Tools for Wikidata and Wikipedia

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Documentation for package ‘wikiTools’ version 1.2.4

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cc Converts a text separated by commas into a character vector.
checkTitles checkTitles(titles) Check if titles are valid. Return TRUE is all titles are valid, else FALSE. See:See
extractWiki Extract the first paragraph of a Wikipedia article with a maximum of characters.
filext Extract the extension of a file
getFiles Downloads a list of files in a specified path of the computer, and return a vector of the no-found names (if any).
getWikiData Create a data.frame with Wikidata of a vector of names.
getWikiFiles Downloads a list of Wikipedia pages in a specified path of the computer, and return a vector of the no-found names (if any).
getWikiInf Create a data.frame with Q's and descriptions of a vector of names.
httrGetJSON httrGetJSON Retrieve responses in JSON format using httr::GET. It is a generic function to use for request these Wikimedia metrics API: (
limitRequester Limits the rate at which a function will execute
m_Opensearch Open search of a string
m_Pageviews Get number of views of a Wikipedia article
m_reqMediaWiki Retrieve responses using the MediaWiki API.
m_XtoolsInfo Gets various information from a Wikimedia page
nametoWikiFrame Convert names into a Wikipedia's iframe
nametoWikiHtml Create the Wikipedia link of a name or entry.
nametoWikiURL Create the Wikipedia URL of a name or entry.
normalizedTitle normalizedTitle(title, q) Return de normalized or redirect title (also normalized) from the query part of the JSON response of a MediaWiki search that uses titles.
preName Reverse the order of the first and last names of every element of a vector.
reqMediaWiki Uses httr package to retrieve responses using the MediaWiki API.
reqWDQS Get responses from Wikidata Query Service
searchWiki Find if there is a Wikipedia page of a name(s) in the selected language.
urltoFrame Convert an URL link to an HTML iframe.
urltoHtml Convert a Wikipedia URL to an HTML link
user_agent See
validUrl Find if an URL link is valid.
v_AutoSuggest Suggests VIAF id from a name
v_Extract Gets information from a VIAF record
v_GetRecord Gets record clusters
v_Search Run a CQL Query in VIAF
w_EntityInfo Get some personal properties of one Wikidata entity
w_IdentifiersOfAuthority Search for Wikidata entities that have a property identifier
w_isInstanceOf Check if a Wikidata entity is an instance of a class
w_isValid Check if a Wikidata entity is valid
w_OccupationEntities Gets Wikidata entities with a certain occupation
w_Property Searching for properties of the entity list
w_query Responses from Wikidata Query Service
w_SearchByLabel Search Wikidata entities
w_Wikipedias Gets Wikipedia pages from a Q list.