BRugs |
Introduction to BRugs |
BRugsFit |
BRugs' meta function |
bugsData |
Writing input for OpenBUGS |
bugsInits |
Writing input for OpenBUGS |
buildMCMC |
Generating mcmc.list objects for package coda |
dicClear |
dicSet |
dicStats |
getNumChains |
Number of chains |
help.BRugs |
Introduction to BRugs |
help.WinBUGS |
WinBUGS documentation |
infoMemory |
Show memory usage |
infoModules |
Loaded modules |
infoNodeMethods |
Node information |
infoNodeTypes |
Node information |
infoNodeValues |
Node information |
infoUpdatersbyDepth |
Information on MCMC updaters |
infoUpdatersbyName |
Information on MCMC updaters |
loadOpenBUGS |
Load OpenBUGS from given directory |
modelAdaptivePhase |
Getting length of adaptive phase |
modelCheck |
Checking the model file |
modelCompile |
Compiling the model |
modelData |
Loading the data |
modelDisable |
Enable and disable factories to create updaters |
modelEnable |
Enable and disable factories to create updaters |
modelGenInits |
Generating initial values |
modelInits |
Loading initial values |
modelIteration |
Returns number of iterations |
modelNames |
Get variable names in model |
modelPrecision |
Setting precision for prec figures |
modelSaveState |
Save the model's current state |
modelSetAP |
Changing settings of updating algorithms |
modelSetIts |
Changing settings of updating algorithms |
modelSetOR |
Changing settings of updating algorithms |
modelSetRN |
State of Random Number Generator |
modelSetWD |
Set working directory |
modelUpdate |
Updating the model |
plotAutoC |
Plot autocorrelation function for a scalar variable |
plotBgr |
Plot the Gelman-Rubin convergence statistic for a scalar variable |
plotDensity |
Plot density estimate or histogram of a scalar variable |
plotHistory |
Trace of a scalar variable |
ranksClear |
Calculation of ranks |
ranksSet |
Calculation of ranks |
ranksStats |
Calculation of ranks |
ratsdata |
ratsdata example |
ratsinits |
ratsdata example |
samplesAutoC |
Plot autocorrelation function |
samplesBgr |
Plot the Gelman-Rubin convergence statistic |
samplesClear |
Clear recorded values |
samplesCoda |
Writing files in CODA format |
samplesCorrel |
Correlation |
samplesDensity |
Plot density estimate or histogram |
samplesGetBeg |
Get settings used for calculations |
samplesGetEnd |
Get settings used for calculations |
samplesGetFirstChain |
Get settings used for calculations |
samplesGetLastChain |
Get settings used for calculations |
samplesGetThin |
Get settings used for calculations |
samplesHistory |
Trace of a variable |
samplesMonitors |
Names of monitored scalar variables |
samplesSample |
Stored values |
samplesSet |
Start recording |
samplesSetBeg |
Change settings used for calculations |
samplesSetEnd |
Change settings used for calculations |
samplesSetFirstChain |
Change settings used for calculations |
samplesSetLastChain |
Change settings used for calculations |
samplesSetThin |
Change settings used for calculations |
samplesSize |
Size of the stored sample |
samplesStats |
Calculate summary statistics |
setValues |
Setting current values |
summaryClear |
Summary of MCMC simulation |
summarySet |
Summary of MCMC simulation |
summaryStats |
Summary of MCMC simulation |
writeModel |
Creating an OpenBUGS model file |