w_Geoloc {wikiTools}R Documentation

Get Latitude and Longitude coordinates, and Country of places


Get Latitude and Longitude coordinates of the Wikidata entities which are places. Also the countries they belong are returned.


w_Geoloc(entity_list, langsorder = "", nlimit = 1000, debug = FALSE)



A vector with de Wikidata entities (places).


Order of languages in which the information will be returned, separated with '|'. If no information is given in the first language, next is used. If langsorder==”, then labels or descriptions are not returned.


If the number of entities exceeds this number, chunked queries are done. This is the number of entities requested in each chunk. Please, reduce the default value if error is raised.


For debugging purposes (default FALSE). If debug='info' information about chunked queries is shown. If debug='query' also the query launched is shown.


A data-frame with 'entity', label, Latitude and Longitude, country and label of the country.


Angel Zazo, Department of Computer Science and Automatics, University of Salamanca


## Not run: 
w_Geoloc(c("Q57860", "Q90", "Q15695"), langsorder="")
w_Geoloc(c("Q57860", "Q90", "Q15695"), langsorder="se") # Note label of place for Q15695
w_Geoloc(c("Q57860", "Q90", "Q15695"), langsorder="se|fr")
df <- w_SearchByOccupation(Qoc='Q2306091') # aprox. 20000
l <- df$entity
# Get birth-place (P19)
p <- w_Property(l, Pproperty = 'P19', includeQ=TRUE, langsorder='es|en', debug='info')
# Filter entities that have places
places <- p[grepl("^Q\\d+$", p$P19), ]$P19
g <- w_Geoloc(places, langsorder='en|es', debug='info')

## End(Not run)

[Package wikiTools version 1.2.7 Index]