An Integrated Framework for Textual Sentiment Time Series Aggregation and Prediction

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Documentation for package ‘sentometrics’ version 1.0.0

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sentometrics-package sentometrics: An Integrated Framework for Textual Sentiment Time Series Aggregation and Prediction
add_features Add feature columns to a (sento_)corpus object
aggregate.sentiment Aggregate textual sentiment across sentences, documents and time
aggregate.sento_measures Aggregate sentiment measures Get the sentiment measures
as.sentiment Convert a sentiment table to a sentiment object
as.sento_corpus Convert a quanteda or tm corpus object into a sento_corpus object
attributions Retrieve top-down model sentiment attributions
compute_sentiment Compute textual sentiment across features and lexicons
corpus_summarize Summarize the sento_corpus object
ctr_agg Set up control for aggregation into sentiment measures
ctr_model Set up control for sentiment-based sparse regression modeling
diff.sento_measures Differencing of sentiment measures
epu Monthly U.S. Economic Policy Uncertainty index
get_dates Get the dates of the sentiment measures/time series
get_dimensions Get the dimensions of the sentiment measures
get_hows Options supported to perform aggregation into sentiment measures
get_loss_data Retrieve loss data from a selection of models
list_lexicons Built-in lexicons
list_valence_shifters Built-in valence word lists
measures_fill Add and fill missing dates to sentiment measures
measures_update Update sentiment measures
merge.sentiment Merge sentiment objects horizontally and/or vertically
nmeasures Get number of sentiment measures
nobs.sento_measures Get number of observations in the sentiment measures
peakdates Extract dates related to sentiment time series peaks
peakdocs Extract documents related to sentiment peaks
plot.attributions Plot prediction attributions at specified level
plot.sento_measures Plot sentiment measures
plot.sento_modelIter Plot iterative predictions versus realized values
predict.sento_model Make predictions from a sento_model object
scale.sento_measures Scaling and centering of sentiment measures
sentometrics sentometrics: An Integrated Framework for Textual Sentiment Time Series Aggregation and Prediction
sento_corpus Create a sento_corpus object
sento_lexicons Set up lexicons (and valence word list) for use in sentiment analysis
sento_measures One-way road towards a sento_measures object
sento_model Optimized and automated sentiment-based sparse regression
subset.sento_measures Subset sentiment measures
usnews Texts (not) relevant to the U.S. economy
weights_almon Compute Almon polynomials
weights_beta Compute Beta weighting curves
weights_exponential Compute exponential weighting curves