Analysis and Visualization of Archaeological Count Data

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Documentation for package ‘tabula’ version 3.0.1

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-- A --

aves Birds Species and Abundances

-- B --

Bertin Bertin Diagram
bootstrap-method Bootstrap Estimation
bootstrap_diversity Bootstrap Estimation

-- C --

cantabria Early Magdalenian Engraved Bones
composition Richness
composition-method Richness

-- E --

eppm Seriograph
eppm-method Seriograph
evenness Heterogeneity and Evenness
evenness-method Heterogeneity and Evenness

-- F --

Ford Ford Diagram

-- G --

get Get or Set Parts of an Object
get_method Get or Set Parts of an Object
get_method-method Get or Set Parts of an Object

-- H --

heterogeneity Heterogeneity and Evenness
heterogeneity-method Heterogeneity and Evenness

-- I --

index_ace Richness
index_ace-method Richness
index_baxter Rarefaction
index_baxter-method Rarefaction
index_berger Heterogeneity and Evenness
index_berger-method Heterogeneity and Evenness
index_binomial Similarity
index_binomial-method Similarity
index_boone Heterogeneity and Evenness
index_boone-method Heterogeneity and Evenness
index_brainerd Similarity
index_brainerd-method Similarity
index_bray Similarity
index_bray-method Similarity
index_brillouin Heterogeneity and Evenness
index_brillouin-method Heterogeneity and Evenness
index_chao1 Richness
index_chao1-method Richness
index_chao2 Richness
index_chao2-method Richness
index_cody Turnover
index_cody-method Turnover
index_hurlbert Rarefaction
index_hurlbert-method Rarefaction
index_ice Richness
index_ice-method Richness
index_jaccard Similarity
index_jaccard-method Similarity
index_margalef Richness
index_margalef-method Richness
index_mcintosh Heterogeneity and Evenness
index_mcintosh-method Heterogeneity and Evenness
index_menhinick Richness
index_menhinick-method Richness
index_morisita Similarity
index_morisita-method Similarity
index_routledge1 Turnover
index_routledge1-method Turnover
index_routledge2 Turnover
index_routledge2-method Turnover
index_routledge3 Turnover
index_routledge3-method Turnover
index_shannon Heterogeneity and Evenness
index_shannon-method Heterogeneity and Evenness
index_simpson Heterogeneity and Evenness
index_simpson-method Heterogeneity and Evenness
index_sorenson Similarity
index_sorenson-method Similarity
index_whittaker Turnover
index_whittaker-method Turnover
index_wilson Turnover
index_wilson-method Turnover

-- J --

jackknife-method Jackknife Estimation
jackknife_diversity Jackknife Estimation

-- L --

labels-method Get or Set Parts of an Object

-- M --

matrigraph Matrigraph
matrigraph-method Matrigraph
mutators Get or Set Parts of an Object

-- O --

occurrence Co-Occurrence
occurrence-method Co-Occurrence

-- P --

plot-method Diversity Plot
plot-method Rarefaction Plot
plot_bertin Bertin Diagram
plot_bertin-method Bertin Diagram
plot_diceleraas Dice-Leraas Diagram
plot_diceleraas-method Dice-Leraas Diagram
plot_diversity Diversity Plot
plot_ford Ford Diagram
plot_ford-method Ford Diagram
plot_heatmap Heatmap
plot_heatmap-method Heatmap
plot_rank Rank Plot
plot_rank-method Rank Plot
plot_rarefaction Rarefaction Plot
plot_spot Spot Plot
plot_spot-method Spot Plot
pueblo Pueblo IV Period Ceramics
pvi Matrigraph
pvi-method Matrigraph

-- R --

rarefaction Rarefaction
rarefaction-method Rarefaction
resample Resample
resample-method Resample
richness Richness
richness-method Richness

-- S --

seriograph Seriograph
seriograph-method Seriograph
set Get or Set Parts of an Object
similarity Similarity
similarity-method Similarity
simulate Measure Diversity by Comparing to Simulated Assemblages
simulate-method Measure Diversity by Comparing to Simulated Assemblages

-- T --

test_diversity Diversity Test
test_diversity-method Diversity Test
turnover Turnover
turnover-method Turnover

-- W --

woodland Trees Incidences