Bayesian Inference for Directed Acyclic Graphs

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Documentation for package ‘BiDAG’ version 2.1.4

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Asia Asia dataset
Asiamat Asiamat
bidag2coda Converting a single BiDAG chain to mcmc object
bidag2codalist Converting multiple BiDAG chains to mcmc.list
Boston Boston housing data
compact2full Deriving an adjecency matrix of a full DBN
compareDAGs Comparing two graphs
compareDBNs Comparing two DBNs
connectedSubGraph Deriving connected subgraph
DAGscore Calculating the BGe/BDe score of a single DAG
DBNdata Simulated data set from a 2-step dynamic Bayesian network
DBNmat An adjacency matrix of a dynamic Bayesian network
DBNscore Calculating the BGe/BDe score of a single DBN
DBNunrolled An unrolled adjacency matrix of a dynamic Bayesian network
edgep Estimating posterior probabilities of single edges
full2compact Deriving a compact adjacency matrix of a DBN
getDAG Extracting adjacency matrix (DAG) from MCMC object
getMCMCscore Extracting score from MCMC object
getRuntime Extracting runtime
getSpace Extracting scorespace from MCMC object
getSubGraph Deriving subgraph
getTrace Extracting trace from MCMC object
graph2m Deriving an adjacency matrix of a graph
gsim A simulated data set from a Gaussian continuous Bayesian network
gsim100 A simulated data set from a Gaussian continuous Bayesian network
gsimmat An adjacency matrix of a simulated dataset
interactions interactions dataset
iterativeMCMC Structure learning with an iterative order MCMC algorithm on an expanded search space
iterativeMCMC class iterativeMCMC class structure
itercomp Performance assessment of iterative MCMC scheme against a known Bayesian network
kirc kirc dataset
kirp kirp dataset
learnBN Bayesian network structure learning
m2graph Deriving a graph from an adjacancy matrix
mapping mapping dataset
modelp Estimating a graph corresponding to a posterior probability threshold
orderMCMC Structure learning with the order MCMC algorithm
orderMCMC class orderMCMC class structure
partitionMCMC DAG structure sampling with partition MCMC
partitionMCMC class partitionMCMC class structure
plot.iterativeMCMC Structure learning with an iterative order MCMC algorithm on an expanded search space
plot.itercomp Performance assessment of iterative MCMC scheme against a known Bayesian network
plot.orderMCMC Structure learning with the order MCMC algorithm
plot.partitionMCMC DAG structure sampling with partition MCMC
plot.samplecomp Performance assessment of sampling algorithms against a known Bayesian network
plot2in1 Highlighting similarities between two graphs
plotDBN Plotting a DBN
plotdiffs Plotting difference between two graphs
plotdiffsDBN Plotting difference between two DBNs
plotpcor Comparing posterior probabilitites of single edges
plotpedges Plotting posterior probabilities of single edges
print.iterativeMCMC Structure learning with an iterative order MCMC algorithm on an expanded search space
print.itercomp Performance assessment of iterative MCMC scheme against a known Bayesian network
print.orderMCMC Structure learning with the order MCMC algorithm
print.partitionMCMC DAG structure sampling with partition MCMC
print.samplecomp Performance assessment of sampling algorithms against a known Bayesian network
print.scoreparameters Initializing score object
print.scorespace Prints 'scorespace' object
sampleBN Bayesian network structure sampling from the posterior distribution
samplecomp Performance assessment of sampling algorithms against a known Bayesian network
scoreagainstDAG Calculating the score of a sample against a DAG
scoreagainstDBN Score against DBN
scoreparameters Initializing score object
scorespace Prints 'scorespace' object
scorespace class scorespace class structure
string2mat Deriving interactions matrix
summary.iterativeMCMC Structure learning with an iterative order MCMC algorithm on an expanded search space
summary.itercomp Performance assessment of iterative MCMC scheme against a known Bayesian network
summary.orderMCMC Structure learning with the order MCMC algorithm
summary.partitionMCMC DAG structure sampling with partition MCMC
summary.samplecomp Performance assessment of sampling algorithms against a known Bayesian network
summary.scoreparameters Initializing score object
summary.scorespace Prints 'scorespace' object