Improved Access for Blind Users

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Documentation for package ‘BrailleR’ version 1.0.2

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A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P R S T U V W X Y misc

BrailleR-package Improved Access for Blind Users

-- A --

addInfo Save commonly used graphs as structured SVG files.
AddXML Create XML files to sit alongside SVG files in order to make an accessible graph experience.
AddXML.boxplot Create XML files to sit alongside SVG files in order to make an accessible graph experience.
AddXML.default Create XML files to sit alongside SVG files in order to make an accessible graph experience.
AddXML.dotplot Create XML files to sit alongside SVG files in order to make an accessible graph experience.
AddXML.eulerr Create XML files to sit alongside SVG files in order to make an accessible graph experience.
AddXML.ggplot Create XML files to sit alongside SVG files in order to make an accessible graph experience.
AddXML.histogram Create XML files to sit alongside SVG files in order to make an accessible graph experience.
AddXML.scatterplot Create XML files to sit alongside SVG files in order to make an accessible graph experience.
AddXML.tsplot Create XML files to sit alongside SVG files in order to make an accessible graph experience.
Augment add additional detail to the stored object for a graph
Augment.Augmented add additional detail to the stored object for a graph
Augment.boxplot add additional detail to the stored object for a graph
Augment.default add additional detail to the stored object for a graph
Augment.dotplot add additional detail to the stored object for a graph
Augment.eulerr add additional detail to the stored object for a graph add additional detail to the stored object for a graph
Augment.ggplot add additional detail to the stored object for a graph
Augment.histogram add additional detail to the stored object for a graph
Augment.scatterplot add additional detail to the stored object for a graph
Augment.tsplot add additional detail to the stored object for a graph
AutoSpellCheck Automatic fixing of typos

-- B --

boxplot Create a standard boxplot with a few extra elements added to the output object
BrailleR Improved Access for Blind Users
BrailleRHome Open the home page for the BrailleR Project, the Google search engine, the BrailleR in Action book, or the Let's Use R Now (LURN) book in your browser
BrailleRInAction Open the home page for the BrailleR Project, the Google search engine, the BrailleR in Action book, or the Let's Use R Now (LURN) book in your browser
BRLThis Convert a graph to a pdf ready for embossing
BrowseSVG Merge svg and xml file in html file

-- C --

CheckIt Investigate data objects
check_it Investigate data objects
ChooseEmbosser Functions for setting package options.
ChooseSlideStyle Functions for setting package options.
ChooseStyle Functions for setting package options.
CleanCSV clean out unwanted white space from a csv file
CMD Open standard Windows tools quickly
cmd Open standard Windows tools quickly

-- D --

DataViewer Open a data object in your chosen spreadsheet software
Describe Describe method to help visualize plot types.
Describe.aov Describe method to help visualize plot types.
Describe.boxplot Describe method to help visualize plot types.
Describe.default Describe method to help visualize plot types.
Describe.dotplot Describe method to help visualize plot types.
Describe.ggplot Describe method to help visualize plot types.
Describe.histogram Describe method to help visualize plot types.
Describe.lm Describe method to help visualize plot types.
Describe.matrix Describe method to help visualize plot types.
Describe.scatterplot Describe method to help visualize plot types.
Describe.summary.lm Describe method to help visualize plot types.
Describe.tsplot Describe method to help visualize plot types.
Describe.TukeyHSD Describe method to help visualize plot types.
dotplot create a dotplot using stripchart
dotplot.default create a dotplot using stripchart
dotplot.formula create a dotplot using stripchart

-- E --

Embossers Prepare BrailleR settings for specific braille embossers
Explorer Open standard Windows tools quickly
explorer Open standard Windows tools quickly

-- F --

FindCSSFile Internal functions for the BrailleR package
FindReplace Find/Replace text in a file
FittedLinePlot Create a standard scatter plot with a few extra elements added to the output object

-- G --

Get7zip Download and install software (Windows users only)
GetCygwin Download and install software (Windows users only)
GetExampleText extract the example text from a help page
GetGoing Set options for using brailleR
GetingStarted Set options for using brailleR
GetPandoc Download and install software (Windows users only)
GetPython27 Deprecated functions
GetPython3 Download and install software (Windows users only)
GetRStudio Download and install software (Windows users only)
GetWriteR Download and install software (Windows users only)
GetWxPython27 Deprecated functions
GetWxPython3 Download and install software (Windows users only)
GoAdvanced Set package options
GoBlind Set package options
GoNovice Set package options
Google Open the home page for the BrailleR Project, the Google search engine, the BrailleR in Action book, or the Let's Use R Now (LURN) book in your browser
google Open the home page for the BrailleR Project, the Google search engine, the BrailleR in Action book, or the Let's Use R Now (LURN) book in your browser
GoSighted Set package options
grep String manipulation of the output produced by VI.ggplot
grep.default String manipulation of the output produced by VI.ggplot
grep.VIgraph String manipulation of the output produced by VI.ggplot
gsub String manipulation of the output produced by VI.ggplot
gsub.default String manipulation of the output produced by VI.ggplot
gsub.VIgraph String manipulation of the output produced by VI.ggplot

-- H --

hist Create a standard histogram with a few extra elements added to the output object
history View the history of the current workspace
History2Qmd Work flow convenience functions
History2Rmd Work flow convenience functions

-- I --

InQuotes Internal functions for the BrailleR package

-- J --

JoinBlindRUG Send an email based on a template

-- L --

LatexOff Set package options
LatexOn Set package options
LURN Open the home page for the BrailleR Project, the Google search engine, the BrailleR in Action book, or the Let's Use R Now (LURN) book in your browser

-- M --

Main extract or alter graph parameters
MakeAccessibleSVG Create and display a accessible exploration webpage SVG of graph
MakeAccessibleSVG.default Create and display a accessible exploration webpage SVG of graph
MakeAccessibleSVG.ggplot Create and display a accessible exploration webpage SVG of graph
MakeAccessibleSVG.histogram Create and display a accessible exploration webpage SVG of graph
MakeAccessibleSVG.scatterplot Create and display a accessible exploration webpage SVG of graph
MakeAccessibleSVG.tsplot Create and display a accessible exploration webpage SVG of graph
MakeAdminBatch Create batch files for processing R scripts and markdown files under Windows
MakeAllFormats Prepare the options for conversion of an R markdown file.
MakeAllInOneSlide Deprecated functions
MakeBatch Create batch files for processing R scripts and markdown files under Windows
MakeReadable Convert line breaks in vignette documentation
MakeRprofile Load BrailleR on Startup in Current Working Directory
MakeSlideShow Deprecated functions
MakeSlidy Deprecated functions
MakeTigerReady Save commonly used graphs as structured SVG files.

-- N --

NewFunction Create a template for a new function
nNonMissing Internal functions for the BrailleR package
Notepad Open standard Windows tools quickly
notepad Open standard Windows tools quickly

-- O --

OneFactor Analysis for a continuous response for one group factor
OnePredictor Exploration of the relationship between a response and a single predictor

-- P --

PandocAll Convert files using pandoc.
pdf2html Convert a pdf file to html
plot.fittedlineplot Create a standard scatter plot with a few extra elements added to the output object
plot.scatterplot Create a standard scatter plot with a few extra elements added to the output object
plot.tsplot Create a standard time series plot with a few extra elements added to the output object
Premier100 Prepare BrailleR settings for specific braille embossers
PrepareWriteR Getting started with WriteR
print.description Describe method to help visualize plot types.
print.fittedlineplot Create a standard scatter plot with a few extra elements added to the output object
print.multiDescription Describe method to help visualize plot types.
print.scatterplot Create a standard scatter plot with a few extra elements added to the output object
print.tsplot Create a standard time series plot with a few extra elements added to the output object
print.VI Extract information from a graphical object
print.VIgraph Extract information from a graphical object
print.wordlist Spell checking a file or all files within a specified folder
ProcessAllMd Work flow convenience functions
ProcessAllRmd Work flow convenience functions

-- R --

R2Qmd Work flow convenience functions
R2Rmd Work flow convenience functions
R2txt Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file.
R2txt.vars Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file.
R4DS Open the home page for the BrailleR Project, the Google search engine, the BrailleR in Action book, or the Let's Use R Now (LURN) book in your browser
r4ds Open the home page for the BrailleR Project, the Google search engine, the BrailleR in Action book, or the Let's Use R Now (LURN) book in your browser
RemoveBOM Work flow convenience functions
Require Load a package by installing it if necessary
ResetDefaults Functions for setting package options.
Rnw2Rmd Find/Replace text in a file
rnw2Rmd Work flow convenience functions

-- S --

ScatterPlot Create a standard scatter plot with a few extra elements added to the output object
SetAuthor Functions for setting package options.
SetBRLPointSize Functions for setting package options.
SetLanguage Functions for setting package options.
SetMakeUpper Functions for setting package options.
SetPaperHeight Functions for setting package options.
SetPaperWidth Functions for setting package options.
SetPValDigits Functions for setting package options.
SetSigLevel Functions for setting package options.
SetupBrailleR Establish the BrailleR folder for the user
sort.VIgraph Sort VI.ggplot points list
SpellCheck A spell checking interface
SpellCheckFiles Spell checking a file or all files within a specified folder
SVGThis Save commonly used graphs as structured SVG files.
SVGThis.boxplot Save commonly used graphs as structured SVG files.
SVGThis.default Save commonly used graphs as structured SVG files.
SVGThis.dotplot Save commonly used graphs as structured SVG files.
SVGThis.eulerr Save commonly used graphs as structured SVG files.
SVGThis.ggplot Save commonly used graphs as structured SVG files.
SVGThis.histogram Save commonly used graphs as structured SVG files.
SVGThis.scatterplot Save commonly used graphs as structured SVG files.
SVGThis.tsplot Save commonly used graphs as structured SVG files.

-- T --

TestPython Getting started with WriteR
TestWX Getting started with WriteR
ThankYou Send an email based on a template
ThreeFactors A convenience function for a Three-way analysis
TimeSeriesPlot Create a standard time series plot with a few extra elements added to the output object
TwoFactors A convenience function for a two-way analysis
txtComment Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file.
txtOut Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file.
txtSkip Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file.
txtStart Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file.
txtStop Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file.

-- U --

UniDesc Descriptive statistics and graphs for univariate data
update.fittedlineplot extract or alter graph parameters
update.scatterplot extract or alter graph parameters
update.tsplot extract or alter graph parameters
UpdateGraph extract or alter graph parameters
UseTemplate Find/Replace text in a file
UseTemplateList Find/Replace text in a file

-- V --

VI Extract information from a graphical object
VI.aov Extract information from a graphical object
VI.aovlist Unfinished Methods to help vision impaired useRs
VI.barplot Unfinished Methods to help vision impaired useRs
VI.boxplot Extract information from a graphical object Extract information from a graphical object
VI.Date Unfinished Methods to help vision impaired useRs
VI.default Extract information from a graphical object
VI.density Unfinished Methods to help vision impaired useRs
VI.dotplot Extract information from a graphical object
VI.factor Unfinished Methods to help vision impaired useRs
VI.ggplot Extract information from a graphical object
VI.glm Unfinished Methods to help vision impaired useRs
VI.hist Extract information from a graphical object
VI.histogram Extract information from a graphical object
VI.htest Extract information from a graphical object
VI.list Extract information from a graphical object
VI.lm Extract information from a graphical object
VI.manova Unfinished Methods to help vision impaired useRs
VI.matrix Extract information from a graphical object
VI.mlm Unfinished Methods to help vision impaired useRs
VI.qcc Extract information from a graphical object
VI.stepfun Unfinished Methods to help vision impaired useRs
VI.summary.lm Extract information from a graphical object
VI.table Unfinished Methods to help vision impaired useRs
VI.tsplot Extract information from a graphical object
VI.TukeyHSD Extract information from a graphical object
ViewOff Set package options
ViewOn Set package options
ViewSVG Create the necessary files to allow interactive viewing of SVG

-- W --

WhatIs Investigate data objects
what_is Investigate data objects
WhereXY Count points in a scatter plot
WhichFile Find a text string in files
WriteR Getting started with WriteR
WriteRHome Open the home page for the BrailleR Project, the Google search engine, the BrailleR in Action book, or the Let's Use R Now (LURN) book in your browser
WTF What's this figure?

-- X --

XLab extract or alter graph parameters

-- Y --

YLab extract or alter graph parameters

-- misc --

.AddXMLAddTitle Internal functions for adding the necessary XML content for accessible graphs in SVG format
.Augment add additional detail to the stored object for a graph
.AugmentGrid add additional detail to the stored object for a graph