as_graphNEL |
Transform adjacency matrix into graphNEL object |
causaleffect |
Compute causal effects between variables |
confint.bcdagCE |
Credible Intervals for bcdagCE Object |
get_causaleffect |
Estimate total causal effects from the MCMC output |
get_diagnostics |
MCMC diagnostics |
get_edgeprobs |
Compute posterior probabilities of edge inclusion from the MCMC output |
get_MAPdag |
Compute the maximum a posteriori DAG model from the MCMC output |
get_MPMdag |
Compute the median probability DAG model from the MCMC output |
get_neighboringDAGs |
Enumerate all neighbors of a DAG |
learn_DAG |
MCMC scheme for Gaussian DAG posterior inference |
leukemia |
Protein levels for 68 diagnosed AML patients of subtype M2 |
plot.bcdag |
bcdag object plot |
plot.bcdagCE |
bcdagCE object plot |
print.bcdag |
bcdag object print |
print.bcdagCE |
bcdagCE object print |
rDAG |
Generate a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) randomly |
rDAGWishart |
Random samples from a compatible DAG-Wishart distribution |
summary.bcdag |
bcdag object summaries |
summary.bcdagCE |
bcdagCE object summary |