Geometrical Functionality of the 'spatstat' Family

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Documentation for package ‘spatstat.geom’ version 3.2-9

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spatstat.geom-package The spatstat.geom Package

-- A --

add.texture Fill Plot With Texture
affine Apply Affine Transformation
affine.distfun Geometrical Operations for Distance Functions Apply Affine Transformation To Pixel Image
affine.layered Methods for Layered Objects
affine.owin Apply Affine Transformation To Window
affine.ppp Apply Affine Transformation To Point Pattern
affine.psp Apply Affine Transformation To Line Segment Pattern
affine.tess Apply Geometrical Transformation To Tessellation
angles.psp Orientation Angles of Line Segments
anyDuplicated.ppp Determine Duplicated Points in a Spatial Point Pattern
anyDuplicated.ppx Determine Duplicated Points in a Spatial Point Pattern
anylapply Apply a Function Over a List and Obtain a List of Objects
anylist List of Objects Check Whether Image Contains NA Values
append.psp Combine Two Line Segment Patterns
applynbd Apply Function to Every Neighbourhood in a Point Pattern
area Area of a Window
area.default Area of a Window
area.owin Area of a Window
areaGain Difference of Disc Areas
areaLoss Difference of Disc Areas
as.anylist List of Objects Convert Pixel Image to Matrix or Array
as.box3 Convert Data to Three-Dimensional Box
as.boxx Convert Data to Multi-Dimensional Box
as.colourmap Convert to Colour Map
as.colourmap.colourmap Convert to Colour Map
as.colourmap.symbolmap Convert to Colour Map Coerce Hyperframe to Data Frame Convert Pixel Image to Data Frame Convert Window to Data Frame Coerce Point Pattern to a Data Frame Extract coordinates and marks of multidimensional point pattern Coerce Line Segment Pattern to a Data Frame Convert Tessellation to Data Frame Convert Pixel Image to Function of Coordinates
as.function.owin Convert Window to Indicator Function
as.function.tess Convert a Tessellation to a Function
as.hyperframe Convert Data to Hyperframe
as.hyperframe.anylist Convert Data to Hyperframe Convert Data to Hyperframe
as.hyperframe.default Convert Data to Hyperframe
as.hyperframe.hyperframe Convert Data to Hyperframe
as.hyperframe.listof Convert Data to Hyperframe
as.hyperframe.ppx Extract coordinates and marks of multidimensional point pattern Convert to Pixel Image Convert to Pixel Image Convert to Pixel Image Convert to Pixel Image Convert to Pixel Image Convert to Pixel Image Convert to Pixel Image Convert to Pixel Image Convert to Pixel Image Convert to Pixel Image Convert to Pixel Image Convert Point Pattern to Pixel Image Convert to Pixel Image
as.layered Convert Data To Layered Object
as.layered.default Convert Data To Layered Object
as.layered.listof Convert Data To Layered Object
as.layered.ppp Convert Data To Layered Object
as.layered.solist Convert Data To Layered Object
as.layered.splitppp Convert Data To Layered Object
as.mask Pixel Image Approximation of a Window
as.mask.psp Convert Line Segment Pattern to Binary Pixel Mask Convert Pixel Image to Matrix or Array
as.matrix.owin Convert Pixel Image to Matrix
as.matrix.ppx Extract coordinates and marks of multidimensional point pattern
as.owin Convert Data To Class owin
as.owin.boxx Convert Data To Class owin Convert Data To Class owin
as.owin.default Convert Data To Class owin
as.owin.distfun Convert Data To Class owin
as.owin.funxy Convert Data To Class owin Convert Data To Class owin
as.owin.layered Convert Data To Class owin
as.owin.nnfun Convert Data To Class owin
as.owin.owin Convert Data To Class owin
as.owin.ppp Convert Data To Class owin
as.owin.psp Convert Data To Class owin
as.owin.quad Convert Data To Class owin
as.owin.quadratcount Convert Data To Class owin
as.owin.tess Convert Data To Class owin
as.polygonal Convert a Window to a Polygonal Window
as.ppp Convert Data To Class ppp Convert Data To Class ppp
as.ppp.default Convert Data To Class ppp
as.ppp.matrix Convert Data To Class ppp
as.ppp.ppp Convert Data To Class ppp
as.ppp.psp Convert Data To Class ppp
as.ppp.quad Convert Data To Class ppp
as.psp Convert Data To Class psp Convert Data To Class psp
as.psp.default Convert Data To Class psp
as.psp.matrix Convert Data To Class psp
as.psp.psp Convert Data To Class psp
as.rectangle Window Frame
as.solist Convert List of Two-Dimensional Spatial Objects
as.tess Convert Data To Tessellation Convert Data To Tessellation
as.tess.list Convert Data To Tessellation
as.tess.owin Convert Data To Tessellation
as.tess.quadratcount Convert Data To Tessellation
as.tess.tess Convert Data To Tessellation

-- B --

bdist.pixels Distance to Boundary of Window
bdist.points Distance to Boundary of Window
bdist.tiles Distance to Boundary of Window
beachcolourmap Create Colour Scheme for a Range of Numbers
beachcolours Create Colour Scheme for a Range of Numbers
border Border Region of a Window Convex Hull of Points
boundingbox Bounding Box of a Window, Image, or Point Pattern
boundingbox.default Bounding Box of a Window, Image, or Point Pattern Bounding Box of a Window, Image, or Point Pattern
boundingbox.linnet Bounding Box of a Window, Image, or Point Pattern
boundingbox.lpp Bounding Box of a Window, Image, or Point Pattern
boundingbox.owin Bounding Box of a Window, Image, or Point Pattern
boundingbox.ppp Bounding Box of a Window, Image, or Point Pattern
boundingbox.psp Bounding Box of a Window, Image, or Point Pattern
boundingbox.solist Bounding Box of a Window, Image, or Point Pattern
boundingcentre Smallest Enclosing Circle
boundingcentre.owin Smallest Enclosing Circle
boundingcentre.ppp Smallest Enclosing Circle
boundingcircle Smallest Enclosing Circle
boundingcircle.owin Smallest Enclosing Circle
boundingcircle.ppp Smallest Enclosing Circle
boundingradius Smallest Enclosing Circle
boundingradius.owin Smallest Enclosing Circle
boundingradius.ppp Smallest Enclosing Circle
box3 Three-Dimensional Box
boxx Multi-Dimensional Box
bufftess Buffer Distance Tessellation Apply Function to Image Broken Down by Factor
by.ppp Apply a Function to a Point Pattern Broken Down by Factor

-- C --

cbind.hyperframe Combine Hyperframes by Rows or by Columns
centroid.owin Centroid of a window
chop.tess Subdivide a Window or Tessellation using a Set of Lines
clear.simplepanel Run Point-and-Click Interface
clickbox Interactively Define a Rectangle
clickdist Interactively Measure Distance
clickpoly Interactively Define a Polygon
clickppp Interactively Add Points
clip.infline Intersect Infinite Straight Lines with a Window
closepairs Close Pairs of Points
closepairs.pp3 Close Pairs of Points in 3 Dimensions
closepairs.ppp Close Pairs of Points
closetriples Close Triples of Points
closing Morphological Closing
closing.owin Morphological Closing
closing.ppp Morphological Closing
closing.psp Morphological Closing
col2hex Convert and Compare Colours in Different Formats
colourmap Colour Lookup Tables
colouroutputs Extract or Assign Colour Values in a Colour Map
colouroutputs<- Extract or Assign Colour Values in a Colour Map
colourtools Convert and Compare Colours in Different Formats
commonGrid Determine A Common Spatial Domain And Pixel Resolution
compatible Test Whether Objects Are Compatible Test Whether Pixel Images Are Compatible
compatible.unitname Methods for Units
complement.owin Take Complement of a Window
complementarycolour Convert and Compare Colours in Different Formats S3 Group Generic methods for images
Complex.imlist S3 Group Generic methods for List of Images
concatxy Concatenate x,y Coordinate Vectors
connected Connected components Connected components
connected.owin Connected components
connected.pp3 Connected Components of a Point Pattern
connected.ppp Connected Components of a Point Pattern
connected.tess Connected Components of Tiles of a Tessellation
contour.funxy Methods for Spatial Functions Contour plot of pixel image
contour.imlist Array of Contour Plots
contour.listof Array of Contour Plots
convexhull Convex Hull
convexhull.xy Convex Hull of Points
convexify Weil's Convexifying Operation
convexmetric Distance Metric Defined by Convex Set Convolution of Pixel Images
coords Extract or Change Coordinates of a Spatial or Spatiotemporal Point Pattern
coords.ppp Extract or Change Coordinates of a Spatial or Spatiotemporal Point Pattern
coords.ppx Extract or Change Coordinates of a Spatial or Spatiotemporal Point Pattern
coords.quad Extract or Change Coordinates of a Spatial or Spatiotemporal Point Pattern
coords<- Extract or Change Coordinates of a Spatial or Spatiotemporal Point Pattern
coords<-.ppp Extract or Change Coordinates of a Spatial or Spatiotemporal Point Pattern
coords<-.ppx Extract or Change Coordinates of a Spatial or Spatiotemporal Point Pattern
corners Corners of a rectangle
covering Cover Region with Discs
crossdist Pairwise distances
crossdist.default Pairwise distances between two different sets of points
crossdist.pp3 Pairwise distances between two different three-dimensional point patterns
crossdist.ppp Pairwise distances between two different point patterns
crossdist.ppx Pairwise Distances Between Two Different Multi-Dimensional Point Patterns
crossdist.psp Pairwise distances between two different line segment patterns
crossing.psp Crossing Points of Two Line Segment Patterns
crosspairs Close Pairs of Points
crosspairs.pp3 Close Pairs of Points in 3 Dimensions
crosspairs.ppp Close Pairs of Points Convert Pixel Image from Numeric to Factor
cut.ppp Classify Points in a Point Pattern

-- D --

default.dummy Generate a Default Pattern of Dummy Points
delaunay Delaunay Triangulation of Point Pattern
delaunayDistance Distance on Delaunay Triangulation
deltametric Delta Metric
diameter Diameter of an Object
diameter.box3 Geometrical Calculations for Three-Dimensional Box
diameter.boxx Geometrical Calculations for Multi-Dimensional Box
diameter.owin Diameter of a Window
dilated.areas Areas of Morphological Dilations
dilation Morphological Dilation
dilation.owin Morphological Dilation
dilation.ppp Morphological Dilation
dilation.psp Morphological Dilation
dilationAny Minkowski Sum of Windows
dirichlet Dirichlet Tessellation of Point Pattern
dirichletAreas Compute Areas of Tiles in Dirichlet Tessellation
dirichletEdges Vertices and Edges of Dirichlet Tessellation
dirichletVertices Vertices and Edges of Dirichlet Tessellation
dirichletWeights Compute Quadrature Weights Based on Dirichlet Tessellation
disc Circular Window
discpartarea Area of Part of Disc
discretise Safely Convert Point Pattern Window to Binary Mask
discs Union of Discs
distfun Distance Map as a Function
distfun.owin Distance Map as a Function
distfun.ppp Distance Map as a Function
distfun.psp Distance Map as a Function
distmap Distance Map
distmap.owin Distance Map of Window
distmap.ppp Distance Map of Point Pattern
distmap.psp Distance Map of Line Segment Pattern
domain Extract the Domain of any Spatial Object
domain.distfun Extract the Domain of any Spatial Object
domain.funxy Extract the Domain of any Spatial Object Extract the Domain of any Spatial Object
domain.layered Extract the Domain of any Spatial Object
domain.nnfun Extract the Domain of any Spatial Object
domain.pp3 Extract the Domain of any Spatial Object
domain.ppp Extract the Domain of any Spatial Object
domain.ppx Extract the Domain of any Spatial Object
domain.psp Extract the Domain of any Spatial Object
domain.quad Extract the Domain of any Spatial Object
domain.quadratcount Extract the Domain of any Spatial Object
domain.tess Extract the Domain of any Spatial Object
duplicated.ppp Determine Duplicated Points in a Spatial Point Pattern
duplicated.ppx Determine Duplicated Points in a Spatial Point Pattern

-- E --

edges Extract Boundary Edges of a Window.
edges2triangles List Triangles in a Graph
edges2vees List Dihedral Triples in a Graph
edit.hyperframe Invoke Text Editor on Hyperframe Invoke Text Editor on Spatial Data
edit.ppp Invoke Text Editor on Spatial Data
edit.psp Invoke Text Editor on Spatial Data
ellipse Elliptical Window.
endpoints.psp Endpoints of Line Segment Pattern
eroded.areas Areas of Morphological Erosions
eroded.volumes Geometrical Calculations for Three-Dimensional Box
eroded.volumes.box3 Geometrical Calculations for Three-Dimensional Box
eroded.volumes.boxx Geometrical Calculations for Multi-Dimensional Box
erosion Morphological Erosion by a Disc
erosion.owin Morphological Erosion by a Disc
erosion.ppp Morphological Erosion by a Disc
erosion.psp Morphological Erosion by a Disc
erosionAny Morphological Erosion of Windows Evaluate Expression Involving Pixel Images
ewcdf Weighted Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function
extrapolate.psp Extrapolate Line Segments to Obtain Infinite Lines

-- F --

fardist Farthest Distance to Boundary of Window
fardist.owin Farthest Distance to Boundary of Window
fardist.ppp Farthest Distance to Boundary of Window
flipxy Exchange X and Y Coordinates
flipxy.distfun Geometrical Operations for Distance Functions Exchange X and Y Coordinates
flipxy.infline Rotate or Shift Infinite Lines
flipxy.layered Methods for Layered Objects
flipxy.owin Exchange X and Y Coordinates
flipxy.ppp Exchange X and Y Coordinates
flipxy.psp Exchange X and Y Coordinates
flipxy.tess Apply Geometrical Transformation To Tessellation
fourierbasis Fourier Basis Functions
fourierbasisraw Fourier Basis Functions
Frame Extract or Change the Containing Rectangle of a Spatial Object
Frame.default Extract or Change the Containing Rectangle of a Spatial Object
Frame<- Extract or Change the Containing Rectangle of a Spatial Object
Frame<-.default Extract or Change the Containing Rectangle of a Spatial Object
Frame< Extract or Change the Containing Rectangle of a Spatial Object
Frame<-.owin Extract or Change the Containing Rectangle of a Spatial Object
Frame<-.ppp Extract or Change the Containing Rectangle of a Spatial Object
framedist.pixels Distance to Bounding Frame
funxy Spatial Function Class

-- G --

gridcenters Rectangular grid of points
gridcentres Rectangular grid of points
gridweights Compute Quadrature Weights Based on Grid Counts
grow.box3 Add margins to box in any dimension
grow.boxx Add margins to box in any dimension
grow.rectangle Add margins to rectangle
grow.simplepanel Simple Point-and-Click Interface Panels

-- H --

Halton Quasirandom Patterns
Hammersley Quasirandom Patterns
harmonise Make Objects Compatible Make Pixel Images Compatible
harmonise.owin Make Windows Compatible
harmonise.unitname Methods for Units
harmoniseLevels Harmonise the levels of several factors, or factor-valued pixel images.
harmonize Make Objects Compatible Make Pixel Images Compatible
harmonize.owin Make Windows Compatible
harmonize.unitname Methods for Units
has.close Check Whether Points Have Close Neighbours
has.close.default Check Whether Points Have Close Neighbours
has.close.pp3 Check Whether Points Have Close Neighbours
has.close.ppp Check Whether Points Have Close Neighbours
head.ppp First or Last Part of a Spatial Pattern
head.ppx First or Last Part of a Spatial Pattern
head.psp First or Last Part of a Spatial Pattern
head.tess First or Last Part of a Spatial Pattern
hexagon Create A Regular Polygon
hexgrid Hexagonal Grid or Tessellation
hextess Hexagonal Grid or Tessellation
hist.funxy Histogram of Values of a Spatial Function Histogram of Pixel Values in an Image
hotrod Heat Kernel for a One-Dimensional Rod
hsvim Create Colour-Valued Pixel Image
hyperframe Hyper Data Frame

-- I --

identify.ppp Identify Points in a Point Pattern
identify.psp Identify Segments in a Line Segment Pattern
im Create a Pixel Image Object
im.apply Apply Function Pixelwise to List of Images
im.object Class of Images Plot a Pixel Image
image.imlist Plot a List of Images
image.listof Plot a List of Images
imcov Spatial Covariance of a Pixel Image
incircle Find Largest Circle Inside Window
infline Infinite Straight Lines
inradius Find Largest Circle Inside Window
inside.boxx Test Whether Points Are Inside A Multidimensional Box
inside.owin Test Whether Points Are Inside A Window
integral Integral of a Function or Spatial Object
integral.density Compute Integral of One-Dimensional Kernel Density Estimate. Integral of a Pixel Image
intensity Intensity of a Dataset or a Model
intensity.ppp Empirical Intensity of Point Pattern
intensity.ppx Intensity of a Multidimensional Space-Time Point Pattern
intensity.psp Empirical Intensity of Line Segment Pattern
intensity.quadratcount Intensity Estimates Using Quadrat Counts
intensity.splitppp Empirical Intensity of Point Pattern
interp.colourmap Interpolate smoothly between specified colours
interp.colours Convert and Compare Colours in Different Formats Interpolate a Pixel Image
intersect.boxx Intersection Of Boxes Of Arbitrary Dimension
intersect.owin Intersection, Union or Set Subtraction of Windows
intersect.tess Intersection of Two Tessellations
invoke.metric Perform Geometric Task using a Specified Metric
invoke.symbolmap Plot Data Using Graphics Symbol Map
is.boxx Recognise a Multi-Dimensional Box
is.colour Convert and Compare Colours in Different Formats
is.connected Determine Whether an Object is Connected
is.connected.default Determine Whether an Object is Connected
is.connected.ppp Determine Whether a Point Pattern is Connected
is.convex Test Whether a Window is Convex
is.empty Test Whether An Object Is Empty
is.empty.default Test Whether An Object Is Empty
is.empty.owin Test Whether An Object Is Empty
is.empty.ppp Test Whether An Object Is Empty
is.empty.psp Test Whether An Object Is Empty
is.grey Convert and Compare Colours in Different Formats Test Whether An Object Is A Pixel Image
is.linim Test Whether an Object is a Pixel Image on a Linear Network
is.linnet Test Whether An Object Is A Linear Network
is.lpp Test Whether An Object Is A Point Pattern on a Linear Network
is.marked Test Whether Marks Are Present
is.marked.ppp Test Whether A Point Pattern is Marked
is.mask Determine Type of Window
is.multitype Test whether Object is Multitype
is.multitype.ppp Test Whether A Point Pattern is Multitype
is.owin Test Whether An Object Is A Window
is.polygonal Determine Type of Window
is.ppp Test Whether An Object Is A Point Pattern
is.rectangle Determine Type of Window
is.subset.owin Determine Whether One Window is Contained In Another

-- L --

layered Create List of Plotting Layers
layerplotargs Extract or Replace the Plot Arguments of a Layered Object
layerplotargs<- Extract or Replace the Plot Arguments of a Layered Object
layout.boxes Generate a Row or Column Arrangement of Rectangles.
lengths_psp Lengths of Line Segments
levelset Level Set of a Pixel Image
lut Lookup Tables

-- M --

marks Marks of a Point Pattern
marks.ppp Marks of a Point Pattern
marks.ppx Marks of a Point Pattern
marks.psp Marks of a Line Segment Pattern
marks.tess Marks of a Tessellation
marks<- Marks of a Point Pattern
marks<-.ppp Marks of a Point Pattern
marks<-.ppx Marks of a Point Pattern
marks<-.psp Marks of a Line Segment Pattern
marks<-.tess Marks of a Tessellation
markstat Summarise Marks in Every Neighbourhood in a Point Pattern
matchingdist Distance for a Point Pattern Matching S3 Group Generic methods for images
Math.imlist S3 Group Generic methods for List of Images
maxnndist Compute Minimum or Maximum Nearest-Neighbour Distance
mean.ecdf Mean of Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function
mean.ewcdf Mean of Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function Mean and Median of Pixel Values in an Image Mean and Median of Pixel Values in an Image
mergeLevels Merge Levels of a Factor
methods.box3 Methods for Three-Dimensional Box
methods.boxx Methods for Multi-Dimensional Box
methods.distfun Geometrical Operations for Distance Functions
methods.funxy Methods for Spatial Functions
methods.layered Methods for Layered Objects
methods.pp3 Methods for three-dimensional point patterns
methods.ppx Methods for Multidimensional Space-Time Point Patterns
methods.unitname Methods for Units
metric.object Distance Metric
midpoints.psp Midpoints of Line Segment Pattern
MinkowskiSum Minkowski Sum of Windows
minnndist Compute Minimum or Maximum Nearest-Neighbour Distance
multiplicity Count Multiplicity of Duplicate Points Count Multiplicity of Duplicate Points
multiplicity.default Count Multiplicity of Duplicate Points
multiplicity.ppp Count Multiplicity of Duplicate Points
multiplicity.ppx Count Multiplicity of Duplicate Points

-- N --

nearest.raster.point Find Pixel Nearest to a Given Point
nearestsegment Find Line Segment Nearest to Each Point
nearestValue Image of Nearest Defined Pixel Value
nestsplit Nested Split
nncross Nearest Neighbours Between Two Patterns
nncross.default Nearest Neighbours Between Two Patterns
nncross.pp3 Nearest Neighbours Between Two Patterns in 3D
nncross.ppp Nearest Neighbours Between Two Patterns
nncross.ppx Nearest Neighbours Between Two Patterns in Any Dimensions
nndist Nearest neighbour distances
nndist.default Nearest neighbour distances
nndist.pp3 Nearest neighbour distances in three dimensions
nndist.ppp Nearest neighbour distances
nndist.ppx Nearest Neighbour Distances in Any Dimensions
nndist.psp Nearest neighbour distances between line segments
nnfun Nearest Neighbour Index Map as a Function
nnfun.ppp Nearest Neighbour Index Map as a Function
nnfun.psp Nearest Neighbour Index Map as a Function
nnmap K-th Nearest Point Map
nnmark Mark of Nearest Neighbour
nnwhich Nearest neighbour
nnwhich.default Nearest neighbour
nnwhich.pp3 Nearest neighbours in three dimensions
nnwhich.ppp Nearest neighbour
nnwhich.ppx Nearest Neighbours in Any Dimensions
nobjects Count Number of Geometrical Objects in a Spatial Dataset
nobjects.ppp Count Number of Geometrical Objects in a Spatial Dataset
nobjects.ppx Count Number of Geometrical Objects in a Spatial Dataset
nobjects.psp Count Number of Geometrical Objects in a Spatial Dataset
nobjects.tess Count Number of Geometrical Objects in a Spatial Dataset
npoints Number of Points in a Point Pattern
npoints.pp3 Number of Points in a Point Pattern
npoints.ppp Number of Points in a Point Pattern
npoints.ppx Number of Points in a Point Pattern
nsegments Number of Line Segments in a Line Segment Pattern
nsegments.psp Number of Line Segments in a Line Segment Pattern
nvertices Count Number of Vertices
nvertices.default Count Number of Vertices
nvertices.owin Count Number of Vertices

-- O --

onearrow Text, Arrow or Scale Bar in a Diagram
opening Morphological Opening
opening.owin Morphological Opening
opening.ppp Morphological Opening
opening.psp Morphological Opening S3 Group Generic methods for images
Ops.imlist S3 Group Generic methods for List of Images
overlap.owin Compute Area of Overlap
owin Create a Window
owin.object Class owin
owin2mask Convert Window to Binary Mask under Constraints

-- P --

padimage Pad the Border of a Pixel Image
pairdist Pairwise distances
pairdist.default Pairwise distances
pairdist.pp3 Pairwise distances in Three Dimensions
pairdist.ppp Pairwise distances
pairdist.ppx Pairwise Distances in Any Dimensions
pairdist.psp Pairwise distances between line segments
paletteindex Convert and Compare Colours in Different Formats
perimeter Perimeter Length of Window
periodify Make Periodic Copies of a Spatial Pattern
periodify.owin Make Periodic Copies of a Spatial Pattern
periodify.ppp Make Periodic Copies of a Spatial Pattern
periodify.psp Make Periodic Copies of a Spatial Pattern
persp.funxy Methods for Spatial Functions Perspective Plot of Pixel Image
perspContour Draw Points or Lines on a Surface Viewed in Perspective
perspLines Draw Points or Lines on a Surface Viewed in Perspective
perspPoints Draw Points or Lines on a Surface Viewed in Perspective
perspSegments Draw Points or Lines on a Surface Viewed in Perspective
pHcolour Colour Map for pH Values
pHcolourmap Colour Map for pH Values
pixelcentres Extract Pixel Centres as Point Pattern
pixellate Convert Spatial Object to Pixel Image
pixellate.owin Convert Window to Pixel Image
pixellate.ppp Convert Point Pattern to Pixel Image
pixellate.psp Convert Line Segment Pattern to Pixel Image
pixelquad Quadrature Scheme Based on Pixel Grid
plot.anylist Plot a List of Things
plot.colourmap Plot a Colour Map
plot.funxy Methods for Spatial Functions
plot.hyperframe Plot Entries in a Hyperframe Plot a Pixel Image
plot.imlist Plot a List of Images
plot.infline Infinite Straight Lines
plot.layered Layered Plot
plot.listof Plot a List of Things
plot.onearrow Plot an Arrow
plot.owin Plot a Spatial Window
plot.pp3 Plot a Three-Dimensional Point Pattern
plot.ppp plot a Spatial Point Pattern
plot.pppmatching Plot a Point Matching
plot.ppx Methods for Multidimensional Space-Time Point Patterns
plot.psp plot a Spatial Line Segment Pattern
plot.quad Plot a Spatial Quadrature Scheme
plot.quadratcount Plot Quadrat Counts
plot.solist Plot a List of Spatial Objects
plot.splitppp Plot a List of Point Patterns
plot.symbolmap Plot a Graphics Symbol Map
plot.tess Plot a Tessellation
plot.textstring Plot a Text String
plot.texturemap Plot a Texture Map
plot.yardstick Plot a Yardstick or Scale Bar
pointsOnLines Place Points Evenly Along Specified Lines
polartess Tessellation Using Polar Coordinates
pp3 Three Dimensional Point Pattern
ppp Create a Point Pattern
ppp.object Class of Point Patterns
pppdist Distance Between Two Point Patterns
pppmatching Create a Point Matching
pppmatching.object Class of Point Matchings
ppx Multidimensional Space-Time Point Pattern
print.box3 Methods for Three-Dimensional Box
print.boxx Methods for Multi-Dimensional Box Print Brief Details of an Image
print.infline Infinite Straight Lines
print.owin Print Brief Details of a Spatial Window
print.pp3 Methods for three-dimensional point patterns
print.ppp Print Brief Details of a Point Pattern Dataset
print.ppx Methods for Multidimensional Space-Time Point Patterns
print.psp Print Brief Details of a Line Segment Pattern Dataset
print.quad Print a Quadrature Scheme Summarizing a Pixel Image
print.summary.pp3 Methods for three-dimensional point patterns
print.summary.quad Summarizing a Quadrature Scheme
print.unitname Methods for Units
progressreport Print Progress Reports
project2segment Move Point To Nearest Line
project2set Find Nearest Point in a Region
psp Create a Line Segment Pattern
psp.object Class of Line Segment Patterns
psp2mask Convert Line Segment Pattern to Binary Pixel Mask

-- Q --

quad.object Class of Quadrature Schemes
quadratcount Quadrat counting for a point pattern
quadratcount.ppp Quadrat counting for a point pattern
quadratcount.splitppp Quadrat counting for a point pattern
quadrats Divide Region into Quadrats
quadscheme Generate a Quadrature Scheme from a Point Pattern
quadscheme.logi Generate a Logistic Regression Quadrature Scheme from a Point Pattern
quantess Quantile Tessellation Quantile Tessellation
quantess.owin Quantile Tessellation
quantess.ppp Quantile Tessellation
quantile.ewcdf Quantiles of Weighted Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function Sample Quantiles of Pixel Image
quantilefun Quantile Function
quantilefun.ecdf Quantile Function
quantilefun.ewcdf Quantile Function Quantile Function for Images
quasirandom Quasirandom Patterns

-- R --

raster.x Cartesian Coordinates for a Pixel Raster
raster.xy Cartesian Coordinates for a Pixel Raster
raster.y Cartesian Coordinates for a Pixel Raster
rbind.hyperframe Combine Hyperframes by Rows or by Columns
rectdistmap Distance Map Using Rectangular Distance Metric
redraw.simplepanel Run Point-and-Click Interface
reflect Reflect In Origin
reflect.default Reflect In Origin
reflect.distfun Geometrical Operations for Distance Functions Reflect In Origin
reflect.infline Rotate or Shift Infinite Lines
reflect.layered Methods for Layered Objects
reflect.tess Apply Geometrical Transformation To Tessellation
regularpolygon Create A Regular Polygon Reorder Levels of a Factor-Valued Image or Pattern
relevel.ppp Reorder Levels of a Factor-Valued Image or Pattern
relevel.ppx Reorder Levels of a Factor-Valued Image or Pattern
requireversion Require a Specific Version of a Package
rescale Convert dataset to another unit of length
rescale.distfun Geometrical Operations for Distance Functions Convert Pixel Image to Another Unit of Length
rescale.layered Methods for Layered Objects
rescale.owin Convert Window to Another Unit of Length
rescale.ppp Convert Point Pattern to Another Unit of Length
rescale.psp Convert Line Segment Pattern to Another Unit of Length
rescale.unitname Methods for Units
rescue.rectangle Convert Window Back To Rectangle
reset.spatstat.options Internal Options in Spatstat Package
restrict.colourmap Restrict a Colour Map to a Subset of Values
rexplode Explode a Point Pattern by Displacing Duplicated Points
rexplode.ppp Explode a Point Pattern by Displacing Duplicated Points
rgb2hex Convert and Compare Colours in Different Formats
rgb2hsva Convert and Compare Colours in Different Formats
rgbim Create Colour-Valued Pixel Image
ripras Estimate window from points alone
rjitter Random Perturbation of a Point Pattern
rjitter.ppp Random Perturbation of a Point Pattern
rlinegrid Generate grid of parallel lines with random displacement
rotate Rotate
rotate.distfun Geometrical Operations for Distance Functions Rotate a Pixel Image
rotate.infline Rotate or Shift Infinite Lines
rotate.layered Methods for Layered Objects
rotate.owin Rotate a Window
rotate.ppp Rotate a Point Pattern
rotate.psp Rotate a Line Segment Pattern
rotate.tess Apply Geometrical Transformation To Tessellation
round.pp3 Apply Numerical Rounding to Spatial Coordinates
round.ppp Apply Numerical Rounding to Spatial Coordinates
round.ppx Apply Numerical Rounding to Spatial Coordinates
rounding Detect Numerical Rounding
rounding.default Detect Numerical Rounding
rounding.pp3 Detect Numerical Rounding
rounding.ppp Detect Numerical Rounding
rounding.ppx Detect Numerical Rounding
rQuasi Generate Quasirandom Point Pattern in Given Window
rsyst Simulate systematic random point pattern
run.simplepanel Run Point-and-Click Interface
runifrect Generate N Uniform Random Points in a Rectangle

-- S --

samecolour Convert and Compare Colours in Different Formats
scalardilate Apply Scalar Dilation
scalardilate.default Apply Scalar Dilation
scalardilate.distfun Geometrical Operations for Distance Functions Apply Scalar Dilation
scalardilate.layered Methods for Layered Objects
scalardilate.owin Apply Scalar Dilation
scalardilate.ppp Apply Scalar Dilation
scalardilate.psp Apply Scalar Dilation
scalardilate.tess Apply Geometrical Transformation To Tessellation
scale.boxx Methods for Multi-Dimensional Box
scale.ppx Methods for Multidimensional Space-Time Point Patterns
scaletointerval Rescale Data to Lie Between Specified Limits
scaletointerval.default Rescale Data to Lie Between Specified Limits Rescale Data to Lie Between Specified Limits
scanpp Read Point Pattern From Data File
selfcrossing.psp Crossing Points in a Line Segment Pattern
selfcut.psp Cut Line Segments Where They Intersect
sessionLibs Print Names and Version Numbers of Libraries Loaded
setcov Set Covariance of a Window
setmarks Marks of a Point Pattern
setminus.owin Intersection, Union or Set Subtraction of Windows
shift Apply Vector Translation
shift.boxx Apply Vector Translation To Box Or Point Pattern In Arbitrary Dimension
shift.distfun Geometrical Operations for Distance Functions Apply Vector Translation To Pixel Image
shift.infline Rotate or Shift Infinite Lines
shift.layered Methods for Layered Objects
shift.owin Apply Vector Translation To Window
shift.ppp Apply Vector Translation To Point Pattern
shift.ppx Apply Vector Translation To Box Or Point Pattern In Arbitrary Dimension
shift.psp Apply Vector Translation To Line Segment Pattern
shift.tess Apply Geometrical Transformation To Tessellation
shortside Geometrical Calculations for Three-Dimensional Box
shortside.box3 Geometrical Calculations for Three-Dimensional Box
shortside.boxx Geometrical Calculations for Multi-Dimensional Box
shortside.owin Side Lengths of Enclosing Rectangle of a Window
sidelengths Geometrical Calculations for Three-Dimensional Box
sidelengths.box3 Geometrical Calculations for Three-Dimensional Box
sidelengths.boxx Geometrical Calculations for Multi-Dimensional Box
sidelengths.owin Side Lengths of Enclosing Rectangle of a Window
simplepanel Simple Point-and-Click Interface Panels
simplify.owin Approximate a Polygon by a Simpler Polygon
solapply Apply a Function Over a List and Obtain a List of Objects
solist List of Two-Dimensional Spatial Objects
solutionset Evaluate Logical Expression Involving Pixel Images and Return Region Where Expression is True
spatdim Spatial Dimension of a Dataset
spatstat.geom The spatstat.geom Package
spatstat.options Internal Options in Spatstat Package
split.hyperframe Divide Hyperframe Into Subsets and Reassemble Divide Image Into Sub-images
split.ppp Divide Point Pattern into Sub-patterns
split.ppx Divide Multidimensional Point Pattern into Sub-patterns
split<-.hyperframe Divide Hyperframe Into Subsets and Reassemble
split<-.ppp Divide Point Pattern into Sub-patterns
spokes Spokes pattern of dummy points
square Square Window
stratrand Stratified random point pattern
subset.hyperframe Subset of Hyperframe Satisfying A Condition
subset.pp3 Subset of Point Pattern Satisfying A Condition
subset.ppp Subset of Point Pattern Satisfying A Condition
subset.ppx Subset of Point Pattern Satisfying A Condition
subset.psp Subset of Line Segment Satisfying A Condition
summary.anylist Summary of a List of Things
summary.distfun Summarizing a Function of Spatial Location
summary.funxy Summarizing a Function of Spatial Location S3 Group Generic methods for images Summarizing a Pixel Image
Summary.imlist S3 Group Generic methods for List of Images
summary.listof Summary of a List of Things
summary.owin Summary of a Spatial Window
summary.pp3 Methods for three-dimensional point patterns
summary.ppp Summary of a Point Pattern Dataset
summary.psp Summary of a Line Segment Pattern Dataset
summary.quad Summarizing a Quadrature Scheme
summary.solist Summary of a List of Spatial Objects
summary.splitppp Summary of a Split Point Pattern
summary.unitname Methods for Units
superimpose Superimpose Several Geometric Patterns
superimpose.default Superimpose Several Geometric Patterns
superimpose.ppp Superimpose Several Geometric Patterns
superimpose.ppplist Superimpose Several Geometric Patterns
superimpose.psp Superimpose Several Geometric Patterns
superimpose.splitppp Superimpose Several Geometric Patterns
symbolmap Graphics Symbol Map

-- T --

tail.ppp First or Last Part of a Spatial Pattern
tail.ppx First or Last Part of a Spatial Pattern
tail.psp First or Last Part of a Spatial Pattern
tail.tess First or Last Part of a Spatial Pattern
tess Create a Tessellation
test.crossing.psp Check Whether Segments Cross
test.selfcrossing.psp Check Whether Segments Cross
text.ppp Add Text Labels to Spatial Pattern
text.psp Add Text Labels to Spatial Pattern
textstring Text, Arrow or Scale Bar in a Diagram
texturemap Texture Map
textureplot Plot Image or Tessellation Using Texture Fill
tile.areas Compute Areas of Tiles in a Tessellation
tileindex Determine Which Tile Contains Each Given Point
tilenames Names of Tiles in a Tessellation
tilenames.tess Names of Tiles in a Tessellation
tilenames<- Names of Tiles in a Tessellation
tilenames<-.tess Names of Tiles in a Tessellation
tiles Extract List of Tiles in a Tessellation
tiles.empty Check For Empty Tiles in a Tessellation
timed Record the Computation Time
timeTaken Extract the Total Computation Time
to.grey Convert and Compare Colours in Different Formats
to.opaque Convert and Compare Colours in Different Formats
to.saturated Convert and Compare Colours in Different Formats
to.transparent Convert and Compare Colours in Different Formats
transformquantiles Transform the Quantiles
transmat Convert Pixel Array Between Different Conventions
triangulate.owin Decompose Window into Triangles
trim.rectangle Cut margins from rectangle
tweak.colourmap Change Colour Values in a Colour Map

-- U --

union.owin Intersection, Union or Set Subtraction of Windows
union.quad Union of Data and Dummy Points
unique.ppp Extract Unique Points from a Spatial Point Pattern
unique.ppx Extract Unique Points from a Spatial Point Pattern
uniquemap Map Duplicate Entries to Unique Entries Map Duplicate Entries to Unique Entries
uniquemap.default Map Duplicate Entries to Unique Entries
uniquemap.lpp Map Duplicate Entries to Unique Entries
uniquemap.matrix Map Duplicate Entries to Unique Entries
uniquemap.ppp Map Duplicate Entries to Unique Entries
uniquemap.ppx Map Duplicate Entries to Unique Entries
unit.square Square Window
unitname Name for Unit of Length
unitname.box3 Methods for Three-Dimensional Box
unitname.boxx Methods for Multi-Dimensional Box Name for Unit of Length
unitname.owin Name for Unit of Length
unitname.pp3 Methods for three-dimensional point patterns
unitname.ppp Name for Unit of Length
unitname.ppx Methods for Multidimensional Space-Time Point Patterns
unitname.psp Name for Unit of Length
unitname.quad Name for Unit of Length
unitname.tess Name for Unit of Length
unitname<- Name for Unit of Length
unitname<-.box3 Methods for Three-Dimensional Box
unitname<-.boxx Methods for Multi-Dimensional Box
unitname< Name for Unit of Length
unitname<-.owin Name for Unit of Length
unitname<-.pp3 Methods for three-dimensional point patterns
unitname<-.ppp Name for Unit of Length
unitname<-.ppx Methods for Multidimensional Space-Time Point Patterns
unitname<-.psp Name for Unit of Length
unitname<-.quad Name for Unit of Length
unitname<-.tess Name for Unit of Length
unmark Remove Marks
unmark.ppp Remove Marks
unmark.ppx Remove Marks
unmark.psp Remove Marks
unmark.splitppp Remove Marks
unmark.tess Marks of a Tessellation
unnormdensity Weighted kernel smoother
unstack.layered Unstack Each Spatial Object in a List of Objects
unstack.ppp Separate Multiple Columns of Marks
unstack.psp Separate Multiple Columns of Marks
unstack.solist Unstack Each Spatial Object in a List of Objects
unstack.tess Separate Multiple Columns of Marks
update.symbolmap Update a Graphics Symbol Map.

-- V --

vdCorput Quasirandom Patterns
venn.tess Tessellation Delimited by Several Sets
vertices Vertices of a Window
vertices.owin Vertices of a Window
volume Volume of an Object
volume.box3 Geometrical Calculations for Three-Dimensional Box
volume.boxx Geometrical Calculations for Multi-Dimensional Box
volume.owin Area of a Window

-- W --

weighted.median Weighted Median, Quantiles or Variance
weighted.quantile Weighted Median, Quantiles or Variance
weighted.var Weighted Median, Quantiles or Variance
where.max Find Location of Maximum in a Pixel Image
where.min Find Location of Maximum in a Pixel Image
whichhalfplane Test Which Side of Infinite Line a Point Falls On
whist Weighted Histogram
Window Extract or Change the Window of a Spatial Object
Window.distfun Extract Window of Spatial Object
Window.funxy Extract Window of Spatial Object Extract or Change the Window of a Spatial Object
Window.layered Extract Window of Spatial Object
Window.nnfun Extract Window of Spatial Object
Window.ppp Extract or Change the Window of a Spatial Object
Window.psp Extract or Change the Window of a Spatial Object
Window.quad Extract or Change the Window of a Spatial Object
Window.quadratcount Extract Window of Spatial Object
Window.tess Extract Window of Spatial Object
Window<- Extract or Change the Window of a Spatial Object
Window< Extract or Change the Window of a Spatial Object
Window<-.ppp Extract or Change the Window of a Spatial Object
Window<-.psp Extract or Change the Window of a Spatial Object
Window<-.quad Extract or Change the Window of a Spatial Object
with.hyperframe Evaluate an Expression in Each Row of a Hyperframe

-- Y --

yardstick Text, Arrow or Scale Bar in a Diagram

-- Z -- Rounding of Pixel Values

-- misc --

$.hyperframe Extract or Replace Subset of Hyperframe
$<-.hyperframe Extract or Replace Subset of Hyperframe
%(+)% Minkowski Sum of Windows
%(-)% Morphological Erosion of Windows
%mark% Marks of a Point Pattern
[.anylist Extract or Replace Subset of a List of Things
[.hyperframe Extract or Replace Subset of Hyperframe
[.im Extract Subset of Image
[.layered Extract or Replace Subset of a Layered Object
[.owin Extract Subset of Window
[.ppp Extract or Replace Subset of Point Pattern
[.ppx Extract Subset of Multidimensional Point Pattern
[.psp Extract Subset of Line Segment Pattern
[.quad Subset of Quadrature Scheme
[.solist Extract or Replace Subset of a List of Spatial Objects
[.splitppp Extract or Replace Sub-Patterns
[.tess Extract or Replace Subset of Tessellation
[<-.anylist Extract or Replace Subset of a List of Things
[<-.hyperframe Extract or Replace Subset of Hyperframe
[< Reset Values in Subset of Image
[<-.layered Extract or Replace Subset of a Layered Object
[<-.listof Extract or Replace Subset of a List of Things
[<-.ppp Extract or Replace Subset of Point Pattern
[<-.solist Extract or Replace Subset of a List of Spatial Objects
[<-.splitppp Extract or Replace Sub-Patterns
[<-.tess Extract or Replace Subset of Tessellation
[[.hyperframe Extract or Replace Subset of Hyperframe
[[<-.hyperframe Extract or Replace Subset of Hyperframe
[[<-.layered Extract or Replace Subset of a Layered Object