BHMSMA {BHMSMAfMRI} | R Documentation |
Bayesian hierarchical multi-subject multiscale analysis (BHMSMA) of functional MRI data or other multiscale data
is the main function that performs BHMSMA (Sanyal & Ferreira, 2012) of fMRI data, or other multiscale data, using wavelet-based prior that borrows strength across subjects and provides posterior smooth estimates of the effect sizes. Specifically, BHMSMA
constructs a 2D regression coefficient map (e.g., corresponding to a single brain slice) of a given regressor and returns its posterior smoothed version based on multi-subject or single subject analyses.
BHMSMA(n, grid, data, designmat, k, analysis="multi",
truecoef=NULL,"DaubLeAsymm", filter.number=6,
n |
Number of subjects. |
grid |
The number of voxels in one row (or column) of the brain slice of interest. Must be a power of 2. The total number of voxels is |
data |
The data in the form of an array with dimension |
designmat |
The design matrix used to generate the data. The rows must correspond to |
k |
Index of the regressor chosen for analysis, consistently with |
analysis |
"MSA" or "SSA", depending on whether performing multi-subject analysis or single subject analysis. |
truecoef |
If available, the true GLM coefficients in the form of an array with dimension | |
The family of wavelets to use - "DaubExPhase" or "DaubLeAsymm". Default is "DaubLeAsymm". |
filter.number |
The number of vanishing moments of the wavelet. Default is 6. |
bc |
The boundary condition to use - "periodic" or "symmetric". Default is "periodic". |
The wavelet computations are performed by using the R package wavethresh.
A list containing the following.
GLMCoefStandardized |
An array of dimension |
An array of dimension |
WaveletCoefficientMatrix |
A matrix of dimension |
hyperparam |
A vector containing the estimates of the six hyperparameters. |
hyperparamVar |
Estimated covariance matrix of the hyperparameters. |
posteriorMixProb |
A matrix of dimension |
PostMeanWaveletCoef |
A matrix of size |
GLMcoefposterior |
An array of dimension |
MSE of the posterior estimates of the GLM coefficients, if the true values of the GLM coefficients are available. |
Nilotpal Sanyal, Marco Ferreira
Maintainer: Nilotpal Sanyal <>
Sanyal, Nilotpal, and Ferreira, Marco A.R. (2012). Bayesian hierarchical multi-subject multiscale analysis of functional MRI data. Neuroimage, 63, 3, 1519-1531.
See Also
, glmcoef
, waveletcoef
, hyperparamest
, postmixprob
, postwaveletcoef
, substituteWaveletCoef
, postglmcoef
, imwd
, imwr
# BHMSMA multi-subject analysis for simulated (fMRI)
# data at 4 timepoints over an 8x8 grid (of a brain
# slice) for 3 subjects
n <- 3
grid <- 8
ntime <- 4
data <- array(rnorm(n*grid*grid*ntime),
designmat <- cbind(c(1,1,1,1),c(1,0,1,0))
k <- 2
analysis <- "multi"
BHMSMAmulti <- BHMSMA(n, grid, data, designmat,
k, analysis)
zlim = c(0,max(abs(BHMSMAmulti$GLMCoefStandardized)))
image( abs(BHMSMAmulti$GLMCoefStandardized[1,,,k]),
col=heat.colors(12),zlim=zlim,main="GLM coef map")
image( abs(BHMSMAmulti$GLMcoefposterior[1,,]),
col=heat.colors(12),zlim=zlim,main="GLM coef posterior map")
## Not run:
# BHMSMA multi-subject analysis for simulated (fMRI)
# data at 100 timepoints over an 64x64 grid (of a
# brain slice) for 15 subjects
# (takes ~12s in a 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 processor)
n <- 15
grid <- 64
ntime <- 100
data <- array(rnorm(n*grid*grid*ntime),
designmat <- cbind(rep(1,ntime),runif(ntime))
k <- 2
analysis <- "multi"
system.time({BHMSMAmulti <- BHMSMA(n,grid,data,
## End(Not run)