v_Search {wikiTools}R Documentation

Run a CQL Query in VIAF


Run the CQL_Query using the VIAF Search API and return a list of records found. The search string is formed using the CQL_Query syntax of the API. Note that returned records use the "info:srw/schema/1/JSON" record schema, i.e., are complete cluster records packed in JSON format. If the number of records found is greater than 250 (API restrictions), successive requests are made.


  mode = c("default", "anyField", "allmainHeadingEl", "allNames", "allPersonalNames",
  schema = c("JSON", "brief")



String with the search or a name if mode is specified. See https://www.oclc.org/developer/api/oclc-apis/viaf/authority-cluster.en.html


apply a predefined query: 'anyField' -> 'cql.any = "string"' Search preferred Name - names which are the preferred form in an authority record (1xx fields of the MARC records); 'allmainHeadingEl' -> 'local.mainHeadingEl all "name"' Search the same as previous, but all terms are searched; 'allNames' -> 'local.names all "name"' Search Names - any name preferred or alternate (1xx, 4xx, 5xx fields of the MARC records); 'allPersonalNames' -> 'local.personalNames all "name"' Search Personal Names within the authority record (100, 400, 500 fields of MARC records); 'allTitle' -> 'local.title all "title"' Search for titles. By 'default', no predefined query will be applied.


The recordSchema of the query: if 'brief' (defaults) the records returned are more simple. If 'JSON', then de complete cluster records are returned.


A list with the records found.


## Not run: 
## Search in any field (cql.any)
# Operator is "=": so search one or more terms:
CQL_Query <- 'cql.any = "García Iranzo, Juan"'
r <- v_Search(CQL_Query)
# r contains complete VIAF records (sometimes seen as a "cluster record",
# which is unified by combining records from many libraries around the world)
# Search in 1xx, 4xx, 5xx fields of MARC record (local.names)
# Operator is "all": search all terms
CQL_Query <- 'local.names all "Modesto Escobar"'
r <- v_Search(CQL_Query)

# Search in 100, 400, 500 fields of MARC record (local.personalNames)
# Operator is "all": search all terms
CQL_Query <- 'local.personalNames all "Modesto Escobar"'
r <- v_Search(CQL_Query)

# Search in Titles
CQL_Query <- 'local.title all "Los pronósticos electorales con encuestas"'
r <- v_Search(CQL_Query)

## End(Not run)

[Package wikiTools version 1.2.7 Index]