samplesHistory {BRugs}R Documentation

Trace of a variable


This function returns and plots a complete trace for a variable.


samplesHistory(node, beg = samplesGetBeg(), end = samplesGetEnd(), 
    firstChain = samplesGetFirstChain(), 
    lastChain = samplesGetLastChain(), thin = samplesGetThin(),
    plot = TRUE, mfrow = c(3, 1), ask = NULL, ann = TRUE, ...)



Character vector of length 1, name of a variable in the model.

beg, end

Arguments to select a slice of monitored values corresponding to iterations beg:end.

firstChain, lastChain

Arguments to select a sub group of chains to plot the trace for.


to only use every thin-th value of the stored sample for statistics.


Logical, whether to plot the trace or only return the values. If TRUE, values are returned invisibly.

mfrow, ask, ann

Graphical parameters, see par for details. ask defaults to TRUE unless it is plotting into an already opened non-interactive device. The ann parameter is not available in S-PLUS, and will be ignored if it is set.


Further graphical parameters as in par may also be passed as arguments to plotHistory.


If the variable of interest is an array, slices of the array can be selected using the notation variable[lower0:upper0, lower1:upper1, ...]. A star ‘*’ can be entered as shorthand for all the stored samples.

If the arguments are left at their defaults the whole sample for all chains will be used for calculation.


A list containing matrices - one for each scalar variable contained in argument node. Each row of a matrix corresponds to one chain.

See Also

plotHistory, BRugs, help.WinBUGS

[Package BRugs version 0.9-2.1 Index]