The Weyl Algebra

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Documentation for package ‘weyl’ version 0.0-4

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weyl-package The Weyl Algebra
. Class "dot"
as.der Derivations The identity operator The identity operator
as.identity The identity operator The identity operator
as.weyl The algebra and weyl objects
coeff Manipulate the coefficients of a weyl object
coeffs Manipulate the coefficients of a weyl object
coeffs-method Manipulate the coefficients of a weyl object
coeffs.weyl Manipulate the coefficients of a weyl object
coeffs<- Manipulate the coefficients of a weyl object
coeffs<--method Manipulate the coefficients of a weyl object
coeffs<-.weyl Manipulate the coefficients of a weyl object
commutator Class "dot"
const The constant term
constant The constant term
constant.weyl The constant term
constant<- The constant term
constant<-.weyl The constant term
d Generating elements for the first Weyl algebra
deg The degree of a 'weyl' object
degree The degree of a 'weyl' object
derivation Derivations
derivations Derivations
dim The dimension of a 'weyl' object
dim.weyl The dimension of a 'weyl' object
dimension The dimension of a 'weyl' object
dot Class "dot"
dot-class Class "dot"
dot_error Class "dot"
drop Drop redundant information
drop-method Drop redundant information
empty The zero operator
extract Class "dot"
grade The grade of a weyl object
grade<- The grade of a weyl object
grades The grade of a weyl object
id The identity operator
identity The identity operator
idweyl The identity operator
index Manipulate the coefficients of a weyl object
is.empty The zero operator The identity operator The identity operator
is.identity The identity operator
is.ok.weyl The algebra and weyl objects
is.weyl The algebra and weyl objects The zero operator
jacobi Class "dot"
Ops Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for the Weyl algebra
Ops.weyl Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for the Weyl algebra
print Print methods for weyl objects
print.weyl Print methods for weyl objects
prodfunc Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for the Weyl algebra
rweyl Random weyl objects
spray Create spray objects
symbol_map The grade of a weyl object
value Manipulate the coefficients of a weyl object
value-method Manipulate the coefficients of a weyl object
value.weyl Manipulate the coefficients of a weyl object
value<- Manipulate the coefficients of a weyl object
value<-.weyl Manipulate the coefficients of a weyl object
values Manipulate the coefficients of a weyl object
weyl The algebra and weyl objects
weyl-class Class "weyl"
weylvars Print methods for weyl objects
weyl_power_scalar Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for the Weyl algebra
weyl_prod Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for the Weyl algebra
weyl_prod_helper1 Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for the Weyl algebra
weyl_prod_helper2 Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for the Weyl algebra
weyl_prod_helper3 Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for the Weyl algebra
weyl_prod_multivariate_nrow_allcolumns Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for the Weyl algebra
weyl_prod_multivariate_onerow_allcolumns Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for the Weyl algebra
weyl_prod_multivariate_onerow_singlecolumn Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for the Weyl algebra
weyl_prod_univariate_nrow Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for the Weyl algebra
weyl_prod_univariate_onerow Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for the Weyl algebra
x Generating elements for the first Weyl algebra
x_and_d Generating elements for the first Weyl algebra
zero The zero operator
[-method Class "dot"
[.dot Class "dot"