Sound Synthesis and Acoustic Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘soundgen’ version 2.6.2

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addAM Add amplitude modulation
addFormants Add formants
addVectors Add overlapping vectors
analyze Acoustic analysis
annotation_app Annotation app
audSpectrogram Auditory spectrogram
bandpass Bandpass/stop filters
beat Generate beat
compareSounds Compare two sounds
compressor Flat envelope / compressor
crossFade Join two waveforms by cross-fading
defaults Shiny app defaults
defaults_analyze Defaults and ranges for analyze()
defaults_analyze_pitchCand Defaults for plotting with analyze()
detectNLP Detect NLP
detectNLP_training_nonv Nonlinear phenomena: Naive Bayes classifier trained on human nonverbal vocalizations
detectNLP_training_synth Nonlinear phenomena: Naive Bayes classifier trained on synthetic sounds
ERBToHz Convert Hz to ERB rate
estimateVTL Estimate vocal tract length
fade Fade
fart Fart
filterMS Filter modulation spectrum
filterSoundByMS Filter sound by modulation spectrum
findInflections Find inflections
findJumps Find frequency jumps
flatEnv Flat envelope / compressor
flatSpectrum Flat spectrum
formant_app Interactive formant tracker
gaussianSmooth2D Gaussian smoothing in 2D
generateNoise Generate noise
getDuration Get duration
getEntropy Entropy
getEnv Get amplitude envelope
getIntegerRandomWalk Discrete random walk
getLoudness Get loudness
getPitchZc Zero-crossing rate
getPrior Get prior for pitch candidates
getRandomWalk Random walk
getRMS RMS amplitude
getRolloff Control rolloff of harmonics
getSmoothContour Smooth contour from anchors
getSpectralEnvelope Spectral envelope
getSurprisal Get surprisal
hillenbrand Formants in American vowels
HzToERB Convert Hz to ERB rate
HzToNotes Convert Hz to notes
HzToSemitones Convert Hz to semitones
invertSpectrogram Invert spectrogram
matchPars Match soundgen pars (experimental)
modulationSpectrum Modulation spectrum
morph Morph sounds
msToSpec Modulation spectrum to spectrogram
naiveBayes Naive Bayes
naiveBayes_train Train a naive Bayes classifier
nonlinPred Nonlinear prediction
normalizeFolder Normalize folder
notesDict Conversion table from Hz to musical notation
notesToHz Convert notes to Hz
optimizePars Optimize parameters for acoustic analysis
osc Oscillogram
permittedValues Defaults and ranges for soundgen()
phasegram Phasegram
pitchContour Manually corrected pitch contours in 260 sounds
pitchDescriptives Pitch descriptives
pitchManual Manual pitch estimation in 260 sounds
pitchSmoothPraat Pitch smoothing as in Praat
pitch_app Interactive pitch tracker
playme Play audio
plotMS Plot modulation spectrum
presets Presets
prosody Prosody
reportTime Report time
resample Resample a vector
reverb Reverb & echo
schwa Schwa-related formant conversion
segment Segment a sound
segmentManual Manual counts of syllables in 260 sounds
semitonesToHz Convert semitones to Hz
shiftFormants Shift formants
shiftPitch Shift pitch
soundgen Generate a sound
soundgen_app Interactive sound synthesizer
specToMS Spectrogram to modulation spectrum
spectrogram Spectrogram
ssm Self-similarity matrix
timeStretch Time stretch
transplantEnv Transplant envelope
transplantFormants Transplant formants