A C D E G H I K L N O P R S T V W Z misc
stokes-package | The Exterior Calculus |
Alt | Alternating multilinear forms |
as.1form | Coerce vectors to 1-forms |
as.function.kform | k-forms |
as.function.ktensor | k-tensors |
as.kform | k-forms |
as.ktensor | k-tensors |
as.spray | Extract and manipulate coefficients |
as.symbolic | Symbolic form |
coeff | Extract and manipulate coefficients |
coeffs | Extract and manipulate coefficients |
coeffs-method | Extract and manipulate coefficients |
coeffs.kform | Extract and manipulate coefficients |
coeffs.ktensor | Extract and manipulate coefficients |
coeffs<- | Extract and manipulate coefficients |
coeffs<--method | Extract and manipulate coefficients |
coeffs<-.kform | Extract and manipulate coefficients |
coeffs<-.ktensor | Extract and manipulate coefficients |
coeffs<-.spray | Extract and manipulate coefficients |
consolidate | Various low-level helper functions |
contract | Contractions of k-forms |
contract_elementary | Contractions of k-forms |
d | k-forms |
discard | Keep or drop variables |
dovs | Dimension of the underlying vector space |
drop | Scalars and losing attributes |
dx | Elementary forms in three-dimensional space |
dy | Elementary forms in three-dimensional space |
dz | Elementary forms in three-dimensional space |
e | k-forms |
ex | Basis vectors in three-dimensional space |
ey | Basis vectors in three-dimensional space |
ez | Basis vectors in three-dimensional space |
general_kform | k-forms |
grad | Coerce vectors to 1-forms |
Hodge | Hodge star operator |
hodge | Hodge star operator |
include_perms | Various low-level helper functions |
inner | Inner product operator |
inner.product | Inner product operator |
inner_product | Inner product operator |
is.empty | Zero tensors and zero forms |
is.form | k-forms |
is.kform | k-forms |
is.ktensor | k-tensors |
is.scalar | Scalars and losing attributes |
is.tensor | k-tensors |
is.volume | The volume element |
is.zero | Zero tensors and zero forms |
issmall | Is a form zero to within numerical precision? |
keep | Keep or drop variables |
kform | k-forms |
kform_basis | k-forms |
kform_general | k-forms |
kform_symbolic_print | Print methods for k-tensors and k-forms |
kform_to_ktensor | Various low-level helper functions |
kill_trivial_rows | Various low-level helper functions |
kinner | Inner product of two kforms |
ktensor | k-tensors |
ktensor_symbolic_print | Print methods for k-tensors and k-forms |
lose | Scalars and losing attributes |
lose.kform | Scalars and losing attributes |
lose.ktensor | Scalars and losing attributes |
lose_repeats | Various low-level helper functions |
nterms | Extract and manipulate coefficients |
Ops | Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for 'kform' and 'ktensor' objects |
Ops.kform | Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for 'kform' and 'ktensor' objects |
Ops.ktensor | Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for 'kform' and 'ktensor' objects |
Ops.stokes | Arithmetic Ops Group Methods for 'kform' and 'ktensor' objects |
polyform | Print methods for k-tensors and k-forms |
print.kform | Print methods for k-tensors and k-forms |
print.ktensor | Print methods for k-tensors and k-forms |
print.stokes | Print methods for k-tensors and k-forms |
print.summary.kform | Summaries of tensors and alternating forms |
print.summary.ktensor | Summaries of tensors and alternating forms |
print.summary.spray | Summaries of tensors and alternating forms |
pull-back | Linear transforms of k-forms |
pullback | Linear transforms of k-forms |
push-forward | Linear transforms of k-forms |
pushforward | Linear transforms of k-forms |
retain | Keep or drop variables |
rform | Random kforms and ktensors |
rkform | Random kforms and ktensors |
rktensor | Random kforms and ktensors |
rtensor | Random kforms and ktensors |
scalar | Scalars and losing attributes |
spray | Extract and manipulate coefficients |
star | Hodge star operator |
stokes | The Exterior Calculus |
stokes_symbolic_print | Print methods for k-tensors and k-forms |
stretch | Linear transforms of k-forms |
summary | Summaries of tensors and alternating forms |
summary.kform | Summaries of tensors and alternating forms |
summary.ktensor | Summaries of tensors and alternating forms |
summary.stokes | Summaries of tensors and alternating forms |
symbolic | Symbolic form |
tensorprod | Tensor products of k-tensors |
tensorprod2 | Tensor products of k-tensors |
transform | Linear transforms of k-forms |
value<- | Extract and manipulate coefficients |
vcp3 | The Vector cross product |
vector_cross_product | The Vector cross product |
volume | The volume element |
wedge | Wedge products |
wedge2 | Wedge products |
zap | Zap small values in k-forms and k-tensors |
zap.kform | Zap small values in k-forms and k-tensors |
zap.ktensor | Zap small values in k-forms and k-tensors |
zap.spray | Zap small values in k-forms and k-tensors |
zapsmall | Zap small values in k-forms and k-tensors |
zaptiny | Zap small values in k-forms and k-tensors |
zero | Zero tensors and zero forms |
zeroform | Zero tensors and zero forms |
zerotensor | Zero tensors and zero forms |
%X% | Tensor products of k-tensors |
%^% | Wedge products |
0form | Scalars and losing attributes |
0tensor | Scalars and losing attributes |