alscal |
ALSCAL - MDS via S-Stress Minimization |
apostmds |
Approximate Power Stress MDS |
apowerstressMin |
Approximate Power Stress MDS |
apstressmds |
Approximate Power Stress MDS |
apStressMin |
Approximate Power Stress MDS |
apstressMin |
Approximate Power Stress MDS |
BankingCrisesDistances |
Banking Crises Distances |
bcmds |
Box-Cox MDS |
bcsdistance |
Calculates the blended Chi-square distance matrix between n vectors |
bcStressMin |
Box-Cox MDS |
bcstressMin |
Box-Cox MDS |
biplotmds.bcmds |
S3 method for bcmds objects |
biplotmds.lmds |
S3 method for lmds objects |
biplotmds.smacofP |
S3 method for smacofP objects |
bootmds.smacofP |
MDS Bootstrap for smacofP objects |
boxcoxmds |
Box-Cox MDS |
clca |
Curvilinear Component Analysis (CLCA) |
clda |
Curvilinear Distance Analysis (CLDA) |
cmds |
Classical Scaling |
cmdscale |
Wrapper to 'cmdscale' for S3 class |
conf_adjust |
conf_adjust: a function to procrustes adjust two matrices |
corpsepaint |
Corpse Paint |
doubleCenter |
Double centering of a matrix |
elscal |
Elastic Scaling SMACOF |
enorm |
Explicit Normalization Normalizes distances |
icExploreGen |
Exploring initial configurations in an agnostic way |
jackmds.smacofP |
MDS Jackknife for smacofP objects |
koller |
Responses to the SCC scale and CSII scale (n=1013). |
lmds |
Local MDS |
mkBmat |
Auxfunction1 |
mkPower |
Take matrix to a power |
multiscale |
Multiscale SMACOF |
multistart |
Multistart MDS function |
pdist |
Squared p-distances |
permtest.smacofP |
Permutation test for smacofP objects |
plot.smacofP |
S3 plot method for smacofP objects |
postmds |
Power Stress SMACOF |
powerStressFast |
Power stress minimization by NEWUOA (nloptr) |
powerStressMin |
Power Stress SMACOF |
powerstressMin |
Power Stress SMACOF |
procruster |
procruster: a procrustes function |
pstressmds |
Power Stress SMACOF |
pStressMin |
Power Stress SMACOF |
pstressMin |
Power Stress SMACOF |
rpostmds |
Restricted Power Stress SMACOF |
rpowerStressMin |
Restricted Power Stress SMACOF |
rpowerstressMin |
Restricted Power Stress SMACOF |
rpstressmds |
Restricted Power Stress SMACOF |
rpStressMin |
Restricted Power Stress SMACOF |
rpstressMin |
Restricted Power Stress SMACOF |
rstress |
R stress SMACOF |
rstressmds |
R stress SMACOF |
rStressMin |
R stress SMACOF |
rstressMin |
R stress SMACOF |
sammon |
Wrapper to 'sammon' for S3 class |
sammonmap |
Sammon Mapping SMACOF |
scale_adjust |
Adjusts a configuration |
secularEq |
Secular Equation |
smacofxDeleteOne |
Helper function to conduct jackknife MDS |
smdda |
Sparse (POST-)Multidimensional Distance Analysis (SPMDDA or SMDDA) either as self-organizing or not |
smds |
Sparsified (POST-) Multidimensional Scaling (SPMDS or SMDS) either as self-organizing or not |
so_smdda |
Sparse (POST-)Multidimensional Distance Analysis (SPMDDA or SMDDA) either as self-organizing or not |
so_smds |
Sparsified (POST-) Multidimensional Scaling (SPMDS or SMDS) either as self-organizing or not |
so_spmdda |
Sparse (POST-)Multidimensional Distance Analysis (SPMDDA or SMDDA) either as self-organizing or not |
so_spmds |
Sparsified (POST-) Multidimensional Scaling (SPMDS or SMDS) either as self-organizing or not |
spmdda |
Sparse (POST-)Multidimensional Distance Analysis (SPMDDA or SMDDA) either as self-organizing or not |
spmds |
Sparsified (POST-) Multidimensional Scaling (SPMDS or SMDS) either as self-organizing or not |
spp |
Calculating stress per point |
sqdist |
Squared distances |