Multiscale Change-Point Inference

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Documentation for package ‘stepR’ version 2.1-9

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stepR-package Multiscale Change-Point Inference
.testSmallScales Test Small Scales
BesselPolynomial Bessel Polynomials
bounds Bounds based on MRC
bounds.MRC Bounds based on MRC
chi Compute Multiresolution Criterion
chi.FFT Compute Multiresolution Criterion
compareBlocks Compare fit blockwise with ground truth
computeBounds Computation of the bounds
computeStat Computation of the multiscale statistic
confband Confidence intervals for jumps and confidence bands for step functions
confband.stepfit Confidence intervals for jumps and confidence bands for step functions
contMC Continuous time Markov chain
critVal Critical values
dfilter Digital filters
family Family of distributions
fitted.stepfit Fitted step function
intervalSystem Interval systems
intervalsystem Interval systems
jsmurf Reconstruct filtered piecewise constant functions with noise
jumpint Confidence intervals for jumps and confidence bands for step functions
jumpint.stepfit Confidence intervals for jumps and confidence bands for step functions
kMRC.pvalue Compute Multiresolution Criterion
kMRC.quant Compute Multiresolution Criterion
kMRC.simul Compute Multiresolution Criterion
length.steppath Solution path of step-functions
lines.confband Confidence intervals for jumps and confidence bands for step functions
lines.stepblock Step function
lines.stepfit Fitted step function
logLik.stepfit Fitted step function
logLik.steppath Solution path of step-functions
monteCarloSimulation Monte Carlo simulation
MRC Compute Multiresolution Criterion
MRC.1000 Values of the MRC statistic for 1,000 observations (all intervals)
MRC.asymptotic "Asymptotic" values of the MRC statistic (all intervals)
MRC.asymptotic.dyadic "Asymptotic" values of the MRC statistic (dyadic intervals)
MRC.FFT Compute Multiresolution Criterion
MRC.pvalue Compute Multiresolution Criterion
MRC.quant Compute Multiresolution Criterion
MRC.simul Compute Multiresolution Criterion
MRCoeff Compute Multiresolution Criterion
MRCoeff.FFT Compute Multiresolution Criterion
neighbors Neighbouring integers
neighbours Neighbouring integers
parametricFamily Parametric families
parametricfamily Parametric families
penalties Penalties
penalty Penalties
plot.stepblock Step function
plot.stepfit Fitted step function
points.jumpint Confidence intervals for jumps and confidence bands for step functions
print.dfilter Digital filters
print.stepblock Step function
print.stepfit Fitted step function
print.steppath Solution path of step-functions
residuals.stepfit Fitted step function
sdrobnorm Robust standard deviation estimate
smuceR Piecewise constant regression with SMUCE
stepblock Step function
stepbound Jump estimation under restrictions
stepbound.default Jump estimation under restrictions
stepbound.stepcand Jump estimation under restrictions
stepcand Forward selection of candidate jumps
stepFit Piecewise constant multiscale inference
stepfit Fitted step function
steppath Solution path of step-functions
steppath.default Solution path of step-functions
steppath.stepcand Solution path of step-functions
stepR Multiscale Change-Point Inference
stepsel Automatic selection of number of jumps
stepsel.AIC Automatic selection of number of jumps
stepsel.BIC Automatic selection of number of jumps
stepsel.MRC Automatic selection of number of jumps
testSmallScales Test Small Scales
thresh.smuceR Piecewise constant regression with SMUCE
transit TRANSIT algorithm for detecting jumps
[.bounds Bounds based on MRC
[.stepblock Step function
[.stepfit Fitted step function
[[.steppath Solution path of step-functions