Asia |
Asia dataset |
Asiamat |
Asiamat |
bidag2coda |
Converting a single BiDAG chain to mcmc object |
bidag2codalist |
Converting multiple BiDAG chains to mcmc.list |
Boston |
Boston housing data |
compact2full |
Deriving an adjecency matrix of a full DBN |
compareDAGs |
Comparing two graphs |
compareDBNs |
Comparing two DBNs |
connectedSubGraph |
Deriving connected subgraph |
DAGscore |
Calculating the BGe/BDe score of a single DAG |
DBNdata |
Simulated data set from a 2-step dynamic Bayesian network |
DBNmat |
An adjacency matrix of a dynamic Bayesian network |
DBNscore |
Calculating the BGe/BDe score of a single DBN |
DBNunrolled |
An unrolled adjacency matrix of a dynamic Bayesian network |
edgep |
Estimating posterior probabilities of single edges |
full2compact |
Deriving a compact adjacency matrix of a DBN |
getDAG |
Extracting adjacency matrix (DAG) from MCMC object |
getMCMCscore |
Extracting score from MCMC object |
getRuntime |
Extracting runtime |
getSpace |
Extracting scorespace from MCMC object |
getSubGraph |
Deriving subgraph |
getTrace |
Extracting trace from MCMC object |
graph2m |
Deriving an adjacency matrix of a graph |
gsim |
A simulated data set from a Gaussian continuous Bayesian network |
gsim100 |
A simulated data set from a Gaussian continuous Bayesian network |
gsimmat |
An adjacency matrix of a simulated dataset |
interactions |
interactions dataset |
iterativeMCMC |
Structure learning with an iterative order MCMC algorithm on an expanded search space |
iterativeMCMC class |
iterativeMCMC class structure |
itercomp |
Performance assessment of iterative MCMC scheme against a known Bayesian network |
kirc |
kirc dataset |
kirp |
kirp dataset |
learnBN |
Bayesian network structure learning |
m2graph |
Deriving a graph from an adjacancy matrix |
mapping |
mapping dataset |
modelp |
Estimating a graph corresponding to a posterior probability threshold |
orderMCMC |
Structure learning with the order MCMC algorithm |
orderMCMC class |
orderMCMC class structure |
partitionMCMC |
DAG structure sampling with partition MCMC |
partitionMCMC class |
partitionMCMC class structure |
plot.iterativeMCMC |
Structure learning with an iterative order MCMC algorithm on an expanded search space |
plot.itercomp |
Performance assessment of iterative MCMC scheme against a known Bayesian network |
plot.orderMCMC |
Structure learning with the order MCMC algorithm |
plot.partitionMCMC |
DAG structure sampling with partition MCMC |
plot.samplecomp |
Performance assessment of sampling algorithms against a known Bayesian network |
plot2in1 |
Highlighting similarities between two graphs |
plotDBN |
Plotting a DBN |
plotdiffs |
Plotting difference between two graphs |
plotdiffsDBN |
Plotting difference between two DBNs |
plotpcor |
Comparing posterior probabilitites of single edges |
plotpedges |
Plotting posterior probabilities of single edges |
print.iterativeMCMC |
Structure learning with an iterative order MCMC algorithm on an expanded search space |
print.itercomp |
Performance assessment of iterative MCMC scheme against a known Bayesian network |
print.orderMCMC |
Structure learning with the order MCMC algorithm |
print.partitionMCMC |
DAG structure sampling with partition MCMC |
print.samplecomp |
Performance assessment of sampling algorithms against a known Bayesian network |
print.scoreparameters |
Initializing score object |
print.scorespace |
Prints 'scorespace' object |
sampleBN |
Bayesian network structure sampling from the posterior distribution |
samplecomp |
Performance assessment of sampling algorithms against a known Bayesian network |
scoreagainstDAG |
Calculating the score of a sample against a DAG |
scoreagainstDBN |
Score against DBN |
scoreparameters |
Initializing score object |
scorespace |
Prints 'scorespace' object |
scorespace class |
scorespace class structure |
string2mat |
Deriving interactions matrix |
summary.iterativeMCMC |
Structure learning with an iterative order MCMC algorithm on an expanded search space |
summary.itercomp |
Performance assessment of iterative MCMC scheme against a known Bayesian network |
summary.orderMCMC |
Structure learning with the order MCMC algorithm |
summary.partitionMCMC |
DAG structure sampling with partition MCMC |
summary.samplecomp |
Performance assessment of sampling algorithms against a known Bayesian network |
summary.scoreparameters |
Initializing score object |
summary.scorespace |
Prints 'scorespace' object |