Analysis of Symbolic Data

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Documentation for package ‘symbolicDA’ version 0.7-1

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bagging.SDA Bagging algorithm for optimal split based on decision tree for symbolic objects
boosting.SDA Boosting algorithm for optimal split based decision tree for symbolic objects
cars real data set in symbolic form - selected car models described by a set of symbolic variables
cluster.Description.SDA description of clusters of symbolic objects
data_symbolic Symbolic interval data
DClust Dynamical clustering based on distance matrix
decisionTree.SDA Decison tree for symbolic data
dist_SDA distance measurement for symbolic data
draw.decisionTree.SDA Draws optimal split based decision tree for symbolic objects
generate.SO generation of artifficial symbolic data table with given cluster structure
HINoV.SDA Modification of HINoV method for symbolic data
IchinoFS.SDA Ichino's feature selection method for symbolic data
index.G1d Calinski-Harabasz pseudo F-statistic based on distance matrix
interscal.SDA Multidimensional scaling for symbolic interval data - InterScal algorithm
iscal.SDA Multidimensional scaling for symbolic interval data - IScal algorithm
kernel.SDA Kernel discriminant analysis for symbolic data
kohonen.SDA Kohonen's self-organizing maps for symbolic interval-valued data
parse.SO Reading symbolic data table from ASSO-format XML file
PCA.centers.SDA principal component analysis for symbolic objects described by symbolic interavl variables. _Centers_ algorithm
PCA.mrpca.SDA principal component analysis for symbolic objects described by symbolic interavl variables. _Midpoints and radii_ algorithm
PCA.spaghetti.SDA principal component analysis for symbolic objects described by symbolic interavl variables. _Spaghetti_ algorithm
PCA.spca.SDA principal component analysis for symbolic objects described by symbolic interavl variables. _'Symbolic' PCA_ algorithm
PCA.vertices.SDA principal component analysis for symbolic objects described by symbolic interavl variables. _Vertices_ algorithm
random.forest.SDA Random forest algorithm for optimal split based decision tree for symbolic objects
replication.SDA Modification of replication analysis for cluster validation of symbolic data
RSDA2SymbolicDA Read a Symbolic Table from
save.SO saves symbolic data table of 'symbolic' class to xml file
SClust Dynamical clustering of symbolic data
simple2SO Change of representation of symbolic data from simple form to symbolic data table
SO2Simple Change of representation of symbolic data from symbolic data table to simple form
subsdt.SDA Subset of symbolic data table
symbolic.object Symbolic data table Object
symscal.SDA Multidimensional scaling for symbolic interval data - SymScal algorithm
zoomStar zoom star chart for symbolic data