MRC {stepR}R Documentation

Compute Multiresolution Criterion


Computes multiresolution coefficients, the corresponding criterion, simulates these for Gaussian white or coloured noise, based on which p-values and quantiles are obtained.

Deprecation warning: The function MRC.simul is deprecated, but still working, however, may be defunct in a future version. Please use instead the function monteCarloSimulation. An example how to reproduce results is given below. Some other functions are help function and might be removed, too.


MRC(x, lengths = 2^(floor(log2(length(x))):0), norm = sqrt(lengths),
  penalty = c("none", "log", "sqrt"))
MRCoeff(x, lengths = 2^(floor(log2(length(x))):0), norm = sqrt(lengths), signed = FALSE)
MRC.simul(n, r, lengths = 2^(floor(log2(n)):0), penalty = c("none", "log", "sqrt"))
MRC.pvalue(q, n, r, lengths = 2^(floor(log2(n)):0), penalty = c("none", "log", "sqrt"),
  name = ".MRC.table", pos = .MCstepR, inherits = TRUE)
MRC.FFT(epsFFT, testFFT, K = matrix(TRUE, nrow(testFFT), ncol(testFFT)), lengths,
  penalty = c("none", "log", "sqrt"))
MRC.quant(p, n, r, lengths = 2^(floor(log2(n)):0), penalty = c("none", "log", "sqrt"),
  name = ".MRC.table", pos = .MCstepR, inherits = TRUE, ...)
kMRC.simul(n, r, kern, lengths = 2^(floor(log2(n)):ceiling(log2(length(kern)))))
kMRC.pvalue(q, n, r, kern, lengths = 2^(floor(log2(n)):ceiling(log2(length(kern)))),
  name = ".MRC.ktable", pos = .MCstepR, inherits = TRUE)
kMRC.quant(p, n, r, kern, lengths = 2^(floor(log2(n)):ceiling(log2(length(kern)))),
  name = ".MRC.ktable", pos = .MCstepR, inherits = TRUE, ...)



a vector of numerical observations


vector of interval lengths to use, dyadic intervals by default


whether signed coefficients should be returned




length of data set


number of simulations to use

name, pos, inherits

under which name and where precomputed results are stored, or retrieved, see assign


a logical matrix indicating the set of valid intervals


a vector containg the FFT of the data set


a matrix containing the FFTs of the intervals


a filter kernel


penalty term in the multiresolution statistic: "none" for no penalty, "log" for penalizing the log-length of an interval, and "sqrt" for penalizing the square root of the MRC; or a function taking two arguments, the first being the multiresolution coefficients, the second the interval lenghts


how the partial sums should be normalised, by default sqrt(lengths), so they are normalised to equal variance across all interval lengths




further arguments passed to function quantile



a vector giving the maximum as well as the indices of the corresponding interval's start and length


a matrix giving the multiresolution coefficients for all test intervals

MRC.pvalue, MRC.quant, MRC.simul

the corresponding p-value / quantile / vector of simulated values under the assumption of standard Gaussian white noise

kMRC.pvalue, kMRC.simul, kMRC.simul

the corresponding p-value / quantile / vector of simulated values under the assumption of filtered Gaussian white noise


Davies, P. L., Kovac, A. (2001) Local extremes, runs, strings and multiresolution. The Annals of Statistics 29, 1–65.

Dümbgen, L., Spokoiny, V. (2001) Multiscale testing of qualitative hypotheses. The Annals of Statistics 29, 124–152.

Siegmund, D. O., Venkatraman, E. S. (1995) Using the generalized likelihood ratio statistic for sequential detection of a change-point. The Annals of Statistics 23, 255–271.

Siegmund, D. O., Yakir, B. (2000) Tail probabilities for the null distribution of scanning statistics. Bernoulli 6, 191–213.

See Also

monteCarloSimulation, smuceR, jsmurf, stepbound, stepsel, quantile


all.equal(MRC.simul(100, r = 100),
          sort(monteCarloSimulation(n = 100, r = 100, output = "maximum",
                                    penalty = "none", intervalSystem = "dyaLen")),
          check.attributes = FALSE)

# simulate signal of 100 data points
f <- rep(c(0, 2, 0), c(60, 10, 30))
# add gaussian noise
x <- f + rnorm(100)
# compute multiresolution criterion
m <- MRC(x)
# compute Monte-Carlo p-value based on 100 simulations
MRC.pvalue(m["max"], length(x), 100)
# compute multiresolution coefficients
M <- MRCoeff(x)

# plot multiresolution coefficients, colours show p-values below 5% in 1% steps
op <- par(mar = c(5, 4, 2, 4) + 0.1)
image(1:length(x), seq(min(x), max(x), length = ncol(M)), apply(M[,ncol(M):1], 1:2,
  MRC.pvalue, n = length(x), r = 100), breaks = (0:5) / 100,
  col = rgb(1, seq(0, 1, length = 5), 0, 0.75),
  xlab = "location / left end of interval", ylab ="measurement",
  main = "Multiresolution Coefficients",
  sub = paste("MRC p-value =", signif(MRC.pvalue(m["max"], length(x), 100), 3)))
axis(4, min(x) + diff(range(x)) * ( pretty(1:ncol(M) - 1) ) / dim(M)[2],
  2^pretty(1:ncol(M) - 1))
mtext("interval lengths", 4, 3)
# plot signal and its mean
lines(f, lty = 2)
abline(h = mean(x))

[Package stepR version 2.1-9 Index]