'tidyverse' Methods for 'Earth Engine'

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Documentation for package ‘tidyrgee’ version 0.1.0

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add_date_to_bandname add_date_to_band_name
as_ee as_ee tidyee to ee$ImageCollection or ee$Image
as_tidyee as_tidy_ee
bgd_msna A subset of question responses from the 2019 Host Community MSNA in Bangladesh
bind_ics bind ImageCollections
clip clip flexible wrapper for rgee::ee$Image$clip()
create_tidyee create_tidyee
ee_composite ee_composite
ee_composite.tidyee ee_composite
ee_extract_tidy ee_extract_tidy
ee_month_composite Pixel-level composite by month
ee_month_composite.ee.imagecollection.ImageCollection Pixel-level composite by month
ee_month_composite.tidyee Pixel-level composite by month
ee_month_filter ee_month_filter
ee_year_composite Pixel level composite by year
ee_year_composite.ee.imagecollection.ImageCollection Pixel level composite by year
ee_year_composite.tidyee Pixel level composite by year
ee_year_filter ee_year_filter
ee_year_month_composite Pixel-level composite by year and month
ee_year_month_composite.ee.imagecollection.ImageCollection Pixel-level composite by year and month
ee_year_month_composite.tidyee Pixel-level composite by year and month
ee_year_month_filter ee_year_month_filter
filter filter ee$ImageCollections or tidyee objects that contain imageCollections
filter_bounds filter_bounds a wrapper for rgee::ee$ImageCollection$filterBounds
group_by Group an imageCollection or tidyee object with Imagecollections by a parameter
group_split filter ee$ImageCollections or tidyee objects that contain imageCollections
inner_join inner_join bands from different image/ImageCollections based on shared property
mutate mutate columns into tidyee vrt which can later be used to modify tidyee ImageCollection
print.tidyee print tidyee
select Select bands from ee$Image or ee$ImageCollection
set_idx set_idx
slice slice ee$ImageCollections or tidyee objects that contain imageCollections
summarise Summary pixel-level stats for ee$ImageCollection or tidyrgee objects with ImageCollections
summarise.ee.imagecollection.ImageCollection Summary pixel-level stats for ee$ImageCollection or tidyrgee objects with ImageCollections
summarise.tidyee Summary pixel-level stats for ee$ImageCollection or tidyrgee objects with ImageCollections
ungroup ungroup