Social Ranking Solutions for Power Relations on Coalitions

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Documentation for package ‘socialranking’ version 1.1.0

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socialranking-package socialranking: A package for constructing ordinal power relations and evaluating social ranking solutions
%:% Test relation between two elements
%>=banz% Test relation between two elements
%>=cop% Test relation between two elements
%>=cp% Test relation between two elements
%>=cumuldom% Test relation between two elements
%>=dom% Test relation between two elements
%>=duallex% Test relation between two elements
%>=ks% Test relation between two elements
%>=L1% Test relation between two elements
%>=L2% Test relation between two elements
%>=lex% Test relation between two elements
%>=LP% Test relation between two elements
%>=LPS% Test relation between two elements
%>banz% Test relation between two elements
%>cop% Test relation between two elements
%>cp% Test relation between two elements
%>cumuldom% Test relation between two elements
%>dom% Test relation between two elements
%>duallex% Test relation between two elements
%>ks% Test relation between two elements
%>L1% Test relation between two elements
%>L2% Test relation between two elements
%>lex% Test relation between two elements
%>LP% Test relation between two elements
%>LPS% Test relation between two elements
appendMissingCoalitions Append missing coalitions
as.PowerRelation Create PowerRelation object
as.PowerRelation.character Create PowerRelation object
as.PowerRelation.list Create PowerRelation object
as.relation.PowerRelation Create relation matrix
coalitionLookup Get index of equivalence class containing a coalition
coalitionsAreIndifferent Are coalitions indifferent
copelandRanking Copeland-like method
copelandScores Copeland-like method
cpMajorityComparison CP-Majority relation
cpMajorityComparisonScore CP-Majority relation
createPowerset Create powerset
cumulativelyDominates Cumulative scores
cumulativeScores Cumulative scores
dominates Dominance
doRanking Create a 'SocialRanking' object
dualLexcelRanking Lexicographical Excellence
elementLookup Element lookup
equivalenceClassIndex Get index of equivalence class containing a coalition
generateNextPartition Next partition
is.PowerRelation PowerRelation object
kramerSimpsonRanking Kramer-Simpson-like method
kramerSimpsonScores Kramer-Simpson-like method
L1Ranking L1 Ranking
L1Scores L1 Ranking
L2Ranking L2 Ranking
L2Scores L2 Ranking
lexcel1Ranking L1 Ranking
lexcel1Scores L1 Ranking
lexcel2Ranking L2 Ranking
lexcel2Scores L2 Ranking
lexcelPRanking LP Ranking
lexcelPScores LP Ranking
lexcelPSRanking LP* Ranking
lexcelPSScores LP* Ranking
lexcelRanking Lexicographical Excellence
lexcelScores Lexicographical Excellence
LPRanking LP Ranking
LPScores LP Ranking
LPSRanking LP* Ranking
LPSScores LP* Ranking
makePowerRelationMonotonic Make Power Relation monotonic
newPowerRelation New Power Relation
newPowerRelationFromString New 'PowerRelation' object
ordinalBanzhafRanking Ordinal Banzhaf ranking
ordinalBanzhafScores Ordinal Banzhaf ranking
PowerRelation PowerRelation object
powerRelationGenerator Generate power relations
powerRelationMatrix Create relation matrix
print.PowerRelation PowerRelation object
SocialRanking 'SocialRanking' object
socialrankingpackage socialranking: A package for constructing ordinal power relations and evaluating social ranking solutions
testRelation Test relation between two elements
transitiveClosure Transitive Closure