A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W misc
spatstat.explore-package | The spatstat.explore Package |
adaptive.density | Adaptive Estimate of Intensity of Point Pattern |
allstats | Calculate four standard summary functions of a point pattern. |
alltypes | Calculate Summary Statistic for All Types in a Multitype Point Pattern |
apply.ssf | Evaluate Expression in a Spatially Sampled Function |
as.data.frame.envelope | Coerce Envelope to Data Frame |
as.function.fv | Convert Function Value Table to Function |
as.function.rhohat | Convert Function Table to Function |
as.function.ssf | Methods for Spatially Sampled Functions |
as.fv | Convert Data To Class fv |
as.fv.bw.optim | Convert Data To Class fv |
as.fv.data.frame | Convert Data To Class fv |
as.fv.fasp | Convert Data To Class fv |
as.fv.fv | Convert Data To Class fv |
as.fv.matrix | Convert Data To Class fv |
as.im.scan.test | Plot Result of Scan Test |
as.im.ssf | Methods for Spatially Sampled Functions |
as.owin.quadrattest | Convert Data To Class owin |
as.ppp.ssf | Methods for Spatially Sampled Functions |
as.tess.quadrattest | Convert Data To Tessellation |
auc | Area Under ROC Curve |
auc.ppp | Area Under ROC Curve |
berman.test | Berman's Tests for Point Process Model |
berman.test.ppp | Berman's Tests for Point Process Model |
bind.fv | Combine Function Value Tables |
bits.envelope | Global Envelopes for Balanced Independent Two-Stage Test |
bits.test | Balanced Independent Two-Stage Monte Carlo Test |
blur | Apply Gaussian Blur to a Pixel Image |
boyce | Boyce Index |
bw.abram.ppp | Abramson's Adaptive Bandwidths For Spatial Point Pattern |
bw.CvL | Cronie and van Lieshout's Criterion for Bandwidth Selection for Kernel Density |
bw.CvL.adaptive | Select Adaptive Bandwidth for Kernel Estimation Using Cronie-Van Lieshout Criterion |
bw.CvLHeat | Bandwidth Selection for Diffusion Smoother by Cronie-van Lieshout Rule |
bw.diggle | Cross Validated Bandwidth Selection for Kernel Density |
bw.frac | Bandwidth Selection Based on Window Geometry |
bw.optim.object | Class of Optimized Bandwidths |
bw.pcf | Cross Validated Bandwidth Selection for Pair Correlation Function |
bw.ppl | Likelihood Cross Validation Bandwidth Selection for Kernel Density |
bw.pplHeat | Bandwidth Selection for Diffusion Smoother by Likelihood Cross-Validation |
bw.relrisk | Cross Validated Bandwidth Selection for Relative Risk Estimation |
bw.relrisk.ppp | Cross Validated Bandwidth Selection for Relative Risk Estimation |
bw.scott | Scott's Rule for Bandwidth Selection for Kernel Density |
bw.scott.iso | Scott's Rule for Bandwidth Selection for Kernel Density |
bw.smoothppp | Cross Validated Bandwidth Selection for Spatial Smoothing |
bw.stoyan | Stoyan's Rule of Thumb for Bandwidth Selection |
cbind.fv | Combine Function Value Tables |
cdf.test | Spatial Distribution Test for Point Pattern or Point Process Model |
cdf.test.ppp | Spatial Distribution Test for Point Pattern or Point Process Model |
circdensity | Density Estimation for Circular Data |
clarkevans | Clark and Evans Aggregation Index |
clarkevans.test | Clark and Evans Test |
clusterset | Allard-Fraley Estimator of Cluster Feature |
collapse.anylist | Collapse Several Function Tables into One |
collapse.fv | Collapse Several Function Tables into One |
compatible.fasp | Test Whether Function Arrays Are Compatible |
compatible.fv | Test Whether Function Objects Are Compatible |
compileCDF | Generic Calculation of Cumulative Distribution Function of Distances |
compileK | Generic Calculation of K Function and Pair Correlation Function |
compilepcf | Generic Calculation of K Function and Pair Correlation Function |
Complex.fasp | S3 Group Generic Methods for Function Arrays |
Complex.fv | S3 Group Generic Methods for Function Tables |
contour.ssf | Plot a Spatially Sampled Function |
cor.im | Covariance and Correlation between Images |
cov.im | Covariance and Correlation between Images |
dclf.progress | Progress Plot of Test of Spatial Pattern |
dclf.sigtrace | Significance Trace of Cressie-Loosmore-Ford or Maximum Absolute Deviation Test |
dclf.test | Diggle-Cressie-Loosmore-Ford and Maximum Absolute Deviation Tests |
density.ppp | Kernel Smoothed Intensity of Point Pattern |
density.ppplist | Kernel Smoothed Intensity of Split Point Pattern |
density.psp | Kernel Smoothing of Line Segment Pattern |
density.splitppp | Kernel Smoothed Intensity of Split Point Pattern |
densityAdaptiveKernel.ppp | Adaptive Kernel Estimate of Intensity of Point Pattern |
densityAdaptiveKernel.ppplist | Adaptive Kernel Estimate of Intensity for Split Point Pattern |
densityAdaptiveKernel.splitppp | Adaptive Kernel Estimate of Intensity for Split Point Pattern |
densityfun | Kernel Estimate of Intensity as a Spatial Function |
densityfun.ppp | Kernel Estimate of Intensity as a Spatial Function |
densityHeat | Diffusion Estimate of Point Pattern Intensity |
densityHeat.ppp | Diffusion Estimate of Point Pattern Intensity |
densityVoronoi | Intensity Estimate of Point Pattern Using Voronoi-Dirichlet Tessellation |
densityVoronoi.ppp | Intensity Estimate of Point Pattern Using Voronoi-Dirichlet Tessellation |
deriv.fv | Calculate Derivative of Function Values |
dg.envelope | Global Envelopes for Dao-Genton Test |
dg.progress | Progress Plot of Dao-Genton Test of Spatial Pattern |
dg.sigtrace | Significance Trace of Dao-Genton Test |
dg.test | Dao-Genton Adjusted Goodness-Of-Fit Test |
dimhat | Estimate Dimension of Central Subspace |
distcdf | Distribution Function of Interpoint Distance |
domain.quadrattest | Extract the Domain of any Spatial Object |
edge.Ripley | Ripley's Isotropic Edge Correction |
edge.Trans | Translation Edge Correction |
Emark | Diagnostics for random marking |
envelope | Simulation Envelopes of Summary Function |
envelope.envelope | Recompute Envelopes |
envelope.pp3 | Simulation Envelopes of Summary Function for 3D Point Pattern |
envelope.ppp | Simulation Envelopes of Summary Function |
envelopeArray | Array of Simulation Envelopes of Summary Function |
eval.fasp | Evaluate Expression Involving Function Arrays |
eval.fv | Evaluate Expression Involving Functions |
F3est | Empty Space Function of a Three-Dimensional Point Pattern |
fasp.object | Function Arrays for Spatial Patterns |
Fest | Estimate the Empty Space Function or its Hazard Rate |
Fhazard | Estimate the Empty Space Function or its Hazard Rate |
Finhom | Inhomogeneous Empty Space Function |
Fmulti.inhom | Inhomogeneous Marked F-Function |
FmultiInhom | Inhomogeneous Marked F-Function |
formula.fv | Extract or Change the Plot Formula for a Function Value Table |
formula<- | Extract or Change the Plot Formula for a Function Value Table |
formula<-.fv | Extract or Change the Plot Formula for a Function Value Table |
fryplot | Fry Plot of Point Pattern |
frypoints | Fry Plot of Point Pattern |
fv | Create a Function Value Table |
fv.object | Function Value Table |
fvnames | Abbreviations for Groups of Columns in Function Value Table |
fvnames<- | Abbreviations for Groups of Columns in Function Value Table |
G3est | Nearest Neighbour Distance Distribution Function of a Three-Dimensional Point Pattern |
Gcross | Multitype Nearest Neighbour Distance Function (i-to-j) |
Gcross.inhom | Inhomogeneous Multitype G Cross Function |
Gdot | Multitype Nearest Neighbour Distance Function (i-to-any) |
Gdot.inhom | Inhomogeneous Multitype G Dot Function |
Gest | Nearest Neighbour Distance Function G |
Gfox | Foxall's Distance Functions |
Ginhom | Inhomogeneous Nearest Neighbour Function |
Gmulti | Marked Nearest Neighbour Distance Function |
Gmulti.inhom | Inhomogeneous Marked G-Function |
GmultiInhom | Inhomogeneous Marked G-Function |
harmonise.fv | Make Function Tables Compatible |
harmonize.fv | Make Function Tables Compatible |
Hest | Spherical Contact Distribution Function |
hopskel | Hopkins-Skellam Test |
hopskel.test | Hopkins-Skellam Test |
hotbox | Heat Kernel for a Two-Dimensional Rectangle |
idw | Inverse-distance weighted smoothing of observations at irregular points |
Iest | Estimate the I-function |
image.ssf | Plot a Spatially Sampled Function |
increment.fv | Increments of a Function |
integral.fv | Compute Integral of Function Object |
integral.ssf | Methods for Spatially Sampled Functions |
Jcross | Multitype J Function (i-to-j) |
Jcross.inhom | Inhomogeneous Multitype J function (i-to-j) |
Jdot | Multitype J Function (i-to-any) |
Jdot.inhom | Inhomogeneous Multitype J function (i-to-any) |
Jest | Estimate the J-function |
Jfox | Foxall's Distance Functions |
Jinhom | Inhomogeneous J-function |
Jmulti | Marked J Function |
Jmulti.inhom | Inhomogeneous Marked J-Function |
K3est | K-function of a Three-Dimensional Point Pattern |
Kcross | Multitype K Function (Cross-type) |
Kcross.inhom | Inhomogeneous Cross K Function |
Kdot | Multitype K Function (i-to-any) |
Kdot.inhom | Inhomogeneous Multitype K Dot Function |
Kest | K-function |
Kest.fft | K-function using FFT |
Kinhom | Inhomogeneous K-function |
Kmark | Mark-Weighted K Function |
Kmeasure | Reduced Second Moment Measure |
Kmulti | Marked K-Function |
Kmulti.inhom | Inhomogeneous Marked K-Function |
Kscaled | Locally Scaled K-function |
Ksector | Sector K-function |
laslett | Laslett's Transform |
Lcross | Multitype L-function (cross-type) |
Lcross.inhom | Inhomogeneous Cross Type L Function |
Ldot | Multitype L-function (i-to-any) |
Ldot.inhom | Inhomogeneous Multitype L Dot Function |
Lest | L-function |
Linhom | Inhomogeneous L-function |
localK | Neighbourhood density function |
localKcross | Local Multitype K Function (Cross-Type) |
localKcross.inhom | Inhomogeneous Multitype K Function |
localKdot | Local Multitype K Function (Dot-Type) |
localKinhom | Inhomogeneous Neighbourhood Density Function |
localL | Neighbourhood density function |
localLcross | Local Multitype K Function (Cross-Type) |
localLcross.inhom | Inhomogeneous Multitype K Function |
localLdot | Local Multitype K Function (Dot-Type) |
localLinhom | Inhomogeneous Neighbourhood Density Function |
localpcf | Local pair correlation function |
localpcfinhom | Local pair correlation function |
lohboot | Bootstrap Confidence Bands for Summary Function |
Lscaled | Locally Scaled K-function |
mad.progress | Progress Plot of Test of Spatial Pattern |
mad.sigtrace | Significance Trace of Cressie-Loosmore-Ford or Maximum Absolute Deviation Test |
mad.test | Diggle-Cressie-Loosmore-Ford and Maximum Absolute Deviation Tests |
markconnect | Mark Connection Function |
markcorr | Mark Correlation Function |
markcorrint | Mark-Weighted K Function |
markcrosscorr | Mark Cross-Correlation Function |
markmarkscatter | Mark-Mark Scatter Plot |
markmean | Spatial smoothing of observations at irregular points |
marks.ssf | Methods for Spatially Sampled Functions |
marks<-.ssf | Methods for Spatially Sampled Functions |
marktable | Tabulate Marks in Neighbourhood of Every Point in a Point Pattern |
markvar | Spatial smoothing of observations at irregular points |
markvario | Mark Variogram |
Math.fasp | S3 Group Generic Methods for Function Arrays |
Math.fv | S3 Group Generic Methods for Function Tables |
max.ssf | Methods for Spatially Sampled Functions |
mctest.progress | Progress Plot of Test of Spatial Pattern |
mctest.sigtrace | Significance Trace of Cressie-Loosmore-Ford or Maximum Absolute Deviation Test |
methods.rho2hat | Methods for Intensity Functions of Two Spatial Covariates |
methods.rhohat | Methods for Intensity Functions of Spatial Covariate |
methods.ssf | Methods for Spatially Sampled Functions |
min.ssf | Methods for Spatially Sampled Functions |
miplot | Morisita Index Plot |
nearest.neighbour | Nearest Neighbour Distance Function G |
nnclean | Nearest Neighbour Clutter Removal |
nnclean.pp3 | Nearest Neighbour Clutter Removal |
nnclean.ppp | Nearest Neighbour Clutter Removal |
nncorr | Nearest-Neighbour Correlation Indices of Marked Point Pattern |
nndensity | Estimate Intensity of Point Pattern Using Nearest Neighbour Distances |
nndensity.ppp | Estimate Intensity of Point Pattern Using Nearest Neighbour Distances |
nnmean | Nearest-Neighbour Correlation Indices of Marked Point Pattern |
nnorient | Nearest Neighbour Orientation Distribution |
nnvario | Nearest-Neighbour Correlation Indices of Marked Point Pattern |
Ops.fasp | S3 Group Generic Methods for Function Arrays |
Ops.fv | S3 Group Generic Methods for Function Tables |
pairMean | Mean of a Function of Interpoint Distance |
pairorient | Point Pair Orientation Distribution |
pairs.im | Scatterplot Matrix for Pixel Images |
panel.contour | Panel Plots using Colour Image or Contour Lines |
panel.histogram | Panel Plots using Colour Image or Contour Lines |
panel.image | Panel Plots using Colour Image or Contour Lines |
pcf | Pair Correlation Function |
pcf.fasp | Pair Correlation Function obtained from array of K functions |
pcf.fv | Pair Correlation Function obtained from K Function |
pcf.ppp | Pair Correlation Function of Point Pattern |
pcf3est | Pair Correlation Function of a Three-Dimensional Point Pattern |
pcfcross | Multitype pair correlation function (cross-type) |
pcfcross.inhom | Inhomogeneous Multitype Pair Correlation Function (Cross-Type) |
pcfdot | Multitype pair correlation function (i-to-any) |
pcfdot.inhom | Inhomogeneous Multitype Pair Correlation Function (Type-i-To-Any-Type) |
pcfinhom | Inhomogeneous Pair Correlation Function |
pcfmulti | Marked pair correlation function |
plot.bermantest | Plot Result of Berman Test |
plot.cdftest | Plot a Spatial Distribution Test |
plot.envelope | Plot a Simulation Envelope |
plot.fasp | Plot a Function Array |
plot.fv | Plot Function Values |
plot.laslett | Plot Laslett Transform |
plot.quadrattest | Display the result of a quadrat counting test. |
plot.rho2hat | Methods for Intensity Functions of Two Spatial Covariates |
plot.rhohat | Methods for Intensity Functions of Spatial Covariate |
plot.scan.test | Plot Result of Scan Test |
plot.ssf | Plot a Spatially Sampled Function |
plot.studpermutest | Plot a Studentised Permutation Test |
pool | Pool Data |
pool.anylist | Pool Data from a List of Objects |
pool.envelope | Pool Data from Several Envelopes |
pool.fasp | Pool Data from Several Function Arrays |
pool.fv | Pool Several Functions |
pool.quadrattest | Pool Several Quadrat Tests |
pool.rat | Pool Data from Several Ratio Objects |
PPversion | Transform a Function into its P-P or Q-Q Version |
predict.rho2hat | Methods for Intensity Functions of Two Spatial Covariates |
predict.rhohat | Methods for Intensity Functions of Spatial Covariate |
print.rho2hat | Methods for Intensity Functions of Two Spatial Covariates |
print.rhohat | Methods for Intensity Functions of Spatial Covariate |
print.ssf | Methods for Spatially Sampled Functions |
QQversion | Transform a Function into its P-P or Q-Q Version |
quadrat.test | Dispersion Test for Spatial Point Pattern Based on Quadrat Counts |
quadrat.test.ppp | Dispersion Test for Spatial Point Pattern Based on Quadrat Counts |
quadrat.test.quadratcount | Dispersion Test for Spatial Point Pattern Based on Quadrat Counts |
quadrat.test.splitppp | Dispersion Test of CSR for Split Point Pattern Based on Quadrat Counts |
radcumint | Radial Cumulative Integral |
range.ssf | Methods for Spatially Sampled Functions |
rat | Ratio object |
rectcontact | Contact Distribution Function using Rectangular Structuring Element |
reload.or.compute | Compute Unless Previously Saved |
relrisk | Estimate of Spatially-Varying Relative Risk |
relrisk.ppp | Nonparametric Estimate of Spatially-Varying Relative Risk |
rho2hat | Smoothed Relative Density of Pairs of Covariate Values |
rhohat | Nonparametric Estimate of Intensity as Function of a Covariate |
rhohat.ppp | Nonparametric Estimate of Intensity as Function of a Covariate |
rhohat.quad | Nonparametric Estimate of Intensity as Function of a Covariate |
rmax.Ripley | Ripley's Isotropic Edge Correction |
rmax.Trans | Translation Edge Correction |
roc | Receiver Operating Characteristic |
roc.ppp | Receiver Operating Characteristic |
rose | Rose Diagram |
rose.default | Rose Diagram |
rose.density | Rose Diagram |
rose.fv | Rose Diagram |
rose.histogram | Rose Diagram |
rotmean | Rotational Average of a Pixel Image |
scan.test | Spatial Scan Test |
scanLRTS | Likelihood Ratio Test Statistic for Scan Test |
sdr | Sufficient Dimension Reduction |
sdr.ppp | Sufficient Dimension Reduction |
sdrPredict | Compute Predictors from Sufficient Dimension Reduction |
segregation.test | Test of Spatial Segregation of Types |
segregation.test.ppp | Test of Spatial Segregation of Types |
sharpen | Data Sharpening of Point Pattern |
sharpen.ppp | Data Sharpening of Point Pattern |
simulate.rhohat | Methods for Intensity Functions of Spatial Covariate |
Smooth | Spatial smoothing of data |
Smooth.fv | Apply Smoothing to Function Values |
Smooth.im | Apply Gaussian Blur to a Pixel Image |
Smooth.ppp | Spatial smoothing of observations at irregular points |
Smooth.ssf | Smooth a Spatially Sampled Function |
Smoothfun | Smooth Interpolation of Marks as a Spatial Function |
Smoothfun.ppp | Smooth Interpolation of Marks as a Spatial Function |
spatcov | Estimate the Spatial Covariance Function of a Random Field |
spatialcdf | Spatial Cumulative Distribution Function |
SpatialMedian | Spatially Weighted Median or Quantile |
SpatialMedian.ppp | Spatially Weighted Median of Values at Points |
SpatialQuantile | Spatially Weighted Median or Quantile |
SpatialQuantile.ppp | Spatially Weighted Quantile of Values at Points |
spatstat.explore | The spatstat.explore Package |
ssf | Spatially Sampled Function |
stienen | Stienen Diagram |
stienenSet | Stienen Diagram |
studpermu.test | Studentised Permutation Test |
subspaceDistance | Distance Between Linear Spaces |
Summary.fasp | S3 Group Generic Methods for Function Arrays |
Summary.fv | S3 Group Generic Methods for Function Tables |
summary.ssf | Methods for Spatially Sampled Functions |
thresholdCI | Confidence Interval for Threshold of Numerical Predictor |
thresholdSelect | Select Threshold to Convert Numerical Predictor to Binary Predictor |
transect.im | Pixel Values Along a Transect |
Tstat | Third order summary statistic |
unmark.ssf | Methods for Spatially Sampled Functions |
varblock | Estimate Variance of Summary Statistic by Subdivision |
Vmark | Diagnostics for random marking |
Window.quadrattest | Extract Window of Spatial Object |
with.fv | Evaluate an Expression in a Function Table |
with.ssf | Evaluate Expression in a Spatially Sampled Function |
$<-.fv | Extract or Replace Subset of Function Values |
[.fasp | Extract Subset of Function Array |
[.fv | Extract or Replace Subset of Function Values |
[.ssf | Subset of spatially sampled function |
[<-.fv | Extract or Replace Subset of Function Values |