Bayesian Adaptive Designs for Phase II Trials with Binary Endpoint

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Documentation for package ‘BDP2’ version 0.1.3

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BDP2-package Bayesian Adaptive Designs for Phase II Trials with Binary Endpoint
BDP2 Operating characteristics of a single-arm trial with a binary endpoint
BDP2workflow Shiny app for workflow
BDP2_simulate Simulated operating characteristics of a single-arm trial with a binary endpoint for different types of futility criteria
crit_general Calculates CritBoundaries for different types of futility criteria
pFstop Operating characteristics of a single-arm trial with a binary endpoint with futility stopping
pFstopEcall operating characteristics of a single-arm trial with a binary endpoint with futility stopping and calling efficacy at interim
pFstopEstop Operating characteristics of a single-arm trial with a binary endpoint with stopping for futility and stopping for efficacy
plot.cE_vs_pEcall Plot objects returned by plotBDP2()
plot.cE_vs_pEstop Plot objects returned by plotBDP2()
plotBDP2 Plots