filterSoundByMS {soundgen} | R Documentation |
Filter sound by modulation spectrum
Manipulates the modulation spectrum (MS) of a sound so as to remove certain
frequencies of amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency modulation (FM).
Algorithm: produces a modulation spectrum with
, modifies it with filterMS
converts the modified MS to a spectrogram with msToSpec
, and
finally inverts the spectrogram with invertSpectrogram
, thus
producing a sound with (approximately) the desired characteristics of the MS.
Note that the last step of inverting the spectrogram introduces some noise,
so the resulting MS is not precisely the same as the intermediate filtered
version. In practice this means that some residual energy will still be
present in the filtered-out frequency range (see examples).
samplingRate = NULL,
from = NULL,
to = NULL,
logSpec = FALSE,
windowLength = 25,
step = NULL,
overlap = 80,
wn = "hamming",
zp = 0,
amCond = NULL,
fmCond = NULL,
jointCond = NULL,
action = c("remove", "preserve")[1],
initialPhase = c("zero", "random", "spsi")[3],
nIter = 50,
reportEvery = NULL,
cores = 1,
play = FALSE,
saveAudio = NULL,
plot = TRUE,
savePlots = NULL,
width = 900,
height = 500,
units = "px",
res = NA
x |
path to a folder, one or more wav or mp3 files c('file1.wav', 'file2.mp3'), Wave object, numeric vector, or a list of Wave objects or numeric vectors |
samplingRate |
sampling rate of |
from , to |
if NULL (default), analyzes the whole sound, otherwise (s) |
logSpec |
if TRUE, the spectrogram is log-transformed prior to taking 2D FFT |
windowLength |
length of FFT window, ms |
step |
you can override |
overlap |
overlap between successive FFT frames, % |
wn |
window type accepted by |
zp |
window length after zero padding, points |
amCond , fmCond |
character strings with valid conditions on amplitude and frequency modulation (see examples) |
jointCond |
character string with a valid joint condition amplitude and frequency modulation |
action |
should the defined AM-FM region be removed ('remove') or preserved, while everything else is removed ('preserve')? |
initialPhase |
initial phase estimate: "zero" = set all phases to zero; "random" = Gaussian noise; "spsi" (default) = single-pass spectrogram inversion (Beauregard et al., 2015) |
nIter |
the number of iterations of the GL algorithm (Griffin & Lim, 1984), 0 = don't run |
reportEvery |
when processing multiple inputs, report estimated time left every ... iterations (NULL = default, NA = don't report) |
cores |
number of cores for parallel processing |
play |
if TRUE, plays back the reconstructed audio |
saveAudio |
full (!) path to folder for saving the processed audio; NULL = don't save, ” = same as input folder (NB: overwrites the originals!) |
plot |
if TRUE, produces a triple plot: original MS, filtered MS, and the MS of the output sound |
savePlots |
if a valid path is specified, a plot is saved in this folder (defaults to NA) |
width , height , units , res |
parameters passed to
Returns the filtered audio as a numeric vector normalized to [-1, 1] with the same sampling rate as input.
See Also
# Create a sound to be filtered
s = soundgen(pitch = rnorm(n = 20, mean = 200, sd = 25),
amFreq = 25, amDep = 50, samplingRate = 16000,
addSilence = 50, plot = TRUE, osc = TRUE)
# playme(s, 16000)
# Filter
s_filt = filterSoundByMS(s, samplingRate = 16000,
amCond = 'abs(am) > 15', fmCond = 'abs(fm) > 5',
action = 'remove', nIter = 10, plot = TRUE)
# playme(s_filt, samplingRate = 16000)
## Not run:
# Process all files in a folder, save filtered audio and plots
s_filt = filterSoundByMS('~/Downloads/temp2',
saveAudio = '~/Downloads/temp2/ms', savePlots = '',
amCond = 'abs(am) > 15', fmCond = 'abs(fm) > 5',
action = 'remove', nIter = 10)
# Download an example - a bit of speech (sampled at 16000 Hz)
destfile = '~/Downloads/speechEx.wav') # modify as needed
target = '~/Downloads/speechEx.wav'
samplingRate = tuneR::readWave(target)@samp.rate
spectrogram(target, osc = TRUE)
# Remove AM above 3 Hz from a bit of speech (remove most temporal details)
s_filt1 = filterSoundByMS(target, amCond = 'abs(am) > 3',
action = 'remove', nIter = 15)
playme(s_filt1, samplingRate)
spectrogram(s_filt1, samplingRate = samplingRate, osc = TRUE)
# Intelligigble when AM in 5-25 Hz is preserved:
s_filt2 = filterSoundByMS(target, amCond = 'abs(am) > 5 & abs(am) < 25',
action = 'preserve', nIter = 15)
playme(s_filt2, samplingRate)
spectrogram(s_filt2, samplingRate = samplingRate, osc = TRUE)
# Remove slow AM/FM (prosody) to achieve a "robotic" voice
s_filt3 = filterSoundByMS(target, jointCond = 'am^2 + (fm*3)^2 < 300',
nIter = 15)
playme(s_filt3, samplingRate)
spectrogram(s_filt3, samplingRate = samplingRate, osc = TRUE)
## An alternative manual workflow w/o calling filterSoundByMS()
# This way you can modify the MS directly and more flexibly
# than with the filterMS() function called by filterSoundByMS()
# (optional) Check that the target spectrogram can be successfully inverted
spec = spectrogram(s, 16000, windowLength = 25, overlap = 80,
wn = 'hanning', osc = TRUE, padWithSilence = FALSE)
s_rev = invertSpectrogram(spec, samplingRate = 16000,
windowLength = 25, overlap = 80, wn = 'hamming', play = FALSE)
# playme(s_rev, 16000) # should be close to the original
spectrogram(s_rev, 16000, osc = TRUE)
# Get modulation spectrum starting from the sound...
ms = modulationSpectrum(s, samplingRate = 16000, windowLength = 25,
overlap = 80, wn = 'hanning', amRes = NULL, maxDur = Inf, logSpec = FALSE,
power = NA, returnComplex = TRUE, plot = FALSE)$complex
# ... or starting from the spectrogram:
# ms = specToMS(spec)
image(x = as.numeric(colnames(ms)), y = as.numeric(rownames(ms)),
z = t(log(abs(ms)))) # this is the original MS
# Filter as needed - for ex., remove AM > 10 Hz and FM > 3 cycles/kHz
# (removes f0, preserves formants)
am = as.numeric(colnames(ms))
fm = as.numeric(rownames(ms))
idx_row = which(abs(fm) > 3)
idx_col = which(abs(am) > 10)
ms_filt = ms
ms_filt[idx_row, ] = 0
ms_filt[, idx_col] = 0
image(x = as.numeric(colnames(ms_filt)), y = as.numeric(rownames(ms_filt)),
t(log(abs(ms_filt)))) # this is the filtered MS
# Convert back to a spectrogram
spec_filt = msToSpec(ms_filt)
# Invert the spectrogram
s_filt = invertSpectrogram(abs(spec_filt), samplingRate = 16000,
windowLength = 25, overlap = 80, wn = 'hanning')
# NB: use the same settings as in "spec = spectrogram(s, ...)" above
# Compare with the original
playme(s, 16000)
spectrogram(s, 16000, osc = TRUE)
playme(s_filt, 16000)
spectrogram(s_filt, 16000, osc = TRUE)
ms_new = modulationSpectrum(s_filt, samplingRate = 16000,
windowLength = 25, overlap = 80, wn = 'hanning', maxDur = Inf,
plot = TRUE, returnComplex = TRUE)$complex
image(x = as.numeric(colnames(ms_new)), y = as.numeric(rownames(ms_new)),
z = t(log(abs(ms_new))))
plot(as.numeric(colnames(ms)), log(abs(ms[nrow(ms) / 2, ])), type = 'l')
points(as.numeric(colnames(ms_new)), log(ms_new[nrow(ms_new) / 2, ]), type = 'l',
col = 'red', lty = 3)
# AM peaks at 25 Hz are removed, but inverting the spectrogram adds a lot of noise
## End(Not run)