BRugsFit {BRugs}R Documentation

BRugs' meta function


This function takes model, data and starting values as input and automatically runs a simulation in BRugs.


BRugsFit(modelFile, data, inits, numChains = 3, parametersToSave,
    nBurnin = 1000, nIter = 1000, nThin = 1, coda = FALSE,
    DIC = TRUE, = NULL, digits = 5, seed=NULL,
    BRugsVerbose = getOption("BRugsVerbose"))



File containing the model written in OpenBUGS code, an R function that contains a BUGS model that is written to a temporary model file (see tempfile) using writeModel.


Either a named list (names corresponding to variable names in the modelFile) of the data for the OpenBUGS model, or a vector or list of the names of the data objects used by the model. In these cases data are written into a file ‘data.txt’ into the temporary directory of the current R session.

If a filename of an existing file is given, data are read from that file.


A list with numChains elements; each element of the list is itself a list of starting values for the OpenBUGS model, or a function creating (possibly random) initial values. In these cases inits are written into files ‘inits1.txt’, ..., ‘initsN.txt’ into the temporary directory of the current R session.

If a vector of filenames of existing files is given, inits are read from those files. Alternatively, if inits is not specified, initial values are generated by OpenBUGS.


Number of Markov chains (default: 3).


Character vector of the names of the parameters to save which should be monitored.


Length of burn in (before nIter iterations start).


Number of iterations (without burn in).


Every nThin-th iteration of each chain is stored.


Determines the output format: if FALSE (default), a list containing sample and DIC statistics is returned. If TRUE, an mcmc.list object as known from the coda package is returned.


Logical, whether to calculate and return the DIC.

Sets working directory during execution of this function; data, inits and other files are written to / read from this directory if no other directory is explicitly given in those arguments. If NULL, the current working directory is chosen.


Number of significant digits used for OpenBUGS input, see formatC.


Integer value from 1 to 14 defining the state of the random number generator - default is to not specify the state (see modelSetRN).


Logical, whether BRugs is supposed to be verbose. This can be controlled for the whole BRugs package by by the option ‘BRugsVerbose’ (see options) which is set to TRUE by default.


If coda is set to TRUE, an mcmc.list object as known from the coda package is returned, otherwise a list containg components


A data frame containing sample statistics. See samplesStats.


The DIC statistics, if DIC=TRUE, else NULL. See dicStats.

See Also

BRugs, help.WinBUGS. Andrew Gelman proposes some print and plot methods that can be accessed by the openbugs (and bugs) and as.bugs.array functions in the CRAN package R2WinBUGS.


## Prepare the example files in a temporary directory
exfiles <- dir(options()$OpenBUGSExamples, pattern="^Rats.*txt$", full.names=TRUE)
ok <- file.copy(exfiles, tempdir())
BRugsFit(data = "Ratsdata.txt", inits = "Ratsinits.txt",
    para = c("alpha", "beta"), modelFile = "Ratsmodel.txt",
    numChains = 1, = tempdir())

[Package BRugs version 0.9-2.1 Index]