plotMS {soundgen}R Documentation

Plot modulation spectrum


Plots a single modulation spectrum returned by modulationSpectrum. The result is the same as the plot produced by modulationSpectrum, but calling plotMS is handy for processed modulation spectra - for instance, for plotting the difference between the modulation spectra of two sounds or groups of sounds.


  X = NULL,
  Y = NULL,
  quantiles = c(0.5, 0.8, 0.9),
  colorTheme = c("bw", "seewave", "heat.colors", "...")[1],
  col = NULL,
  logWarpX = NULL,
  logWarpY = NULL,
  main = NULL,
  xlab = "Hz",
  ylab = "1/KHz",
  xlim = NULL,
  ylim = NULL,
  audio = NULL,



modulation spectrum - a matrix with temporal modulation in columns and spectral modulation in rows, as returned by modulationSpectrum

X, Y

rownames and colnames of ms, respectively


labeled contour values, % (e.g., "50" marks regions that contain 50% of the sum total of the entire modulation spectrum)


black and white ('bw'), as in seewave package ('seewave'), or any palette from palette such as 'heat.colors', 'cm.colors', etc


actual colors, eg rev(rainbow(100)) - see ?hcl.colors for colors in base R (overrides colorTheme)

logWarpX, logWarpY

numeric vector of length 2: c(sigma, base) of pseudolog-warping the modulation spectrum, as in function pseudo_log_trans() from the "scales" package

xlab, ylab, main, xlim, ylim

graphical parameters


(internal) a list of audio attributes


other graphical parameters passed on to filled.contour.mod and contour (see spectrogram)


ms1 = modulationSpectrum(runif(4000), samplingRate = 16000, plot = TRUE)
plotMS(ms1$processed)  # identical to above

# compare two modulation spectra
ms2 = modulationSpectrum(soundgen(sylLen = 100, addSilence = 0),
                         samplingRate = 16000)
# ensure the two matrices have the same dimensions
ms2_resized = soundgen:::interpolMatrix(ms2$original,
  nr = nrow(ms1$original), nc = ncol(ms1$original))
# plot the difference
plotMS(log(ms1$original / ms2_resized), quantile = NULL,
  col = colorRampPalette(c('blue', 'yellow')) (50))

[Package soundgen version 2.6.3 Index]