AIC.SVC_mle |
Conditional Akaike's and Bayesian Information Criteria |
BIC.SVC_mle |
Conditional Akaike's and Bayesian Information Criteria |
check_cov_lower |
Check Lower Bound of Covariance Parameters |
coef.SVC_mle |
Extact Mean Effects |
coef.SVC_selection |
Extact Mean Effects |
cov_par |
Extact Covariance Parameters |
cov_par.SVC_mle |
Extact Covariance Parameters |
cov_par.SVC_selection |
Extact Covariance Parameters |
fitted.SVC_mle |
Extact Model Fitted Values |
GLS_chol |
GLS Estimate using Cholesky Factor |
GLS_chol.matrix |
GLS Estimate using Cholesky Factor |
GLS_chol.spam.chol.NgPeyton |
GLS Estimate using Cholesky Factor |
house |
Lucas County House Price Data |
IC.SVC_mle |
Conditional Akaike's and Bayesian Information Criteria |
init_bounds_optim |
Setting of Optimization Bounds and Initial Values |
logLik.SVC_mle |
Extact the Likelihood |
nlocs |
Extract Number of Unique Locations |
nobs.SVC_mle |
Extract Number of Observations |
plot.SVC_mle |
Plotting Residuals of 'SVC_mle' model |
predict.SVC_mle |
Prediction of SVCs (and response variable) |
print.summary.SVC_mle |
Printing Method for 'summary.SVC_mle' |
print.SVC_mle |
Print Method for 'SVC_mle' |
residuals.SVC_mle |
Extact Model Residuals |
sample_SVCdata |
Sample Function for GP-based SVC Model for Given Locations |
summary.SVC_mle |
Summary Method for 'SVC_mle' |
SVCdata |
Sampled SVC Data |
SVC_mle |
MLE of SVC model |
SVC_mle.default |
MLE of SVC model |
SVC_mle.formula |
MLE of SVC model |
SVC_mle_control |
Set Parameters for 'SVC_mle' |
SVC_mle_control.default |
Set Parameters for 'SVC_mle' |
SVC_mle_control.SVC_mle |
Set Parameters for 'SVC_mle' |
SVC_selection |
SVC Model Selection |
SVC_selection_control |
SVC Selection Parameters |
varycoef |
varycoef: Modeling Spatially Varying Coefficients |