sample Size for Class "S4BuysePower"
S4BuysePower-print Print Method for Class "S4BuysePower"
S4BuysePower-show Show Method for Class "S4BuysePower"
S4BuysePower-summary Summary Method for Class "S4BuysePower"
S4BuyseTest-class Class "S4BuyseTest" (output of BuyseTest)
S4BuyseTest-coef Extract Summary Statistics from GPC
S4BuyseTest-confint Extract Confidence Interval from GPC
S4BuyseTest-getCount Extract the Number of Favorable, Unfavorable, Neutral, Uninformative pairs
S4BuyseTest-getIid Extract the H-decomposition of the Estimator
S4BuyseTest-getPairScore Extract the Score of Each Pair
S4BuyseTest-getPseudovalue Extract the pseudovalues of the Estimator
S4BuyseTest-getSurvival Extract the Survival and Survival Jumps
S4BuyseTest-model.tables Extract Summary for Class "S4BuyseTest"
S4BuyseTest-nobs Sample Size for Class "S4BuyseTest"
S4BuyseTest-plot Graphical Display for GPC
S4BuyseTest-print Print Method for Class "S4BuyseTest"
S4BuyseTest-sensitivity Sensitivity Analysis for the Choice of the Thresholds
S4BuyseTest-show Show Method for Class "S4BuysePower"
S4BuyseTest-summary Summary Method for Class "S4BuyseTest"
select-method Methods for the class "BuyseTest.options"
sensitivity Sensitivity Analysis for the Choice of the Thresholds
sensitivity-method Sensitivity Analysis for the Choice of the Thresholds
show-method Show Method for Class "S4BuysePower"
simBuyseTest Simulation of data for the BuyseTest
simCompetingRisks Simulation of Gompertz competing risks data for the BuyseTest
summary-method Summary Method for Class "S4BuysePower"
summary-method Summary Method for Class "S4BuyseTest"
summary.performance Summary Method for Performance Objects