bufftess {spatstat.geom}R Documentation

Buffer Distance Tessellation


Constructs a spatial tessellation, composed of rings or buffers at specified distances away from the given spatial object.


bufftess(X, breaks, W = Window(X), ..., polygonal = TRUE)



A spatial object in two dimensions, such as a point pattern (class "ppp") or line segment pattern (class "psp").


Either a numeric vector specifying the cut points for the distance values, or a single integer specifying the number of cut points.


Optional. Window (object of class "owin") inside which the tessellation will be constructed.


Optional arguments passed to as.mask controlling the pixel resolution when polygonal=FALSE, and optional arguments passed to cut.default controlling the labelling of the distance bands.


Logical value specifying whether the tessellation should consist of polygonal tiles (polygonal=TRUE, the default) or should be constructed using a pixel image (polygonal=FALSE).


This function divides space into tiles defined by distance from the object X. The result is a tessellation (object of class "tess") that consists of concentric rings around X.

The distance values which determine the tiles are specified by the argument breaks.

The tessellation can be computed using either raster calculations or vector calculations.


A tessellation (object of class "tess").

The result also has an attribute breaks which is the vector of distance breakpoints.


Adrian Baddeley Adrian.Baddeley@curtin.edu.au, Rolf Turner rolfturner@posteo.net and Ege Rubak rubak@math.aau.dk.

See Also

Polygonal calculations are performed using dilation and setminus.owin. Pixel calculations are performed using distmap and cut.im. See as.mask for details of arguments that control pixel resolution.

For other kinds of tessellations, see tess, hextess, venn.tess, polartess, dirichlet, delaunay, quantess, quadrats and rpoislinetess.


  if(interactive()) {
    b <- c(0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, Inf)
    n <- 5
  } else {
    ## simpler data for testing
    b <- c(0, 0.1, 0.2, Inf)
    n <- 3
  plot(bufftess(X, b), do.col=TRUE, col=1:n)

[Package spatstat.geom version 3.3-2 Index]