Targeted Inference

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Documentation for package ‘targeted’ version 0.5

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aipw AIPW estimator
alean Assumption Lean inference for generalized linear model parameters
ate AIPW (doubly-robust) estimator for Average Treatement Effect
ate.targeted targeted class object
calibrate Calibration (training)
calibration Calibration (training)
calibration-class calibration class object
cate Conditional Average Treatment Effect estimation
cate_link Conditional Relative Risk estimation
cross_validated cross_validated class object
cross_validated-class cross_validated class object
crr Conditional Relative Risk estimation
cv Cross-validation
design Extract design matrix
expand.list Create a list from all combination of input variables
isoreg Pooled Adjacent Violators Algorithm
isoregw Pooled Adjacent Violators Algorithm
ML ML model
ml_model R6 class for prediction models
NB Naive Bayes
NB-class NB class object
NB2 Naive Bayes
nondom Find non-dominated points of a set
pava Pooled Adjacent Violators Algorithm
predict.density Prediction for kernel density estimates
predict.NB Predictions for Naive Bayes Classifier
RATE Responder Average Treatment Effect
RATE.surv Responder Average Treatment Effect
riskreg Risk regression
riskreg.targeted targeted class object
riskreg_cens Binary regression models with right censored outcomes
riskreg_fit Risk regression
riskreg_mle Risk regression
scoring Predictive model scoring
SL SuperLearner wrapper for ml_model
softmax Softmax transformation
solve_ode Solve ODE
specify_ode Specify Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE)
targeted-class targeted class object