Tipping Point Analyses

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Documentation for package ‘tipr’ version 1.0.2

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adjust_coef Adjust an observed regression coefficient for a normally distributed confounder
adjust_coef_with_binary Adjust an observed coefficient from a regression model with a binary confounder
adjust_coef_with_continuous Adjust an observed regression coefficient for a normally distributed confounder
adjust_coef_with_r2 Adjust a regression coefficient using the partial R2 for an unmeasured confounder-exposure relationship and unmeasured confounder- outcome relationship
adjust_hr Adjust an observed hazard ratio for a normally distributed confounder
adjust_hr_with_binary Adjust an observed hazard ratio with a binary confounder
adjust_hr_with_continuous Adjust an observed hazard ratio for a normally distributed confounder
adjust_or Adjust an observed odds ratio for a normally distributed confounder
adjust_or_with_binary Adjust an observed odds ratio with a binary confounder
adjust_or_with_continuous Adjust an observed odds ratio for a normally distributed confounder
adjust_rr Adjust an observed risk ratio for a normally distributed confounder
adjust_rr_with_binary Adjust an observed risk ratio with a binary confounder
adjust_rr_with_continuous Adjust an observed risk ratio for a normally distributed confounder
exdata_continuous Example Data (Continuous Outcome)
exdata_rr Example Data (Risk Ratio)
e_value Calculate an E-value
observed_bias_order Order observed bias data frame for plotting
observed_bias_tbl Create a data frame to assist with creating an observed bias plot
observed_bias_tip Create a data frame to combine with an observed bias data frame demonstrating a hypothetical unmeasured confounder
observed_covariate_e_value Calculate the Observed Covariate E-value
r_value Robustness value
tip Tip a result with a normally distributed confounder.
tip_b Tip a result with a binary confounder.
tip_c Tip a result with a normally distributed confounder.
tip_coef Tip a linear model coefficient with a continuous confounder.
tip_coef_with_continuous Tip a linear model coefficient with a continuous confounder.
tip_coef_with_r2 Tip a regression coefficient using the partial R2 for an unmeasured confounder-exposure relationship and unmeasured confounder- outcome relationship
tip_hr Tip an observed hazard ratio with a normally distributed confounder.
tip_hr_with_binary Tip an observed hazard ratio with a binary confounder.
tip_hr_with_continuous Tip an observed hazard ratio with a normally distributed confounder.
tip_or Tip an observed odds ratio with a normally distributed confounder.
tip_or_with_binary Tip an observed odds ratio with a binary confounder.
tip_or_with_continuous Tip an observed odds ratio with a normally distributed confounder.
tip_rr Tip an observed risk ratio with a normally distributed confounder.
tip_rr_with_binary Tip an observed risk ratio with a binary confounder.
tip_rr_with_continuous Tip an observed risk ratio with a normally distributed confounder.
tip_with_binary Tip a result with a binary confounder.
tip_with_continuous Tip a result with a normally distributed confounder.