Bayesian Hierarchical Multi-Subject Multiscale Analysis of Functional MRI (fMRI) Data

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Documentation for package ‘BHMSMAfMRI’ version 2.2

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BHMSMA Bayesian hierarchical multi-subject multiscale analysis (BHMSMA) of functional MRI data or other multiscale data
BHMSMAfMRI Bayesian Hierarchical Multi-Subject Multiscale Analysis (BHMSMA) of Functional MRI Data
fmridata A simulated fMRI data for 3 subjects
glmcoef Fit GLM (general linear model) to the fMRI time-series of all voxels within a single 2D brain slice
hyperparamest Obtain estimates of the hyperparameters of the BHMSMA model
postglmcoef Obtain posterior estimate of a 2D GLM coefficients map of a regressor
postgroupglmcoef Obtain posterior group estimate of a 2D GLM coefficients map of a regressor
postmixprob Obtain estimates of the mixture probabilities defining the BHMSMA posterior wavelet coefficients distributions
postsamples Obtain samples from the posterior distribution of a 2D GLM coefficient map.
postwaveletcoef Obtain posterior estimates of the BHMSMA wavelet coefficients
readfmridata Import fMRI data from various fMRI image files
substituteWaveletCoef Substitute 2D wavelet transform coefficients with user-given values
waveletcoef Apply discrete wavelet transform (DWT) to a 2D GLM coefficient map of a regressor