High Throughput Phenotyping (HTP) Data Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘statgenHTP’ version

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as.data.frame.TP Coerce TP object to data.frame
countValid Count valid observations per time point for a given trait
countValidPlot Count valid observations per plotId for a given trait
createTimePoints Create an object of class TP
detectSerieOut Detect outliers for series of observations
detectSingleOut Detect outliers for single observations
detectSingleOutMaize detectSingleOutMaize
estimateSplineParameters Extract estimates from fitted splines.
fitModels Fit spatial models per time point
fitSpline Fit Splines
fitSplineHDM Fit P-Spline Hierarchical Curve Data Models
getCorrected Extract corrected phenotypic values
getEffDims Extract effective dimensions
getGenoPred Extract predicted genotypic values
getHerit Extract heritabilities
getTimePoints Extract time points
getVar Extract variances
noCorrectedRoot Root data corrected for outliers for single observations.
PhenoarchDat1 Greenhouse data for a maize experiment in the PhenoArch platform.
PhenovatorDat1 Growth chamber data for an Arabidopsis experiment in the Phenovator platform.
plot.fitMod Plot function for class fitMod
plot.HTPSpline Plot the results of a fitted spline.
plot.psHDM Plot function for class psHDM
plot.serieOut Plot outliers for series of observations
plot.singleOut Plot outliers for single observations
plot.splineEst Plot the results of estimated spline parameters.
plot.TP Plot function for class TP
predict.psHDM Predict the P-Splines Hierarchical Curve Data Model
removeSerieOut Replace outliers for series of observations by NA
removeSingleOut Replace outliers for single observations by NA
removeTimePoints Remove time points from an object of class TP
RootDat1 Greenhouse data for an experiment in the RootPhAir platform.
spatCorrectedArch Maize data corrected for spatial trends.
spatCorrectedVator Arabidopsis data corrected for spatial trends.
spatPredArch Maize data, genotypic predictions.
summary.fitMod Summary function for fitMod objects
summary.TP Summary function for TP objects