theftdlc-package |
Analyse and Interpret Time Series Features |
calculate_interval |
Calculate interval summaries with a measure of central tendency of classification results |
classify |
Fit classifiers using time-series features using a resample-based approach and get a fast understanding of performance |
cluster |
Perform cluster analysis of time series using their feature vectors |
compare_features |
Conduct statistical testing on time-series feature classification performance to identify top features or compare entire sets |
filter_duplicates |
Remove duplicate features that exist in multiple feature sets and retain a reproducible random selection of one of them |
filter_good_features |
Filter resample data sets according to good feature list |
find_good_features |
Helper function to find features in both train and test set that are "good" |
fit_models |
Fit classification model and compute key metrics |
get_rescale_vals |
Calculate central tendency and spread values for all numeric columns in a dataset |
interval |
Calculate interval summaries with a measure of central tendency of classification results |
make_title |
Helper function for converting to title case |
plot.feature_calculations |
Produce a plot for a feature_calculations object |
plot.feature_projection |
Produce a plot for a feature_projection object |
project |
Project a feature matrix into a two-dimensional representation using PCA, MDS, t-SNE, or UMAP ready for plotting |
reduce_dims |
Project a feature matrix into a two-dimensional representation using PCA, MDS, t-SNE, or UMAP ready for plotting |
resample_data |
Helper function to create a resampled dataset |
rescale_zscore |
Calculate z-score for all columns in a dataset using train set central tendency and spread |
select_stat_cols |
Helper function to select only the relevant columns for statistical testing |
stat_test |
Calculate p-values for feature sets or features relative to an empirical null or each other using resampled t-tests |
theftdlc |
Analyse and Interpret Time Series Features |
tsfeature_classifier |
Fit classifiers using time-series features using a resample-based approach and get a fast understanding of performance |