Temporal Ecological Niche Models

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Documentation for package ‘tenm’ version 0.5.1

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abronia Occurrence records of Abronia graminea
bg_by_date Function to obtain environmental background organized by date
cells2samp Helper function to randomly select cell IDs for generating environmental background data.
clean_dup Function to thin longitude and latitude data
clean_dup_by_date Function to thin occurrence data Cleans up duplicated longitude and latitude data by year using a specified distance threshold. The distance can be specified as a geographic distance or, if a raster_mask is provided, as a pixel distance.
colors Colors for plotting
correlation_finder Function to find strong correlations within environmental predictors
cov_center Function to compute the covariance matrix of an ellipsoid niche model.
ellipsoid_omr Compute omission rate and statistical metrics for ellipsoid models.
ellipsoid_projection ellipsoid_projection: function to project an ellipsoid model
ellipsoid_selection ellipsoid_selection: Performs models selection for ellipsoid models
ex_by_date Extract environmental data by date
inEllipsoid inEllipsoid: Determine if a point is inside or outside an ellipsoid
metaras Helper function to obtain layer name from a raster layer
plot_ellipsoid Function to plot ellipsoid models in E-space
predict Predict the potential distribution of species based on environmental conditions
predict-method Predict the potential distribution of species based on environmental conditions
pROC Partial ROC calculation for Niche Models
sp.temporal.bg-class S3 classes to organize data and results of 'tenm' objects
sp.temporal.env-class S3 classes to organize data and results of 'tenm' objects
sp.temporal.modeling-class S3 classes to organize data and results of 'tenm' objects
sp.temporal.selection-class S3 classes to organize data and results of 'tenm' objects
sp_temporal_data Function to create a Species Temporal Data object (STD object).
tdf2swd Temporal data.frame to Samples With Data format
tenm_selection Function to find the best n-dimensional ellipsoid model