%:% | Test relation between two elements |
%>=banz% | Test relation between two elements |
%>=cop% | Test relation between two elements |
%>=cp% | Test relation between two elements |
%>=cumuldom% | Test relation between two elements |
%>=dom% | Test relation between two elements |
%>=duallex% | Test relation between two elements |
%>=ks% | Test relation between two elements |
%>=L1% | Test relation between two elements |
%>=L2% | Test relation between two elements |
%>=lex% | Test relation between two elements |
%>=LP% | Test relation between two elements |
%>=LPS% | Test relation between two elements |
%>banz% | Test relation between two elements |
%>cop% | Test relation between two elements |
%>cp% | Test relation between two elements |
%>cumuldom% | Test relation between two elements |
%>dom% | Test relation between two elements |
%>duallex% | Test relation between two elements |
%>ks% | Test relation between two elements |
%>L1% | Test relation between two elements |
%>L2% | Test relation between two elements |
%>lex% | Test relation between two elements |
%>LP% | Test relation between two elements |
%>LPS% | Test relation between two elements |
appendMissingCoalitions | Append missing coalitions |
as.PowerRelation | Create PowerRelation object |
as.PowerRelation.character | Create PowerRelation object |
as.PowerRelation.list | Create PowerRelation object |
as.relation.PowerRelation | Create relation matrix |
coalitionLookup | Get index of equivalence class containing a coalition |
coalitionsAreIndifferent | Are coalitions indifferent |
copelandRanking | Copeland-like method |
copelandScores | Copeland-like method |
cpMajorityComparison | CP-Majority relation |
cpMajorityComparisonScore | CP-Majority relation |
createPowerset | Create powerset |
cumulativelyDominates | Cumulative scores |
cumulativeScores | Cumulative scores |
dominates | Dominance |
doRanking | Create a 'SocialRanking' object |
dualLexcelRanking | Lexicographical Excellence |
elementLookup | Element lookup |
equivalenceClassIndex | Get index of equivalence class containing a coalition |
generateNextPartition | Generate power relations |
generateRandomPowerRelation | Generate power relations |
is.PowerRelation | PowerRelation object |
kramerSimpsonRanking | Kramer-Simpson-like method |
kramerSimpsonScores | Kramer-Simpson-like method |
L1Ranking | L1 Ranking |
L1Scores | L1 Ranking |
L2Ranking | L2 Ranking |
L2Scores | L2 Ranking |
lexcel1Ranking | L1 Ranking |
lexcel1Scores | L1 Ranking |
lexcel2Ranking | L2 Ranking |
lexcel2Scores | L2 Ranking |
lexcelPRanking | LP Ranking |
lexcelPScores | LP Ranking |
lexcelPSRanking | LP* Ranking |
lexcelPSScores | LP* Ranking |
lexcelRanking | Lexicographical Excellence |
lexcelScores | Lexicographical Excellence |
LPRanking | LP Ranking |
LPScores | LP Ranking |
LPSRanking | LP* Ranking |
LPSScores | LP* Ranking |
makePowerRelationMonotonic | Make Power Relation monotonic |
newPowerRelation | New Power Relation |
newPowerRelationFromString | New 'PowerRelation' object |
ordinalBanzhafRanking | Ordinal Banzhaf ranking |
ordinalBanzhafScores | Ordinal Banzhaf ranking |
PowerRelation | PowerRelation object |
powerRelationGenerator | Generate power relations |
powerRelationMatrix | Create relation matrix |
print.PowerRelation | PowerRelation object |
SocialRanking | 'SocialRanking' object |
testRelation | Test relation between two elements |
transitiveClosure | Transitive Closure |