Genetic Population Level Functions

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Documentation for package ‘xegaPopulation’ version

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AcceptBest Accepts only genes with equal or better fitness.
AcceptFactory Configure the acceptance function of a genetic algorithm.
AcceptIVMetropolis Individually Adaptive Metropolis Acceptance Rule.
AcceptMetropolis Metropolis Acceptance Rule.
AcceptNewGene Accepts a new gene.
ApplyFactory Configure the the execution model for gene evaluation.
ConstCRate Constant crossover rate.
ConstMRate Constant mutation rate.
CoolingFactory Configure the cooling schedule of the acceptance function of a genetic algorithm.
Cross2Gene Import for examples.
CrossGene Import for examples.
CrossRateFactory Configure the crossover function of a genetic algorithm.
ExponentialAdditiveCooling Exponential additive cooling.
ExponentialMultiplicativeCooling Exponential multiplicative cooling.
futureLapply Future apply of R-package 'future.apply'.
IACRate Individually adaptive crossover rate.
IAMBitRate Individually adaptive mutation rate. (Bit mutation Rate)
IAMRate Individually adaptive mutation rate.
InitGene Import for examples.
lFxegaGaGene Import for examples.
LogarithmicMultiplicativeCooling Logarithmic multiplicative cooling.
MClapply MultiCore apply of library parallel.
MetropolisAcceptanceProbability Metropolis acceptance probability.
MetropolisTable Metropolis acceptance probability table.
MutationRateFactory Configure the mutation rate function of a genetic algorithm.
PowerAdditiveCooling Power additive cooling.
PowerMultiplicativeCooling Power multiplicative cooling.
PparLapply uses parLapply of library parallel for using workers on machines in a local network.
ReplicateGene Import for examples.
TrigonometricAdditiveCooling Trigonometric additive cooling.
xegaBestGeneInPopulation Extracts indices of best genes in population.
xegaBestInPopulation Best solution in the population.
xegaConfiguration Remembers R command command with which algorithm has been called.
xegaEvalPopulation Evaluates a population of genes in a a problem environment
xegaInitPopulation Initializes a population of genes.
xegaLogEvalsPopulation Combine fitness, generations, and the phentype of the gene.
xegaNextPopulation Computes the next population of genes.
xegaObservePopulation Observe summary statistics of the fitness of the population.
xegaPopulation Package xegaPopulation.
xegaSummaryPopulation Provide elementary summary statistics of the fitness of the population.