bgd_msna {tidyrgee} | R Documentation |
A subset of question responses from the 2019 Host Community MSNA in Bangladesh
Data frame of responses with anonymized coordinates
A data frame with 1374 rows and 15 variables:
- _uuid
unique identifier
- informed_consent
informed consent
- survey_date
date of survey
- end_survey
date of end of survey
- electricity_grid
question about electricity grid
- solar_light
question about solar light
- illness_HH_count
repeat group calculation on # hh members with illness in past x days
- cooking_fuel/collected_firewood
select multiple response - did HH collect firewood for cooking fuel
- income_source/agricultural_production_sale
income source question - ariculture
- agricultural_land
question on agricultural land
- employment_source/agricultural_casual
employment source - ag
- employment_source/non_agricultural_casual
employment source - non-ag
- employment_source/fishing
employment source - fishing
- _gps_reading_longitude
longitude - jittered/anonymized
- _gps_reading_latitude
latitude - jittered/anonymized
data frame
[Package tidyrgee version 0.1.0 Index]