A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P R S T U V W X Y misc
BrailleR-package | Improved Access for Blind Users |
addInfo | Save commonly used graphs as structured SVG files. |
AddXML | Create XML files to sit alongside SVG files in order to make an accessible graph experience. |
AddXML.boxplot | Create XML files to sit alongside SVG files in order to make an accessible graph experience. |
AddXML.default | Create XML files to sit alongside SVG files in order to make an accessible graph experience. |
AddXML.dotplot | Create XML files to sit alongside SVG files in order to make an accessible graph experience. |
AddXML.eulerr | Create XML files to sit alongside SVG files in order to make an accessible graph experience. |
AddXML.ggplot | Create XML files to sit alongside SVG files in order to make an accessible graph experience. |
AddXML.histogram | Create XML files to sit alongside SVG files in order to make an accessible graph experience. |
AddXML.scatterplot | Create XML files to sit alongside SVG files in order to make an accessible graph experience. |
AddXML.tsplot | Create XML files to sit alongside SVG files in order to make an accessible graph experience. |
Augment | add additional detail to the stored object for a graph |
Augment.Augmented | add additional detail to the stored object for a graph |
Augment.boxplot | add additional detail to the stored object for a graph |
Augment.default | add additional detail to the stored object for a graph |
Augment.dotplot | add additional detail to the stored object for a graph |
Augment.eulerr | add additional detail to the stored object for a graph |
Augment.gg | add additional detail to the stored object for a graph |
Augment.ggplot | add additional detail to the stored object for a graph |
Augment.histogram | add additional detail to the stored object for a graph |
Augment.scatterplot | add additional detail to the stored object for a graph |
Augment.tsplot | add additional detail to the stored object for a graph |
AutoSpellCheck | Automatic fixing of typos |
boxplot | Create a standard boxplot with a few extra elements added to the output object |
BrailleR | Improved Access for Blind Users |
BrailleRHome | Open the home page for the BrailleR Project, the Google search engine, the BrailleR in Action book, or the Let's Use R Now (LURN) book in your browser |
BrailleRInAction | Open the home page for the BrailleR Project, the Google search engine, the BrailleR in Action book, or the Let's Use R Now (LURN) book in your browser |
BRLThis | Convert a graph to a pdf ready for embossing |
BrowseSVG | Merge svg and xml file in html file |
CheckIt | Investigate data objects |
check_it | Investigate data objects |
ChooseEmbosser | Functions for setting package options. |
ChooseSlideStyle | Functions for setting package options. |
ChooseStyle | Functions for setting package options. |
CleanCSV | clean out unwanted white space from a csv file |
CMD | Open standard Windows tools quickly |
cmd | Open standard Windows tools quickly |
DataViewer | Open a data object in your chosen spreadsheet software |
Describe | Describe method to help visualize plot types. |
Describe.aov | Describe method to help visualize plot types. |
Describe.boxplot | Describe method to help visualize plot types. |
Describe.default | Describe method to help visualize plot types. |
Describe.dotplot | Describe method to help visualize plot types. |
Describe.ggplot | Describe method to help visualize plot types. |
Describe.histogram | Describe method to help visualize plot types. |
Describe.lm | Describe method to help visualize plot types. |
Describe.matrix | Describe method to help visualize plot types. |
Describe.scatterplot | Describe method to help visualize plot types. |
Describe.summary.lm | Describe method to help visualize plot types. |
Describe.tsplot | Describe method to help visualize plot types. |
Describe.TukeyHSD | Describe method to help visualize plot types. |
dotplot | create a dotplot using stripchart |
dotplot.default | create a dotplot using stripchart |
dotplot.formula | create a dotplot using stripchart |
Embossers | Prepare BrailleR settings for specific braille embossers |
Explorer | Open standard Windows tools quickly |
explorer | Open standard Windows tools quickly |
FindCSSFile | Internal functions for the BrailleR package |
FindReplace | Find/Replace text in a file |
FittedLinePlot | Create a standard scatter plot with a few extra elements added to the output object |
Get7zip | Download and install software (Windows users only) |
GetCygwin | Download and install software (Windows users only) |
GetExampleText | extract the example text from a help page |
GetGoing | Set options for using brailleR |
GetingStarted | Set options for using brailleR |
GetPandoc | Download and install software (Windows users only) |
GetPython27 | Deprecated functions |
GetPython3 | Download and install software (Windows users only) |
GetRStudio | Download and install software (Windows users only) |
GetWriteR | Download and install software (Windows users only) |
GetWxPython27 | Deprecated functions |
GetWxPython3 | Download and install software (Windows users only) |
GoAdvanced | Set package options |
GoBlind | Set package options |
GoNovice | Set package options |
Open the home page for the BrailleR Project, the Google search engine, the BrailleR in Action book, or the Let's Use R Now (LURN) book in your browser | |
Open the home page for the BrailleR Project, the Google search engine, the BrailleR in Action book, or the Let's Use R Now (LURN) book in your browser | |
GoSighted | Set package options |
grep | String manipulation of the output produced by VI.ggplot |
grep.default | String manipulation of the output produced by VI.ggplot |
grep.VIgraph | String manipulation of the output produced by VI.ggplot |
gsub | String manipulation of the output produced by VI.ggplot |
gsub.default | String manipulation of the output produced by VI.ggplot |
gsub.VIgraph | String manipulation of the output produced by VI.ggplot |
hist | Create a standard histogram with a few extra elements added to the output object |
history | View the history of the current workspace |
History2Qmd | Work flow convenience functions |
History2Rmd | Work flow convenience functions |
InQuotes | Internal functions for the BrailleR package |
JoinBlindRUG | Send an email based on a template |
LatexOff | Set package options |
LatexOn | Set package options |
LURN | Open the home page for the BrailleR Project, the Google search engine, the BrailleR in Action book, or the Let's Use R Now (LURN) book in your browser |
Main | extract or alter graph parameters |
MakeAccessibleSVG | Create and display a accessible exploration webpage SVG of graph |
MakeAccessibleSVG.default | Create and display a accessible exploration webpage SVG of graph |
MakeAccessibleSVG.ggplot | Create and display a accessible exploration webpage SVG of graph |
MakeAccessibleSVG.histogram | Create and display a accessible exploration webpage SVG of graph |
MakeAccessibleSVG.scatterplot | Create and display a accessible exploration webpage SVG of graph |
MakeAccessibleSVG.tsplot | Create and display a accessible exploration webpage SVG of graph |
MakeAdminBatch | Create batch files for processing R scripts and markdown files under Windows |
MakeAllFormats | Prepare the options for conversion of an R markdown file. |
MakeAllInOneSlide | Deprecated functions |
MakeBatch | Create batch files for processing R scripts and markdown files under Windows |
MakeReadable | Convert line breaks in vignette documentation |
MakeRprofile | Load BrailleR on Startup in Current Working Directory |
MakeSlideShow | Deprecated functions |
MakeSlidy | Deprecated functions |
MakeTigerReady | Save commonly used graphs as structured SVG files. |
NewFunction | Create a template for a new function |
nNonMissing | Internal functions for the BrailleR package |
Notepad | Open standard Windows tools quickly |
notepad | Open standard Windows tools quickly |
OneFactor | Analysis for a continuous response for one group factor |
OnePredictor | Exploration of the relationship between a response and a single predictor |
PandocAll | Convert files using pandoc. |
pdf2html | Convert a pdf file to html |
plot.fittedlineplot | Create a standard scatter plot with a few extra elements added to the output object |
plot.scatterplot | Create a standard scatter plot with a few extra elements added to the output object |
plot.tsplot | Create a standard time series plot with a few extra elements added to the output object |
Premier100 | Prepare BrailleR settings for specific braille embossers |
PrepareWriteR | Getting started with WriteR |
print.description | Describe method to help visualize plot types. |
print.fittedlineplot | Create a standard scatter plot with a few extra elements added to the output object |
print.multiDescription | Describe method to help visualize plot types. |
print.scatterplot | Create a standard scatter plot with a few extra elements added to the output object |
print.tsplot | Create a standard time series plot with a few extra elements added to the output object |
print.VI | Extract information from a graphical object |
print.VIgraph | Extract information from a graphical object |
print.wordlist | Spell checking a file or all files within a specified folder |
ProcessAllMd | Work flow convenience functions |
ProcessAllRmd | Work flow convenience functions |
R2Qmd | Work flow convenience functions |
R2Rmd | Work flow convenience functions |
R2txt | Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file. |
R2txt.vars | Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file. |
R4DS | Open the home page for the BrailleR Project, the Google search engine, the BrailleR in Action book, or the Let's Use R Now (LURN) book in your browser |
r4ds | Open the home page for the BrailleR Project, the Google search engine, the BrailleR in Action book, or the Let's Use R Now (LURN) book in your browser |
RemoveBOM | Work flow convenience functions |
Require | Load a package by installing it if necessary |
ResetDefaults | Functions for setting package options. |
Rnw2Rmd | Find/Replace text in a file |
rnw2Rmd | Work flow convenience functions |
ScatterPlot | Create a standard scatter plot with a few extra elements added to the output object |
SetAuthor | Functions for setting package options. |
SetBRLPointSize | Functions for setting package options. |
SetLanguage | Functions for setting package options. |
SetMakeUpper | Functions for setting package options. |
SetPaperHeight | Functions for setting package options. |
SetPaperWidth | Functions for setting package options. |
SetPValDigits | Functions for setting package options. |
SetSigLevel | Functions for setting package options. |
SetupBrailleR | Establish the BrailleR folder for the user |
sort.VIgraph | Sort VI.ggplot points list |
SpellCheck | A spell checking interface |
SpellCheckFiles | Spell checking a file or all files within a specified folder |
SVGThis | Save commonly used graphs as structured SVG files. |
SVGThis.boxplot | Save commonly used graphs as structured SVG files. |
SVGThis.default | Save commonly used graphs as structured SVG files. |
SVGThis.dotplot | Save commonly used graphs as structured SVG files. |
SVGThis.eulerr | Save commonly used graphs as structured SVG files. |
SVGThis.ggplot | Save commonly used graphs as structured SVG files. |
SVGThis.histogram | Save commonly used graphs as structured SVG files. |
SVGThis.scatterplot | Save commonly used graphs as structured SVG files. |
SVGThis.tsplot | Save commonly used graphs as structured SVG files. |
TestPython | Getting started with WriteR |
TestWX | Getting started with WriteR |
ThankYou | Send an email based on a template |
ThreeFactors | A convenience function for a Three-way analysis |
TimeSeriesPlot | Create a standard time series plot with a few extra elements added to the output object |
TwoFactors | A convenience function for a two-way analysis |
txtComment | Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file. |
txtOut | Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file. |
txtSkip | Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file. |
txtStart | Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file. |
txtStop | Save a transcript of commands and/or output to a text file. |
UniDesc | Descriptive statistics and graphs for univariate data |
update.fittedlineplot | extract or alter graph parameters |
update.scatterplot | extract or alter graph parameters |
update.tsplot | extract or alter graph parameters |
UpdateGraph | extract or alter graph parameters |
UseTemplate | Find/Replace text in a file |
UseTemplateList | Find/Replace text in a file |
VI | Extract information from a graphical object |
VI.aov | Extract information from a graphical object |
VI.aovlist | Unfinished Methods to help vision impaired useRs |
VI.barplot | Unfinished Methods to help vision impaired useRs |
VI.boxplot | Extract information from a graphical object |
VI.data.frame | Extract information from a graphical object |
VI.Date | Unfinished Methods to help vision impaired useRs |
VI.default | Extract information from a graphical object |
VI.density | Unfinished Methods to help vision impaired useRs |
VI.dotplot | Extract information from a graphical object |
VI.factor | Unfinished Methods to help vision impaired useRs |
VI.ggplot | Extract information from a graphical object |
VI.glm | Unfinished Methods to help vision impaired useRs |
VI.hist | Extract information from a graphical object |
VI.histogram | Extract information from a graphical object |
VI.htest | Extract information from a graphical object |
VI.list | Extract information from a graphical object |
VI.lm | Extract information from a graphical object |
VI.manova | Unfinished Methods to help vision impaired useRs |
VI.matrix | Extract information from a graphical object |
VI.mlm | Unfinished Methods to help vision impaired useRs |
VI.qcc | Extract information from a graphical object |
VI.stepfun | Unfinished Methods to help vision impaired useRs |
VI.summary.lm | Extract information from a graphical object |
VI.table | Unfinished Methods to help vision impaired useRs |
VI.tsplot | Extract information from a graphical object |
VI.TukeyHSD | Extract information from a graphical object |
ViewOff | Set package options |
ViewOn | Set package options |
ViewSVG | Create the necessary files to allow interactive viewing of SVG |
WhatIs | Investigate data objects |
what_is | Investigate data objects |
WhereXY | Count points in a scatter plot |
WhichFile | Find a text string in files |
WriteR | Getting started with WriteR |
WriteRHome | Open the home page for the BrailleR Project, the Google search engine, the BrailleR in Action book, or the Let's Use R Now (LURN) book in your browser |
WTF | What's this figure? |
XLab | extract or alter graph parameters |
YLab | extract or alter graph parameters |
.AddXMLAddTitle | Internal functions for adding the necessary XML content for accessible graphs in SVG format |
.Augment | add additional detail to the stored object for a graph |
.AugmentGrid | add additional detail to the stored object for a graph |