stepbound {stepR}R Documentation

Jump estimation under restrictions


Computes piecewise constant maximum likelihood estimators with minimal number of jumps under given restrictions on subintervals.

Deprecation warning: This function is a help function for smuceR and jsmurf and may be removed when these function will be removed.


stepbound(y, bounds, ...)
## Default S3 method:
stepbound(y, bounds, x = 1:length(y), x0 = 2 * x[1] - x[2],
  max.cand = NULL, family = c("gauss", "gaussvar", "poisson", "binomial", "gaussKern"),
  param = NULL, weights = rep(1, length(y)), refit = y,
  jumpint = confband, confband = FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'stepcand'
stepbound(y, bounds, refit = TRUE, ...)



a vector of numerical observations


bounds on the value allowed on intervals; typically computed with bounds


a numeric vector of the same length as y containing the corresponding sample points


a single numeric giving the last unobserved sample point directly before sampling started

max.cand, weights

see stepcand

family, param

specifies distribution of data, see family


logical, for family = "gaussKern"; determines whether a fit taken the filter kernel into account will be computed at the end


logical (FALSE by default), indicates if confidence sets for jumps should be computed


logical, indicates if a confidence band for the piecewise-continuous function should be computed


arguments to be passed to generic methods


An object of class stepfit that contains the fit; if jumpint == TRUE function jumpint allows to extract the confidence interval for the jumps, if confband == TRUE function confband allows to extract the confidence band.


Frick, K., Munk, A., and Sieling, H. (2014) Multiscale change-point inference. With discussion and rejoinder by the authors. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 76(3), 495–580.

Hotz, T., Schütte, O., Sieling, H., Polupanow, T., Diederichsen, U., Steinem, C., and Munk, A. (2013) Idealizing ion channel recordings by a jump segmentation multiresolution filter. IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience 12(4), 376–386.

See Also

bounds, smuceR, jsmurf, stepsel, stepfit, jumpint, confband


# simulate poisson data with two levels
y <- rpois(100, c(rep(1, 50), rep(4, 50)))
# compute bounds
b <- bounds(y, penalty="len", family="poisson", q=4)
# fit step function to bounds
sb <- stepbound(y, b, family="poisson", confband=TRUE)
# plot confidence intervals for jumps on axis
points(jumpint(sb), col="blue")
# confidence band
lines(confband(sb), lty=2, col="blue")

[Package stepR version 2.1-9 Index]