box_surv |
box_surv |
cod |
cod |
cor.full |
cor.test for all variables | |
cor.test for one variable with all variables |
corheatmap |
corheatmap |
corscatterplot |
corscatterplot |
deg |
deg |
deseq_data |
deseq_data |
double_enrich |
draw enrichment bar plots for both up and down genes |
draw_boxplot |
draw boxplot for expression |
draw_heatmap |
draw a heatmap plot |
draw_heatmap2 |
draw heatmap plots |
draw_KM |
draw_KM |
draw_pca |
draw PCA plots |
draw_tsne |
draw_tsne |
draw_venn |
draw a venn plot |
draw_volcano |
draw a volcano plot |
draw_volcano2 |
draw_volcano2 |
dumd |
count unique values in every columns for data.frame |
edges_to_nodes |
edges_to_nodes |
exists_anno_list |
exists_anno_list |
exprSet_hub1 |
exprSet_hub1 |
exp_boxplot |
exp_boxplot |
exp_hub1 |
exp_hub1 |
exp_surv |
exp_surv |
find_anno |
find annotation package or files |
genes |
genes |
geo_download |
geo_download |
get_cgs |
get_cgs |
get_count_txt |
get count from GEO |
get_deg |
get_deg |
get_deg_all |
get_deg_all |
get_gpl_txt |
get gpl txt from GEO |
ggheat |
ggheat |
hypertest |
hypertest |
interaction_to_edges |
interaction_to_edges |
intersect_all |
intersect_all |
lnc_anno |
lnc_anno |
lnc_annov23 |
lnc_annov23 |
make_tcga_group |
make_tcga_group |
match_exp_cl |
match_exp_cl |
meta1 |
meta1 |
mRNA_anno |
mRNA_anno |
mRNA_annov23 |
mRNA_annov23 |
multi_deg |
multi_deg |
multi_deg_all |
multi_deg_all |
pkg_all |
pkg_all |
plcortest |
plcortest |
plot_deg |
plot_deg |
point_cut |
point_cut |
quick_enrich |
quick_enrich |
risk_plot |
risk_plot |
sam_filter |
sam_filter |
surv_cox |
surv_cox |
surv_KM |
surv_KM |
trans_array |
trans_array |
trans_entrezexp |
trans_entrezexp |
trans_exp |
trans_exp |
trans_exp_new |
trans_exp_new |
t_choose |
t_choose |
union_all |
union_all |